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From Net 7 Portal Wiki
Sector Information

Sector Witberg
System Alpha Centauri
Nearest Wormhole Witberg
Quick Galaxy Map (wiki)
Map of Witberg (


Once a fairly remote sector and occupied mainly by Terran Enforcers and their adversaries, the free-spirited Bogeril. However in more recent years, with the Jenquai discovery of a weft, Witberg has seen a dramatic increase in traffic from all pilot classes, as the new Zephram's Warp weft now provides handy access to nearby Freya, a busy crossroad linking to six sectors spread across four systems.

Terran patrols keep open the main western nav-path between Freya, Zephram's Warp, and the EarthCorps-controlled Zweihander sector. The remoter, north-western and north-eastern areas are infested with Bogeril ships, and weaker pilots without positive faction standing with the Bogeril would be unwise to linger there.

Ardus Sector: Access from Witberg Sector

To access the Ardus sector gate, located in the centre of Witberg, you will need to complete the mission H4W 3S TH3S P4SS3BL2 ?, in order to obtain the blueprint for the Aquitaine Codex (aka an "Ardus Key").

der Todesengel Sector: Access from Witberg Sector

In the eastern reach of the sector is the gate to the Bogeril-controlled der Todesengel (DT) sector. To use the gate, you must possess a der Todesengel Gate Access Key.

While pilots with a negative Bogeril faction can enter DT sector once they possess a gate Key, they will be unable to dock for repairs at the station there. Bogeril faction points can be earnt by shooting ships belonging to the Earthcorps Warriors faction (these can be found in Witberg, as mentioned above). To later repair Earthcorps Warrior faction-standing, you can later hunt the Anseria, The Mordana, or V'rix.

Orbital Objects and Cartography

Updates needed

Orbital Objects and Points of Interest
Object Type Mobs/NPC
(object) (type) (CL & mob)

Ore Fields and Resources
Field Location Type Levels Guardians
(nav or co-ords) (roid/gas type) (resource level) (CL & mob)