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Grand Ole Homestead

From Net 7 Portal Wiki
Grand Ole Homestead
System Witberg
Sector der Todesengel
Operator Bogeril
Status restricted entry

Analysis yes
Manufacturing yes
Refining yes
Jobs no
News no
Avatar Modification no
Ship Modification no

Weapons 2, 3, 4
Equipment 2, 3
Components 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Trade no

Grand Ole Homestead

Located in der Todesengel Sector, Witberg System. Controlled by Bogeril faction. Pilots must have a der Todesengel Gate Access Key to be able to enter the der Todesengel gate in Witberg sector and a Bogeril Faction of at least -2k.


  • Analyze
  • Manufacturing
  • Refining


  • Weapons Vendor (L2, L3, L4)
  • Equipment Vendor (L2, L3)
  • Components (L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8)


Main Deck


  • Ammo
  • Beam
  • Missile
  • Projectile
  • Equipable

Docking Message

   Grand Ole Homestead control: Registration Confirmed.
   Grand Ole Homestead CONTROL: Docking clearance granted.
   Lyle MacDonald (sic): Ok, I jotted yer name down. I reckon that makes ya register'd


  • Faction needed to enter is -2k (was able to enter with -1911 after turning in items to Leeroy Junkbins in Witberg).


  •   The NPC is actually named Lyle McDonald, though it was likely supposed to be Lyle MacDonald like the docking message.