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List of Sectors

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

This page lists information about sectors (a simple alphabetic list can be viewed at Category:Sector).

Sector Information
Sector ABBR System Station Access Restrictions
Adriel Prime AD Proxima Centauri Adriel Mining Station none
Aganju AG 61 Cygni Kinshasa-Mbali none
Akeron's Gate AK Sol none
Altair III A3 Altair Arx Emporos none
Antares Frontier AF Antares Antares 1 (Under Construction) none
Aragoth Prime AP Aragoth Chernevog Station none
Arduinne AR Tau Ceti none
Arduinne Gas Cloud AGC Tau Ceti none
Ardus AQ Aquitaine Aquitaine Codex required
Asteroid Belt Alpha ABA Sol ECS Dauntless none
Asteroid Belt Beta ABB Sol none
Asteroid Belt Gamma ABG Sol Detention Center Onorom none
Blackbeard's Wake BBW Smuggler's Run Queen Anne's Revenge >= 2000 The Red Dragon Faction
Carpenter CR Beta Hydri Orsini Mining Platform none
Ceres/Thule CT Sol >= -1999 Chavez faction
Cooper CP Beta Hydri none
Dahin DH Capella none
Dahin Mining Interest DMI Capella Tokai Saikutsu none
der Todesengel DT Alpha Centauri Grand Ole Homestead der Todesengel Gate Access Key required
Earth EA Sol Earth Station none
Endriago EN Gallina Arx Spartoi none
Equatorial Earth EE Sol Guiana Space Port Terran Scout Only
Europa EU Sol Ashanti Maru Jenquai Defender Only
Fenris FEN Aragoth Fenris Prime Observatory none
Freya FRE Aragoth none
Ganymede GM Sol Azmundi Maru Jenquai Seeker Only
Glenn GL Beta Hydri Friendship 7 Recreation Port none
Glory's Orbit GO Beta Hydri Mercury Station none
Grissom GR Beta Hydri none
Grissom Meteorological Site GMS Beta Hydri none
High Earth HE Sol Loki Station Terran Tradesman Only
Inverness IV Tau Ceti none
Io IO Sol Nishino Research Facility Jenquai Explorer Only
Ishuan IS Castor Ishuan Station none
Jagerstadt JG Alpha Centauri Jagerstadt none
Jotunheim JOT Aragoth Arx Ymir none
Jupiter JUP Sol Jove's Fury none
Kailaasa KL Capella Paren Station none
Kitara's Veil KV Capella none
Lagarto LA Gallina none
Luna LUN Sol Luna Station Terran Enforcer Only
Margesi MG Proxima Centauri Margesi Station none
Mars MA Sol Arx Magister none
Mars Alpha MAA Sol Arx Forgus Progen Warrior Only
Mars Beta MAB Sol Arx Prima Progen Sentinel Only
Mars Gamma MAG Sol Arx Bursa (Under Contstruction) Progen Privateer Only
Mazzaroth Maelstrom MZ Sirius Mazzaroth Key required
Menorb MN Castor Androzari (Under Construction) none
Mercury MER Sol StarClipper Station none
Mondara Maelstrom MD Vega Mondara Key required
Moto MO 61 Cygni ECS Bremen
Pax Remar
Terran Alliance or Progen Combine Faction > -2000
Muspelheim MUS Aragoth none
Neptune NEP Sol TAS Support Cruiser Theresa none
New Edinburgh NE Tau Ceti Somerled Station none
Nifleheim Cloud NIF Aragoth none
Nostrand Vor NV Altair none
Nostrand Vor Planet NVP Altair Nostrand Vor Station none
Odin Rex OR Aragoth none
Odin's Belt OB Aragoth none
Paramis PA Smuggler's Run Paramis Station >= 2000 The Red Dragon Faction
Planet Inverness PI Tau Ceti Inverness Down none
Pluto & Charon PC Sol Charon Cloister none
Porvenir Mons Area PMA Gallina Porvenir Mons none
Pr12t4r35m M4ns 1r21 (Pl1n2t Pr3m5s) PRP Vega Praetorium Mons
(moved to Arx Tiberius in Tarsis)
Primus PR Vega none
Ragnarok RAG Aragoth Trader's Fort none
Risco Moon RM Gallina none
R4c RO Deneb none
Saturn SAT Sol Net-7 SOL none
Shepard SP Beta Hydri none
Slayton SL Beta Hydri none
Swooping Eagle SE Sirius none
Tarsis TR Vega Arx Tiberius none
Unknown Galaxy UG Beta Hydri none
Uranus UR Sol none
Valkyrie Twins VT Aragoth Aragoth Station none
Varen's Girdle VG Aragoth none
Venus VN Sol Venera Highport none
Vishao's Cove VC Capella none
Witberg WT Alpha Centauri none
Xipe Totec XT Sirius Prasad Station none
Yasuragi Area YA Sirius Yasuragi
Master Cha'han's Dojo
Yokan YK Capella none
Zweihander ZW Alpha Centauri EarthCorps High Command none