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der Todesengel

From Net 7 Portal Wiki
Sector Information

Sector der Todesengel
System Alpha Centauri
Nearest Wormhole Witberg
Quick Galaxy Map (wiki)
Map of der Todesengel (


The der Todesengel Gate Access Key allows you to gain access to this Bogeril-controlled sector.

der Todesengel is Bogeril owned space and entry to system requires pilots to have access to der Todesengel Gate Access Key to activate the gate in Witberg @ X:231.29 Y:-8.96 Z:0.00. Pilots will need to complete both missions Condolences and The Lucky Charm to receive the Access Key. Pilots must have a minimum Combat level of 30 to be offered The Lucky Charm mission. While there are no rep requirements to enter der Todesengel, you must have -2000 Bogeril faction or better to be able to dock at the in system station, Grand Ole Homestead. This system contains trigger spawns for 2 different raids: Scooter Raid and Gen'ril Raid and station is the only location to purchase some ammo components.

Explorers should be aware of the quest chain Lyle Needs Silicon Carbide that has great devices for completion available in station from Lyle McDonald.

In Live, this was the only system that contained "Road Kill". "Road Kill" were pospectable bio hulks that contained mostly vender trash but had the chance to contains Hunk of Blubber and Warp Processed Organic Fibers. Blubber is needed for 2 different missions and the fibers are a non-manu part in the building of the Reinforced Solar Sail. While the graphic for the "Road Kill" is the same in the emulator, the name has been changed to Hulk.

Orbital Objects and Cartography

Orbital Objects and Points of Interest
Object Type Mobs/NPC Notes
Grand Ole Homestead Station None
Shooting Range Danger! Nav Rabid Scuttlebug Master drops Scuttlebug Salivary Gland to trade to Dave Vipperman for the Refurbished PSM-Type 2
The Tradin' Post Nav Dave Vipperman, Bill Henderson and Jim "Scrappy" Whitt
Pearl's View Nav Rogue Militia Privet, Wizened Scuttlebug and Rogue Militia Corpril groups
Old Greentooth's is that way --> Danger Nav Corpril Ableson, Rogue Militia Privet, Wizened Scuttlebug and Rogue Militia Corpril groups
Old Greentooth's Thinkin' Post Nav Old Greentooth flavor convo...maybe carrying something will activate more talk tree?
Odd Graveyard Nav Majer Jackson, Rougue Militia Sar'jent x2, and Rabid Scuttlebug groups
Crystal Eye Nav Franz Fiedler, Rougue Militia Sar'jent x2, and Rabid Scuttlebug groups
Crystal Heart Nav Fredrick Fiedler, Rougue Militia Majer x2, and Rabid Scuttlebug groups
Edge of No Place Nav Rogue Militia Scout Gen'ril Raid trigger mob
The Roost Danger! Nav Scuttlebug Cow Scooter Raid trigger mob
Da road to Nowheres Nav None X:-65.0 Y:-65.0 Z:0.00 - No known use, no mobs
Da middle a' Nowheres Nav None X:-93.0 Y:-93.0 Z:0.00 - No known use
Da hind end a' Nowheres Nav None X:-121.0 Y:-121.0 Z:0.00 - Only known use is a spawn nav for mission mob for The Legend of Great Pappy
Ore Fields and Resources
Field Location Type Levels Guardians Notes Pop Rocks?
X:-127.0 Y:138.0 Z:0.00 Rock 7/8/9 48-52 Scuttle Bugs Approx. 190k west of Crystal Heart in open space Yes
All along navs Hulk 2-8 See above nav notes Hulks will contained mostly vender trash but has chance to contains Hunk of Blubber and/or Warp Processed Organic Fibers Yes