The Jenquai Explorer (JE) is an Explorer-class pilot who is the master manipulator of space and energy, able to vanish in the blink of an eye. Only lightly armed and armored, the JE tends to rely on a variety of intriguing skills to deal with trouble in ways other than slugging things out toe-to-toe with an enemy. A welcome sight to all other classes of pilot, the Jenquai Explorer can open wormholes to certain exit-points in space known as wefts, transporting themselves as well as any willing group members across vast distances instantaneously.
Like the Progen Sentinel, the JE's ability to mine asteroids and refine ore makes them a friend of the Terran Tradesman, who may need a source of ores and minerals for the building of components. Like all Jenquai, JEs have a natural affinity for beam weapons. While JEs lack the specialised combat skills of the Jenquai Defender, the ability to cloak their ship allows them to launch surprise-attacks from point-blank range; a necessary tactic when tackling a strong enemy with long-range weapons that can rip apart most of the JE's modest defences before his beams can even be brought to bear.
JEs are valuable lookouts in hunting parties: with maximization of the Scan skill and the aid of certain devices they can detect objects up to 30km distant, or possibly even further, guiding their group towards a remote target, or helping it to avoid serious trouble. Their Jumpstart skill restores functionality to blown up ships in the field, and lessens the experience-debt of the jumpstarted pilot.
While not the most powerful class in space, the Jenquai Explorer is amazingly versatile, and highly popular with other pilot classes due to its valuable taxi, concealment, and rescue capabilities.
Jenquai Explorer characters can be started via the Starship and Character Creator program or, more easily, through the regular game menus. Ship and character modifications can be made later at certain stations (particularly in home sectors) with special terminals in the Docking Bay area.
Starting Faction
The Terran Scout starts with the following faction standings:
Tip: View this table in the wiki's Full Width mode (Preferences gear icon in lower left corner => Width => Full)
Increases range to 1250, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 14%.
Level 3
Requires explore level 5
Increases range to 1500, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 21%.
Level 4
Requires explore level 15
Increases range to 1750, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 28%.
Level 5
Requires explore level 25
Increases range to 2000, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 35%.
Level 6
Requires explore level 35
Increases range to 2250, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 42%.
Level 7
Requires explore level 45
Increases range to 2500, improves success chances, increases the amount of hull repair performed in the jumpstart process, and reduces experience debt from last death by 49%.
Reduces energy used when activating warp by 40% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 10%.
Level 4
Requires explore level 15
Reduces energy used when activating warp by 50% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 15%.
Level 5
Requires explore level 25
Reduces energy used when activating warp by 60%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 20%, and increases maximum base speed by 70.
Level 6
Requires explore level 35
Reduces energy used when activating warp by 70%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 25%, increases maximum base speed by 100, and increases warp speed by 400.
Level 7
Requires explore level 45
Reduces energy used when activating warp by 80%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 30%, increases maximum base speed by 130, and increases warp speed by 700. Ship has a 50% chance of successfully warping while in a gravity well.
The Prospect skill allows retrieval of valuable resources from objects such as asteroids, gas clouds, and hulks. This skill is activated using a action button that will appear when a prospectable object is targeted.
This ability drains a portion of an enemy's or group of enemies' shields. At higher levels, this skill transfers some of those drained shields to the player's or a player group's energy banks.
Improves amount of drain on a single target and extends range to 1250 units.
Level 3
Requires explore level 5
Improves amount of drain on a single target, converts a percentage of that into energy for the player, and extends range to 1500 units.
Level 4
Requires explore level 15
Improves amount of drain and extends range to 1750 units.
Level 5
Requires explore level 25
Improves amount of shield drain on a single target, converts a percentage of that into energy for the player and their group, and extends range to 2000 units.
Level 6
Requires explore level 35
Improves amount of shield drain in a spherical area of effect of 1500 units surrounding the player, converts a percentage of that into energy for the player, and extends range to 2250 units.
Level 7
Requires explore level 45
Improves amount of shield drain in a spherical area of effect of 3000 units surrounding the player, converts a percentage of that into energy for the player and their group, and extends range to 2500 units.