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Located in Planet Inverness sector accessible via the Inverness planet nav in Inverness sector, Tau Ceti system, Inverness Down is found at location x-0.80, y18.25, z-1.94 and is controlled by InfinitiCorp Traders faction.
Analyze, Manufacturing, Refining, Jobs (50), Customize Avatar, Customize Ship
Components levels 2-4
Weapons levels 2-4
Devices/Shields/Engines/Reactors levels 2-4
Tradegoods level 2
Clyde MacRae - Components level 4
Dinh Thi Ahn - Tradegoods level 2
Ross Davidson - Components level 3
Salma Bluse Devices/Shields/Engines/Reactors levels 2-4
Trey Nister - Components level 2
Wend Vinder - Ammo 1, 3-4, Missiles/Projectiles/Beams levels 2-4
Docking Message
Inverness Down CONTROL: Docking clearance granted. INVERNESS DOWN CONTROL: Welcome to InfinitiCorp's Inverness Down, falling apart since 2262.
At this station you can buy the CE-X7 "Mustang" range of level 2, 3, and 4 Terran-Only engines. Not only are these among the fastest warp-speed engines for each level (L2:2500, L3:2750, L4:3000), they also come with the following buffs:
- Reduce Warp Cost (L2:26%, L3:31%, L4:36% less energy used) and
- Warp Charge (L2:15%, L3:19%, L4:23% faster engage/cooldown times).
(Note: the above stats are for engines of 100% quality).