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Located in Glenn Sector, Friendship 7 Recreation Port is found at location 76.28x, -17.33y, 0.00z, and is controlled by the Glenn Commission faction. There are two trade booths (one is specifically for trade in Net-7 News Reports).
In the grand old days, "F7" was a major commerical hub, and the preferred hangout of many builders. Many builders today seem to favour the Orsini Mining Platform in next-door Carpenter sector as their base, however there are a number of master builders who still frequent this icon of the space lanes!
Analyze, Manufacturing, Refining, Jobs (to 135), Intergalactic Net
Components levels 5-7 Weapons levels 5-8 Devices/Engines levels 5-7 Tradegoods, levels 1-3, 5
Main Deck
- Helen Andree (dead ahead, at rear of lobby)
- Monty DuChampe (left of entry, beyond refining terminal)
- Wenton Ness (right of entry)
- Ian Darson (Level 7 Components)
- Regina Flore (Level 5 Components)
- Kristin Sadler (Level 6 Components)
- Anveryn O'Connell (Trade Goods vendor, Levels 1-3, 5)
- Sara Green (NET-7 News)
- Kah Rinno (Weapons vendor, Levels 5-8; Ammo vendor levels 3-7)
- Trevor Jorst (Ship Equipment vendor, Level 5-7)
- Belulah Lee (outer ring, left of entry)
- Portia LaPointe (outer ring, left of entry)
- Arno Suiliman (outer ring at rear of room, right of centre)
Docking Message
Friendship 7 Recreation Port CONTROL: Docking clearance granted.
The Glenn Commission welcomes you to Friendship 7 - luxury resort and casino. Your enjoyment is our pleasure!
- The station is named in honor of the Friendship 7 spacecraft, in which John Glenn Jr (1921-2016) became the first American to orbit Earth, on 20th February, 1962.