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Progen Sentinel

From Net 7 Portal Wiki
Race - Class - Profession - Faction
Professions (Race/Class Combinations)
Explorer Tradesman Warrior
Jenquai Jenquai Explorer (JE) Jenquai Seeker (JS) Jenquai Defender (JD)
Progen Progen Sentinel (PS) Progen Privateer (PP) Progen Warrior (PW)
Terran Terran Scout (TS) Terran Tradesman (TT) Terran Enforcer (TE)

The Progen Sentinel (PS) is the toughest of the Explorer-class pilots within Earth & Beyond and excels at prospecting in the most dangerous areas. The PS can use Shields, Projectiles and Devices up to level 9. It has good armor (55k), prospecting, and device skills. The PS's Repulsor Field skill is like having an extra weapon, causing a ship protected with it to reflect a portion of an enemy's attack back on the attacker. Similar to the other Explorer classes, the PS does not contain as many cargo slots as Traders. Like all Progen, the PS suffers in speed and agility due to its heavier, damage-resistant armor. The Sentinel is a versatile all-rounder, blending Explorer talents with Progen toughness.

The PS is the one class all other players turn to when they need to redistribute skill points. The Sentinel's unique Call Forward skill strips all skill points away from the skills to which you've applied them, and returns all your earned skill points to an unspent status. This allows pilots to re-specialize and assign their skill points differently creating new and interesting builds. Progen Sentinels can only obtain this skill after they attain Overall Level 135.

For a high-level summary see Profession#Progen Sentinel.

Max Level Summary At-a-Glance

Summary and Comparison of each Profession at Max Level with Optimal Gear
Prof Weapon Device Core Tech Cargo Hull Sig Scan Warp Turn Mass
Beam Missile Proj. Slots Tech Slots Shield Reactor Engine Base Range Power

JE 9 - 8 3 9 6 8 9 8 30 44000 500 5000 16150 32 7955 20 65

JS 9 - 8 4 9 5 8 9 8 40 49000 500 3500 13775 19 6145 30 70

JD 9 8 8 5 9 4 8 9 8 30 65500 500 3500 14275 19 6145 40 75

TS 8 9 - 4 9 4 8 8 9 37 48000 2500 5000 16000 50 8954 20 60

TT 8 9 - 4 8 5 9 8 9 40 54000 2500 3500 11525 6 8117 30 65

TE 8 9 8 5 8 4 9 8 9 35 72000 2500 3500 11525 19 6799 40 70

PS 8 8 9 4 9 5 9 8 8 30 55000 2500 5000 15650 32 6355 30 70

PP 8 8 9 5 8 4 9 9 8 40 61000 2500 3500 11525 19 6049 40 75

PW 8 8 9 6 8 3 9 9 8 30 82000 2500 3500 11525 32 6049 50 80


  • Can equip Level 9 Shields, Devices(x5) and Projectile Launchers(x4).
  • Can build L9 Shields, ammo and Devices. For more information, consult Manufacturing.
  • Critical Targeting up to level 5.
  • Has the Scan skill(+2000 radar range)
  • Call Forward skill - the only class that can reset skills
  • Prospecting skill Prospect - mine asteroids and refine their ores.
  • Jumpstart skill - reactivate self or others in the field when ship is destroyed, with limited repairs also.
  • Power Down skill, instantly removes/prevents agro from mobs.
  • Menace and Gravity Link skill - allows a PS to impact debuf a mob and kite/reverse kite one many Combat Levels higher than normal.
  • Gives the Weapon Efficiency Group Bonus
Progen Sentinel Character Creation


  • Large signature
  • No damage control
  • small cargo capacity (30)
  • Level 8 engines
  • Level 9 projectiles, but only 4 slots
  • L8 reactor

Getting Started

The combat role of the Progen Sentinel is not clear to everyone. Some see it as a limited deflect buffer, other see it as the utility-class that makes warriors more effective in damage output and absorption.

Starting Faction

The Progen Sentinel starts with the following faction standings:

Tip: View this table in the wiki's Full Width mode (Preferences gear icon in lower left corner => Width => Full)
Profession Anseria Bogeril Centuriata Warriors Chavez Collegia Traders EarthCorps Warriors Glenn Commission Hyperia Explorers InfinitiCorp Traders Psionics Sabine Explorers Sha'ha'dem Explorers Sharim Traders Shinwa Warriors The Alliance The Mordana The Red Dragon V'rix Progen Combine Terran Alliance Net

Progen Sentinel
0 0 +5000 -3000 -1000 +3000 0 +5000 0 0 +7500 -1000 +1000 +9999 0 -9000 -7000 -4000 -3000 -3000 =499

To see how this compares with other professions see Faction#Starting Faction.


The Progen Sentinel has access to the following skills:

Name Beam Weapon
Description Allows use of beam weapons of a level equal to or below the skill level, and increases damage with beam weapons by +25% per level.
Unlock Acquired at character creation.
Start mission NA
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 beam weapons.
Level 2 Requires combat level 7 +25% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 2 beam weapons.
Level 3 Requires combat level 14 +50% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 3 beam weapons.
Level 4 Requires combat level 21 +75% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 4 beam weapons.
Level 5 Requires combat level 28 +100% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 5 beam weapons.
Level 6 Requires combat level 35 +125% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 6 beam weapons.
Level 7 Requires combat level 42 +150% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 7 beam weapons.
Level 8 Requires combat level 49 +175% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 8 beam weapons.
Name Build Devices
Description Allows analysis and manufacture of devices of a level equal to or below the skill level, and increases the quality of manufactured devices.
Unlock See Magister Calliope Gans at Arx Spartoi in Endriago, Gallina system, upon reaching level 10.
Start mission Progen Sentinel [Build Devices Version 2.0.S]
Level 1 Requires level 10 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 1 devices.
Level 2 Requires level 10 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 2 devices.
Level 3 Requires trade level 5 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 3 devices.
Level 4 Requires trade level 15 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 4 devices.
Level 5 Requires trade level 25 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 5 devices.
Level 6 Requires trade level 35 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 6 and level 7 devices.
Level 7 Requires trade level 45 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 8 and level 9 devices.
Name Build Shields
Description Allows analysis and manufacture of shields of a level equal to or below the skill level, and increases the quality of manufactured shields.
Unlock See Cestum Talus at Arx Spartoi in Endriago, Gallina system, upon reaching level 35.
Start mission Progen Sentinel [Build Shields Version 1.0.S]
Level 1 Requires level 35 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 1 shields.
Level 2 Requires level 35 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 2 shields.
Level 3 Requires trade level 5 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 3 shields.
Level 4 Requires trade level 15 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 4 shields.
Level 5 Requires trade level 25 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 5 shields.
Level 6 Requires trade level 35 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 6 and level 7 shields.
Level 7 Requires trade level 45 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 8 and level 9 shields.
Name Call Forward
Description Call Forward abilities are used to reclaim skill points.
Unlock See Annia Severa at Essence Research Lab in Arduinne Gas Cloud, Tau Ceti system, upon reaching level 135.
Start mission Wierd(sic) Science [Version 2.0.S]
Level 1 Requires level 135 Enables the Call Forward ability.
Name Critical Targeting
Description The Critical Targeting skill passively increases the chance that any attack will critically damage the target.
Unlock See Andronicus Tyr at Arx Spartoi in Endriago, Gallina system, upon reaching level 45.
Start mission Critical Targeting for the Progen Sentinel
Level 1 Requires level 45 Increases the chance of successfully critically damaging opponents in combat by 10%.
Level 2 Requires level 45 Increases the chance of successfully critically damaging opponents in combat by 20%.
Level 3 Requires combat level 5 Increases the chance of successfully critically damaging opponents in combat by 30%.
Level 4 Requires combat level 15 Increases the chance of successfully critically damaging opponents in combat by 40%.
Level 5 Requires combat level 25 Increases the chance of successfully critically damaging opponents in combat by 50%.
Name Device Tech
Description Allows use of devices of a level equal to or below the skill level.
Unlock Acquired at character creation.
Start mission NA
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 devices.
Level 2   Allows the use of level 2 devices.
Level 3 Requires level 20 Allows the use of level 3 devices.
Level 4 Requires level 40 Allows the use of level 4 devices.
Level 5 Requires level 60 Allows the use of level 5 devices.
Level 6 Requires level 80 Allows the use of level 6 devices.
Level 7 Requires level 100 Allows the use of level 7 devices.
Level 8 Requires level 120 Allows the use of level 8 devices.
Level 9 Requires level 140 Allows the use of level 9 devices.
Name Engine Tech
Description Allows use of engines of a level equal to or below the skill level.
Unlock Acquired at character creation.
Start mission NA
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 engines.
Level 2   Allows the use of level 2 engines.
Level 3 Requires level 30 Allows the use of level 3 engines.
Level 4 Requires level 50 Allows the use of level 4 engines.
Level 5 Requires level 60 Allows the use of level 5 engines.
Level 6 Requires level 70 Allows the use of level 6 engines.
Level 7 Requires level 90 Allows the use of level 7 engines.
Level 8 Requires level 110 Allows the use of level 8 engines.
Name Gravity Link
Description Gravity Link abilities can be used to slow or immobilize enemies.
Unlock See Jenya Erelius at Porvenir Mons in Porvenir Mons Area, Gallina system.
Start mission Progen Sentinel Grav Link [Version 1.1.S]
Level 1   Enables the Mass Field ability.
Level 2   Improves ability powers and increases range to 5250 units.
Level 3 Requires combat level 5 Improves ability powers, increases range to 5500 units, and enables the Gravity Field ability.
Level 4 Requires combat level 15 Improves effect power and increases range to 5750 units.
Level 5 Requires combat level 25 Improves ability powers, increases range to 6000 units, and enables the Immobilization Field ability.
Name Jumpstart
Description The Jumpstart skill is used to resuscitate incapacitated players.
Unlock See Relk Goodspeed at Sector Gate to Saturn in Asteroid Belt Alpha, Sol system, upon reaching level 20.
Start mission The Freespacer Romantic
Level 1 Requires level 20 Enables the Jumpstart ability.
Level 2 Requires level 20 Increases range to 1250, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 14%.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Increases range to 1500, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 21%.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Increases range to 1750, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 28%.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Increases range to 2000, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 35%.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Increases range to 2250, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 42%.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Increases range to 2500, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 49%.
Name Menace
Description Menace abilities can be used to frighten enemies, causing them to flee.
Unlock See Nayol Wat at Arx Magister in Mars, Sol system, upon reaching level 15.
Start mission Troublesome Times - Menace Skill [Version 2.1.S]
Level 1 Requires level 15 Enables the Intimidate Ability.
Level 2 Requires level 15 Improves ability powers and increases range to 2750 units.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Improves ability powers, increases range to 3000 units, and enables the Scare ability.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Improves ability powers and increases range to 3250 units.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Improves ability powers, increases range to 3500 units, and enables the Terrify ability.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Improves ability powers, increases range to 3750 units, and enables the Area Intimidation ability.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Improves ability powers, increases range to 4000 units, and enables the Area Terrify ability.
Name Missile Weapon
Description Allows use of missile weapons of a level equal to or below the skill level, and increases damage with missile weapons by +25% per level.
Unlock See Magister Zieg at Arx Magister in Mars, Sol system.
Start mission Missile Weapon Training [Version 1.0.-]
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 missile weapons.
Level 2 Requires combat level 7 +25% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 2 missile weapons.
Level 3 Requires combat level 14 +50% damage and allows the use of level 3 missile weapons.
Level 4 Requires combat level 21 +75% damage and allows the use of level 4 missile weapons.
Level 5 Requires combat level 28 +100% damage and allows the use of level 5 missile weapons.
Level 6 Requires combat level 35 +125% damage and allows the use of level 6 missile weapons.
Level 7 Requires combat level 42 +150% damage and allows the use of level 7 missile weapons.
Level 8 Requires combat level 49 +175% damage and allows the use of level 8 missile weapons.
Name Power Down
Description Power Down abilities are used to fool enemies by making the ship appear incapacitated, often causing enemies to break off attacks.
Unlock See Magister Tovar Maxe at Arx Prima in Mars Beta, Sol system, upon reaching level 6.
Start mission Tovar's Trap [Version 2.0.S]
Level 1 Requires level 6 Enables the Power Down ability.
Level 2 Requires level 6 Increases power down success chances.
Level 3 Requires combat level 5 Increases success chances and enables the Advanced Power Down ability.
Level 4 Requires combat level 15 Increases power down success chances.
Level 5 Requires combat level 25 Increases success chances and enables the Advanced Power Down 2 ability.
Level 6 Requires combat level 35 Increases success chances and enables the Advanced Power Down 3 ability.
Level 7 Requires combat level 45 Increases success chances and enables the Advanced Power Down 4 ability.
Name Projectile Weapon
Description Allows use of projectile weapons of a level equal to or below the skill level, and increases damage with projectile weapons by +25% per level.
Unlock See Centurion Minda at Arx Prima in Mars Beta, Sol system.
Start mission Blast a Devil Spawn 1.0
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 projectile weapons.
Level 2   +25% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 2 projectile weapons.
Level 3 Requires combat level 12 +50% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 3 projectile weapons.
Level 4 Requires combat level 18 +75% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 4 projectile weapons.
Level 5 Requires combat level 24 +100% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 5 projectile weapons.
Level 6 Requires combat level 30 +125% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 6 projectile weapons.
Level 7 Requires combat level 36 +150% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 7 projectile weapons.
Level 8 Requires combat level 42 +175% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 8 projectile weapons.
Level 9 Requires combat level 50 +200% damage, improves accuracy, and allows the use of level 9 projectile weapons.
Name Prospect
Description The Prospect skill allows retrieval of valuable resources from objects such as asteroids, gas clouds, and hulks. This skill is activated using a action button that will appear when a prospectable object is targeted.
Unlock See Magister Tovar Maxe at Arx Prima in Mars Beta, Sol system.
Start mission Prospect for Clues
Level 1   Enables the Prospect ability and allows refining of Tech 1 ores.
Level 2   Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 1250 units. Enables the refining of Tech 2 ores.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 1500 units. Enables the refining of Tech 3 ores.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 1750 units. Enables the refining of Tech 4 ores.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 2000 units. Enables the refining of Tech 5 ores.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 2250 units. Enables the refining of Tech 6 and 7 ores.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Reduces the amount of time and energy required to prospect and extends range to 2500 units. Enables the refining of Tech 8 and 9 ores.
Name Reactor Tech
Description Allows use of reactors of a level equal to or below the skill level.
Unlock Acquired at character creation.
Start mission NA
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 reactors.
Level 2   Allows the use of level 2 reactors.
Level 3 Requires level 30 Allows the use of level 3 reactors.
Level 4 Requires level 50 Allows the use of level 4 reactors.
Level 5 Requires level 60 Allows the use of level 5 reactors.
Level 6 Requires level 70 Allows the use of level 6 reactors.
Level 7 Requires level 90 Allows the use of level 7 reactors.
Level 8 Requires level 110 Allows the use of level 8 reactors.
Name Repulsor Field
Description Repulsor Field abilities generate feedback that returns energy damage to the original source of incoming damage. At higher levels the damaged returned increases. The affected damage types for all levels are: Chemical, EMP, Energy, Explosive, Impact, Plasma
Unlock See Fet Rastian at Arx Prima in Mars Beta, Sol system.
Start mission How Repulsive!! [Version 1.2.S]
Level 1   Generates feedback damage when skill user is struck by affected damage types. Ability may only be applied to skill user.
Level 2   Increases maximum feedback amount and duration.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Generates feedback damage when skill user is struck by affected damage types, increases feedback amount, maximum feedback amount, and duration. Ability may be applied to skill user or other characters.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Increases maximum feedback amount and duration.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Generates feedback damage when skill user is struck by affected damage types, increases feedback amount, maximum feedback amount, and duration. Ability may be applied to skill user or other characters.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Generates feedback damage when skill user is struck by affected damage types, increases maximum feedback amount, and duration. Ability may be applied to skill user or other characters.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Generates feedback damage when skill user is struck by affected damage types, increases maximum feedback amount, and duration.. Ability may be applied to skill user or other characters.
Name Scan
Description The Scan skill grants passive bonuses that increase object detection distance and allow targeting of cloaked objects.
Unlock See En0898 Scan Relay at Alien Core in Endriago, Gallina system, upon reaching level 40.
Start mission Progen Sentinel Scan
Level 1 Requires level 40 Increases the range of the ship's scanners by 1000 units.
Level 2 Requires level 40 Increases the range of the ship's scanners by 1250 units.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Increases the range of the ship's scanners by 1500 units and allows detection of cloaked objects.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Increases the range of the ship's scanners by 1750 units and improves the chance that cloaked objects will be revealed.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Increases the range of the ship's scanners by 2000 units. When a cloaked object is detected, all group members can see it.
Name Shield Tech
Description Allows use of shields of a level equal to or below the skill level.
Unlock Acquired at character creation.
Start mission NA
Level 1   Allows the use of level 1 shields.
Level 2   Allows the use of level 2 shields.
Level 3 Requires level 20 Allows the use of level 3 shields.
Level 4 Requires level 40 Allows the use of level 4 shields.
Level 5 Requires level 60 Allows the use of level 5 shields.
Level 6 Requires level 80 Allows the use of level 6 shields.
Level 7 Requires level 100 Allows the use of level 7 shields.
Level 8 Requires level 120 Allows the use of level 8 shields.
Level 9 Requires level 140 Allows the use of level 9 shields.
Name Build Ammunition
Description Allows analysis and manufacture of ammunition of a level equal to or below the skill level.
Unlock See Lancearate Fortunatis at Arx Tiberius in Tarsis, Vega system, upon reaching level 30.
Start mission Bite The Bullet (Progen)
Level 1 Requires level 30 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 1 ammunition.
Level 2 Requires level 30 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 2 ammunition.
Level 3 Requires trade level 5 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 3 ammunition.
Level 4 Requires trade level 15 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 4 ammunition.
Level 5 Requires trade level 25 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 5 ammunition.
Level 6 Requires trade level 35 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 6 and level 7 ammunition.
Level 7 Requires trade level 45 Allows analysis and manufacture of level 8 and level 9 ammunition.

See Also