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From Net 7 Portal Wiki
Mob Named Mob NPC


A Mob, or Mobile entity, typically refers to a game-controlled ship or biological entity in space with which you can enter into combat. Unlike NPCs, you can't enter into a conversation or trade with a mob. Mobs will be tagged by your ship's scanner with a red, orange, or green diamond-shaped icon, to indicate their relationship to you. Red-tagged mobs will often (but not always) attack as soon as they detect you (see the signature article). Orange mobs will generally leave you alone, unless you fire upon them. Green-tagged mobs will not attack you, and you generally won't be able to attack them.

Mobs fall into two categories:

  • ships - these are tougher as, like your ship, they have a shielding as well as hull armour. This may necessitate your changing from shooting one damage type to another (e.g. EMP is very effective against shielding, but ineffective against hull armour). Ship-type mobs which belong to a particular faction will appear as red/orange/green in your ship's scanner depending on your personal standing with their faction. The colour of factionless ship-mobs simply depends on their particular aggression level.
  • biological entities - alien lifeforms can be easier, as they only possess shielding, and die when their shielding does. Whatever fundamental strengths or weaknesses they possess don't change mid-battle, and so you can stick to your chosen ammo or beam type throughout. Biological mobs (alien life-forms with the exception of the V'rix) typically don't belong to factions, and so appear as red/orange/green in your ship's scanner depending on their particular aggression level.

While in gaming history, the term "Mob" was coined as a shortening of "mobile entity", some players recall the term by thinking of it as an acronym standing for "Monster Or Beast". While the latter is technically incorrect, it has been around for a long time, and was used by some pilots in the Live era of ENB (2002-2004).

Other Mob-related articles

  • See also: Mob Farming Spots <== specific locations where mobs spawn in larger numbers with stackable loot. Good for leveling up.
  • See also: Named Mobs <== named mobs (aka "Bosses") which drop high-level loot
  • See also: Combat Buffs <== buffs available to help kill stuff faster or (more importantly) not die as fast

List of Mobs

The following tables listing the Mobs in ENB are incomplete as to mob types, weaknesses (i.e. what damage-type(s) you should shoot at them) and resists (i.e. what damage-type(s) don't work too well on them). If you discover information which isn't listed here and wish to add it in, please take care with the table fields, and always use the "Show Preview" button to ensure the table displays correctly before you save your change.

Notes on the Tables

  • These tables are sortable, click on any header to sort by that header.
  • To subsort, sort by the second item first, then sort by the main item.
  • To reverse sort, click on the same header twice.
  • Note that in contructing the tables, the players doing the work did not have all six damage types available to try.
  • Not all V'rix are not included. V'rix dominate Primus Planet, Pr12t4r35m M4ns 1r21 (Pl1n2t Pr3m5s), and R4c (Roc sector). Their scouts are active in many other sectors, except newb sectors, the three major Sol planets, and pirate-owned sectors.
  • All navs, landmarks, and easily found areas are included. However, if you're out in the back of beyond somewhere, you may find mobs that are not listed. If you do, please add them.
  • Ships of the nine major class/races likely ignored (didn't shoot greens to gather information unless noted.)
  • Mobs with higher CL are more likely to resist your debuff efforts.
  • Header meanings:
    • Damage Dealt ("tank", or strengthen your ship against this type of damage)
    • Weakness (shoot this type of damage)
    • Resists (don't shoot this type of damage, as the enemy can resist it or even heal from it!)
    • Measurement standard: Weakness and Resists means a fifteen percent or greater gain or loss of hits without buffs or debuffs.
  • Blank means none, ?? means unknown.

Mobs with CL 0-10

The following table is long, and is hidden by default.
To view, click on "Expand" at the right side of the Header.

CL Mob Sector Nav Damage Dealt Weakness Resists Notes

0 Lost Progen Dahin Mining Interest 15k W of station ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

0 Phantom Whale Jagerstadt Nav Jagerstadt 1 none ?? Plasma not aggressive

0 Sand Worm Nostrand Vor Planet Gate to N V & near station Energy ?? ??

1 Dionysian Spore Nodule Jupiter Gas Field Deep 1 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

1 Nazari Asteroid Belt Gamma Beta Gamma 6 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

1 Phantom Whale Jagerstadt Nav Jagerstadt 1 none ?? Plasma not aggressive

1 Warp Fang Porvenir Mons Area Vale of Fumar (midpoint) & (end point) Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

2 Dionysian Spore Jupiter Gas Field Deep 2 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

2 Free Spacer Recruit Asteroid Belt Alpha E of Saturn Beltway 6 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

2 Hoarder Nazari Asteroid Belt Gamma Beta Gamma 6 Energy ?? ??

2 Ma Jai Initiate Red Dragon Jupiter Red Dragon Ouipost ??

2 Ma Jai Initiate Red Dragon Saturn Abandoned Starbase Impact ?? ??

2 Small Crystal Mite Margesi Lock Shiel ?? Plasma ??

3 Dionysian Spore Sac Jupiter Gas Field Deep 2 & 3 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Dionysian Spore Sac Margesi Lock Shiel Explosive Plasma ??

3 Dwarf Spindle Dahin Hau Energy Plasma not aggressive

3 Jove City Looter Jupiter W of Jove City Ruins ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Juoona Kinder Swooping Eagle Asteroid Quetzal Energy Plasma not aggressive

3 Kraken Hatchling Mars Kraken Hunting Grounds ?? ?? ??

3 Ma Jai Novice Red Dragon Jupiter Red Dragon Ouipost ??

3 Ma Jai Veteran Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Alpha SE of Beltway Junction; Sado & Techatticup Pits Plasma Explosive ??

3 Ma Jai Veteran Red Dragon Jupiter Red Dragon Ouipost ??

3 Ma Jai Veteran Red Dragon Saturn Abandoned Starbase Plasma Explosive ??

3 Merus Milia Lackey Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Merus Milia Subordinate Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Nazari Asteroid Belt Alpha Cresson Pit; Saturn Beltway 1 Energy ?? ??

3 Nazari Asteroid Belt Gamma Saturn Gamma 4 Energy ?? ??

3 Novice Smuggler New Edinburgh N of Hulk of Satis 6 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Ojo 1 Lagarto Nav Observatory Ojo Side ?? ?? ?? four variations - not aggressive

3 Progen Battle Drone Asteroid Belt Beta Gate War Hulk ??

3 Risco Vacuum Stalks Risco Moon S of Accelerator to Upper Orbit Plasma ?? ??

3 Scuttle Nymph Earth north & east asteroids ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Scuttle Nymph Saturn Abandoned Pathway 2 Energy ?? Explosive not aggressive

3 Shaitan Escort Jupiter Shaitan Negotiator ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

3 Shusen Caitiff Kailaasa Nav P13 Impact Plasma and P12

3 Small Crystal Rockbiter Margesi Lock Shiel Impact Plasma ??

3 Storm Gull Jagerstadt Jagerstadt City Plasma Plasma ?? not aggressive

3 Vorace Larvae Kailaasa Paren's Beacon Plasma Plasma

3 Wandering Drone Kailaasa Nav Kailaasa 1 Explosive Plasma

3 Wandering Drone Yokan Ksuru Explosive Plasma

4 Aged Rogue Progen Lagarto Rogue Progen Outpost Impact ?? ??

4 Belter Drudge Margesi Lock Shiel energy Plasma ??

4 Belter Drudge Slayton Nav Slayton 8 ?? ?? ??

4 Bogeril Greenhorn Witberg ACBN Relay; Nav Witberg 3 Impact Plasma ??

4 Captain Lu Fugiri Saturn Abandoned Starbase Energy ?? ??

4 Derfresser Swooping Eagle Yotzyc Point Energy Plasma

4 Dionysian Spore Cluster Jupiter Gas Field Deep 3 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

4 Experienced Smuggler New Edinburgh 25k SW of Hulk of Satis 6 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

4 Glowing Manes Endriago most 'roids Impact, Plasma ?? ?? drops Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map

4 Gorge Larvae Kailaasa P14 Plasma Plasma

4 Gorge Larvae Yokan Net-7 Yokan Beacon Plasma Plasma

4 Hungry Shear Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Hive Cluster 2 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

4 Infant Grek New Edinburgh Danger! Greks Energy, EMP Plasma

4 Juoona Matriarch Swooping Eagle Field of Glass Point Energy Plasma

4 Merus Milia Soldier Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

4 Nazari Asteroid Belt Alpha Cresson Pit; Saturn Beltway 1 Energy ?? ??

4 Nazari Asteroid Belt Gamma Beta Gamma 6 Energy ?? ??

4 Shang Lo Initiate Red Dragon Tarsis Nav Brattus 1; Tarsis Resource Belt; Nav Prom 3 ??

4 Soul Biter Swooping Eagle Hytlac Resource Point Energy, EMP Plasma

4 Spindle Altair III W of Altair III Nav 3 ?? ?? ??

4 Spindle Dahin Hau Energy Plasma

5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic Freya Nav Freya 6 Energy ?? ??

5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic Muspelheim Nav Muspelheim 2 Energy ?? Explosive

5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic New Edinburgh InifnitiCorp Construction Yard Energy ??

5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic Odin Rex Nav Odin Rex 2 & 3 Energy ?? Explosive

5 1st Circle Chavez Mechanic Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 2 Energy ?? ??

5 Asteroid Spore Asteroid Belt Beta Gravity Generator Plasma ?? ?? in gravity well

5 Asteroid Spore Asteroid Belt Gamma Nav Vela Plasma ?? ??

5 Bogeril Tinhorn Witberg Nav Witberg 4 Impact ?? ??

5 Bogeril Tyro Witberg Nav Witberg 4 Impact ?? ??

5 Crossdock Cargo Transport Nostrand Vor fr Central Routing s to C Alpha H Nav Plasma ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Crystal Mite Jupiter Thebe, N side Impact ?? ??

5 Crystal Mite Muspelheim Asteroid MP-297 & 298 Impact ?? ??

5 Dish Dancer Asteroid Belt Gamma Saturn Beta Junction Energy ?? ??

5 Dish Dancer Mars Asteroid Romulus 577 Energy ?? ??

5 Drone Traveler Saturn Saturn 3 Explosive ?? ??

5 Drone Traveller Yokan Nav P8 Explosive Plasma holds at range 3k

5 Fledgling Grek New Edinburgh Danger! Greks EMP, Energy Plasma

5 Getco Mark I Earth Getco Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Glenn Touring Craft Glenn Glenn 5 ??

5 Gorge Larvae Kailaasa Paren's Beacon Plasma Plasma

5 Kan Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 15k W of station ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Kraft Derfresser Swooping Eagle Yotzyc Point Energy Plasma

5 Luminous Manes Endriago Asteroid EG9721, EG9722, EG9723 Energy ?? ?? drops Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map

5 Luminous Manes Margesi NW of Shipyard Beltway 6 Energy Plasma ??

5 Luminous Manes Margesi Lock Sheil Energy Plasma ??

5 Luminous Manes Margesi Between Shipyard Beltway 8 & 9 Energy Plasma ??

5 Maelstrom Hound Mondara Maelstrom exit wormhole; var Hunting Points Energy ?? ??

5 Maelstrom Hound Swooping Eagle Mazzaroth Maelstrom Energy Plasma

5 Maelstrom Hound Tarsis Nav Mondara Maelstrom Energy ?? ??

5 Maelstrom Welp Mondara Maelstrom exit wormhole Explosive ?? ??

5 Malfunctioning Drone Unloader Nostrand Vor Central Routing Plasma, Explosive ?? ??

5 Needlenose Earth Corporate Park (5km NNE) Explosive ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Needlenose Earth Nav Group Shrine Explosive ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Needlenose Earth Earth Station 3 Explosive ?? ?? not aggressive

5 Resource Hunter Ishuan Traders Run 6 Energy ?? Explosive

5 Rogue Bandit Ragnarok 10k NE of station Energy ?? ??

5 Shusen Marplot Kailaasa Nav P10, P11, P12 Impact Plasma

5 Veteran Smuggler Adriel Prime Proxima Approach 2 Energy Plasma ??

5 Veteran Smuggler New Edinburgh 25k SW of Obsolete Nav 1 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 1st Circle Chavez Scout Freya Nav Freya 6 Energy ?? ??

6 1st Circle Chavez Scout Jotunheim Deep Jotunheim 1; Nav Jotunheim 4 Energy ?? ??

6 1st Circle Chavez Scout Muspelheim Jormund Mining Station Energy ?? Explosive

6 1st Circle Chavez Scout New Edinburgh InifnitiCorp Construction Yard Energy ??

6 Araix Asteroid Belt Alpha Techatticup Pit; Saturn Beltway 1 Explosive ?? ??

6 Araix Asteroid Belt Gamma Nort's Field; Saturn Beta 6 Explosive ?? ??

6 Belter Kitara's Veil Motish ?? ?? ??

6 Blazing Manes Endriago outward from 'roids Impact, Plasma ?? ?? drops Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map

6 Bogeril Bugboy Witberg Between Nav Witberg 4 & 5 Impact ?? ??

6 Bogeril Geezer Witberg Between Nav Witberg 4 & 5 Impact Plasma ??

6 Bogeril Junior Witberg Nav Witberg 5 Impact Explosive ??

6 Captured Kraken Cow Mars Asteroid Belt Way 2 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Captured Kraken (group) Mars Kraken Hunting Grounds Plasma ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Dish Dervish Asteroid Belt Gamma Saturn Beta Junction Explosive ?? ??

6 Dish Dervish Mars Asteroid Romulus 577 Explosive ?? ??

6 Getco Mark II Earth Getco Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Gleaming Manes Endriago outward from 'roids Energy ?? ?? drops Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map

6 Grek New Edinburgh Danger! Greks Energy, EMP Plasma

6 Hungry Hive Queen Mazzaroth Maelstrom Hive Cluster 2 Plasma ?? ??

6 InfinitiCorp Tanker Earth Asteroid ED5614 & ED5615 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Kraken Bull Mars Kraken Hunting Grounds ?? ?? ??

6 Kraken Cow Mars Kraken Hunting Grounds ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Lava Fangs Porvenir Mons Area Vale of Fumar Impact ?? ??

6 Leaked Cargo Swarm Nostrand Vor E of Crossdock Beta holding nav 3 Plasma ?? ??

6 Leaked Cargo Swarm Nostrand Vor Nostrand Vor Way 3 Plasma ?? ??

6 Leaked Cargo Swarm Nostrand Vor Crossdock Alpha Plasma ?? ??

6 Maelstrom Hound Mondara Maelstrom var Hunting Points Energy ?? ??

6 Maelstrom Hound Swooping Eagle Mazzaroth Maelstrom Energy Plasma

6 Maelstrom Hound Tarsis Nav Mondara Maelstrom Energy ?? ??

6 Ma Jai Elite Red Dragon Saturn Abandoned Starbase Explosive ?? ??

6 Merus Milia Mechanic Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Minor Red Spindle Dahin Hau Field Beacon Energy Plasma

6 Missile Drone Mars Missile Trial ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

6 Muddled Belter Drone Kitara's Veil Motish ?? Energy ??

6 Muddled Belter Drone Margesi Abandoned Mining Station Energy Plasma ??

6 Muddled Belter Drone Muspelheim Asteroid MP-124 Energy ?? Explosive

6 Rock Spore Altair III S of Altair Debris Field 4 Explosive ?? ??

6 Sand Worm Nostrand Vor Planet Botany 2 Explosive ?? ??

6 Shang Lo Novice Red Dragon Tarsis Nav Brattus 1; Tarsis Resource Belt ??

6 Shusen Caitiff Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

6 Shusen Marplot Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

6 Shusen Vandal Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

6 Shusen Vandal Kailaasa Nav P11 Impact Plasma and P10

7 1st Circle Chavez Thug Jotunheim Deep Jotunheim 1; Nav Jottenheim 4 Energy ?? ??

7 Araxia Asteroid Belt Alpha Techatticup Pit; Saturn Beltway 1 Explosive ?? ??

7 Araxia Asteroid Belt Gamma Mier's Path Explosive ?? ??

7 Araxia Asteroid Belt Gamma Beta Gamma 2 & 3 Explosive ?? ??

7 Araxia Asteroid Belt Gamma Saturn Beta 6 Explosive ?? ??

7 Bio-Thief Ishuan Centus; Lost Wreckage Impact, Energy ?? ?? drops heads

7 Bio-Thief Kitara's Veil navs near Dahin gate Impact, Energy ?? ?? drops heads

7 Bio-Thief Swooping Eagle Outpost Ichi Impact, Energy Plasma

7 Body Thief Asteroid Belt Alpha Between Saturn Beltway 4 & 5 Energy ?? Energy may drop heads

7 Bogeril Bugherd Witberg Between Nav Witberg 4 & 5 Impact ?? ??

7 Captured Larva Hatchling Mars SE of Alpha Beta 2 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

7 Captured Larva Hatchling Mars Romulus Way 4 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

7 Chavez Clan Miner Odin's Belt Nav Beltway 1 Energy ?? ??

7 Craxel Ishuan Traders Run 3 & 5 Energy ?? ??

7 Getco Mark III Earth Getco Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

7 Getco Mark III Earth <-105, -7> ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

7 Glistening Manes Odin's Belt Balder's Tear Energy ?? ??

7 Glistening Manes Odin's Belt Bragi Energy ?? ??

7 Jounna Youngling Ishuan Centaur; Castor Skyway 2; Little Rock Energy ?? ??

7 Juoona Patriarch Swooping Eagle outward from Field of Glass Point EMP, Energy Plasma

7 Large Crystal Rockbiter Kitara's Veil Motish Impact ?? ??

7 Large Crystal Rockbiter Yokan Between Kailaasa Gate Nav P9 Impact Plasma

7 Maelstrom Hound Mondara Maelstrom var Hunting Points Energy ?? ??

7 Maelstrom Hound Swooping Eagle Mazzaroth Maelstrom Energy Plasma

7 Maelstrom Hound Tarsis Nav Mondara Maelstrom Energy ?? ??

7 Mature Grek New Edinburgh Danger! Greks Energy, EMP Plasma

7 Methane Glider Great Worm Planet Inverness E of Gas Field Alpha Plasma

7 Methane Glider Great Worm Planet Inverness Gas Field Beta Plasma

7 Resource Hunter Ishuan Traders Run 6 Energy ?? Explosive

7 Sanban Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 15k W of station ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

7 Shusen Bully Yokan 15k south of Ketsugo's Rock Impact Plasma

7 Shusen Caitiff Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

7 Shusen Marplot Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

7 Shusen Vandal Dahin Hau Impact may drop heads

8 Adult Rock Spore Akeron's Gate Peat Explosive ?? ??

8 Adult Rock Spore Akeron's Gate Beacon Eta Explosive ?? ??

8 Adult Rock Spore Akeron's Gate Beacon Theta Explosive ?? ??

8 Adult Rock Spore Asteroid Belt Beta Between Alpha-Gamma Beltway 1 & 2 Explosive ?? ??

8 Alpha Bull Asteroid Belt Alpha S of InfinitiCorp Beltway 3 Plasma ?? ??

8 Ancient Derfresser Yasuragi Area ? back fjords Plasma Plasma

8 Captured Araix Mars Araxia Hunting Grounds ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

8 Captured Dzurai Larva (group) Mars Dzurai Hunting Grounds EMP ?? ?? not aggressive

8 Captured Fat Dzurai Larva Mars Remus Back; east asteroid navs EMP ?? ??

8 Captured Fresh Dzurai Larva Mars Romulus Way 3 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

8 Captured Fresh Dzurai Larva Mars west asteroid navs; Romulus Back EMP ?? ?? Menace

8 Captured Small Cybertronic Wight Mars Hunting Grounds Chemical, Explosive ?? ??

8 Chavez Clan Miner Neptune Neptune Nav 6, 8, 9 Energy ?? ??

8 Crystal Rockbiter Kitara's Veil Motish Plasma, Energy ?? Explosive

8 Crystal Rockbiter Mercury <-70, -350> Energy ?? Plasma

8 Crystal Rockbiter Yokan Southern Connector Plasma, Energy

8 Dish Demon Asteroid Belt Gamma Saturn Beta Junction Explosive ?? Plasma

8 Dish Demon Mars Asteroid Romulus 577 Explosive ?? Plasma

8 Elder Grek New Edinburgh Danger! Greks Energy, EMP Plasma

8 Greater Sand Worm Nostrand Vor Planet Botany 2 Plasma ?? ??

8 Highfalutin Bogeril Witberg Bogeril Marker 2 Impact Explosive ??

8 Infiniti - Shaz Bot Earth Infiniti Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

8 Kasen Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 15k W of station ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

8 Maelstrom Hound Master Mondara Maelstrom var Hunting Points Energy ?? ??

8 Maelstrom Hound Master Swooping Eagle 1DV1NC2F1RSTST1G21 Energy Plasma

8 Malfunctiong Drone Loader Nostrand Vor Central Routing Energy ?? ??

8 Merus Milia Fighter Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy ?? ??

8 Muddled Belter Drudge Ishuan Centus Energy ?? ??

8 Muddled Belter Drudge Kitara's Veil Motish ?? Energy ??

8 Muddled Belter Drudge Margesi Abandoned Mining Station Energy Plasma ??

8 Muddled Belter Drudge Muspelheim Asteroid MP-124 Energy ?? Explosive

8 Muddled Belter Drudge Neptune Neptune Nav 3 Energy ?? ??

8 Piscene Asteroid Belt Alpha <80, 45> Energy ?? Plasma, Energy 100% Plasma resist

8 Red Dragon Freighter Akeron's Gate Captain Ching Shih Energy, Plasma ?? ?? attacks all regardless of RD standing

8 Red Spindle Dahin Between P16 & P17 Energy Plasma

8 Red Spindle Yokan Asteroid YP-X66 Energy Plasma

8 Rogue Progen Altair III Between Outer Debris Field 2 & 3 Impact ?? ??

8 Rogue Progen Endriago NW of Spin Point 5 Impact ?? ??

8 Rogue Rustler Ragnarok Herlinsson Camp Energy ?? ??

8 Saam Lo Novice Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Alpha Between Saturn Beltway 3 & 4 EMP, Energy ?? ??

8 Saam Lo Novice Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Gamma Comm Junction 1 EMP, Energy ?? ??

8 Saam Lo Novice Red Dragon Muspelheim Modi Path 3; Gate to Smuggler's Run Energy, EMP ?? ??

8 Saam Lo Novice Red Dragon Slayton Red Dragon Camp 9 ?? ?? ??

8 Saam Lo Tracker Venus Nav Mercury 2 ??

8 Shang Lo Veteran Red Dragon Tarsis fr Brutus' Hand thru Cassius' Will ??

8 Shusen Bully Yokan 10k east of Ketsugo's Rock Impact drops heads

9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic Akeron's Gate 50k S of Gate to Saturn & throughout sector Energy ?? ??

9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic Jotunheim Nav Jotunheim 4 Energy ?? ??

9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic Muspelheim Jormund Mining Station Energy ?? Explosive

9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic Neptune Neptune Nav 6, 8, 9 Energy ?? ??

9 2nd Circle Chavez Mechanic Odin Rex The Path; Nav Odin Rex 2 & 3 Energy ?? Explosive

9 Bogeril Charlatan Witberg Negotiation Vessel Impact Plasma ??

9 Bogeril Outrider Witberg Negotiation Vessel Impact Explosive ??

9 Bogeril Senior Witberg Negotiation Vessel Impact Explosive ??

9 Frenzied Shear Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Frenzy Field Explosive ?? ??

9 Getco Mark IV Earth <-105, -7> ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

9 Infected Drone Altair III Altair Debris Field 1 & 2 Impact Explosive ??

9 Infiniti - Go Bot Earth Infiniti Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

9 Infiniti - Stop Bot Earth Infiniti Campus ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

9 Lesser Gastrone Slug Asteroid Belt Gamma Beta Gamma 1 thru 6; Thern's Field Plasma ?? ??

9 Muddled Belter Laborer Kitara's Veil Motish ?? Energy ??

9 Piscera Asteroid Belt Alpha <85, 35> Energy ?? Plasma, Energy 100% Plasma resist

9 Shukun Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 15k W of Tokai Saikutsu ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

9 Shusen Bully Kailaasa Nav P10 Impact Plasma

9 Yakkai Kagerou Asteroid Belt Beta Yakkai Kagerou Explosive Plasma ?? Spawned from L3 Pop "rocks"

9 Zenshai Chemical Sleeper Yokan Ishi Chemical Plasma swarming

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Akeron's Gate <70, 125> Energy ?? ??

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Freya Nav Gateway 2 Energy ?? ??

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Jotunheim Nav Jotunheim 4 Energy ?? ??

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Muspelheim Jormund Mining Station Energy ?? Explosive

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Neptune Neptune Nav 6, 8, 9 Energy ?? ??

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Odin Rex The Path Energy ?? Explosive

10 2nd Circle Chavez Scout Odin's Belt Nav Beltway 1 Energy ?? ??

10 2nd Circle Chavez Transport Muspelheim Nav Muspelheim 2; Jormund Mining Station Energy ?? Explosive

10 2nd Circle Chavez Transport Neptune Neptune Nav 6, 8, 9 Energy ?? ??

10 2rd Circle Chavez Transport Odin Rex The Path Energy ?? Explosive

10 Ancient Cybernetic Wraith Swooping Eagle SW of Arion's Weft, patrol ~10K-20K out Chemical, Explosive Plasma

10 Bogeril Bug Farrier Witberg Bogeril Marker 1 Impact Explosive ??

10 Bogeril Kidnapper Witberg Bogeril Marker 1 Impact Explosive ??

10 Bogeril Pet Scuttlebug Witberg Bogeril Marker 1 & 2 Impact Explosive ??

10 Bogeril Wiseacre Witberg Bogeril Marker 1 Impact Explosive ??

10 Captured Cybertronic Wight Mars Remus Way 2 Explosive, Chemical Plasma ??

10 Cold Drake Muspelheim Jormund Path 2 Energy ?? ??

10 Crazed Miner Adriel Prime Gas Collection Ring 2, 4, 36 Energy ?? Plasma

10 Crazed Miner Uranus <-60, 75> Energy ?? Plasma

10 Cybertronic Wight Yasuragi Area Between Yasuragi & Master Cha'Han's Dojo Explosive, Chemical Plasma

10 Free Spacer Partisan Mercury -100, -320 ??

10 Frenzied Shear Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Frenzy Field;Harvest Cluster 2 Chemical ?? ??

10 Getco Mark V Earth -105, -7 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

10 InfinitiCorp Hauler Earth Asteroid ED5614 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

10 Infiniti - Short Circuit Earth Infiniti Campus Energy ?? ??

10 Jounna Master Ishuan Centaur; Castor Skyway 2; Centus Energy ?? ??

10 Maelstrom Hound Packleader Mondara Maelstrom Hunting Point Cosmos Energy, EMP Plasma ??

10 Merus Milia Bomber Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k SW of Onorom Prison Energy, Impact ?? ??

10 Misguided Belter Drone Kitara's Veil Motish ?? Energy ??

10 Misguided Belter Drone Margesi Abandoned Mining Station Energy Plasma ??

10 Mist Runner Freya Freya Field 2 Explosive Plasma ??

10 Mist Runner Odin's Belt fr Nav Odin's Belt 3 to 4 Explosive ?? ??

10 New Dzurai Spawn Slayton Between Nav Brand 3 & 4 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

10 New Dzurai Spawn Slayton Soyus Passage 1 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

10 Pisceron Asteroid Belt Alpha <80, 45> Energy ?? Plasma, Energy 100% Plasma resist

10 Red Dragon Informant Slayton Nav Slayton 7 Explosive Plasma aggro everyone, no faction hit

10 Red Dragon Informant Slayton Red Dragon Camp 2 & 4 Explosive Plasma aggro everyone, no faction hit

10 Red Dragon Informant Slayton Brand's Barrow Explosive Plasma aggro everyone, no faction hit

10 Red Dragon Interdictor Mercury Red Dragon Buoy ??

10 Red Dragon Miner Planet Inverness SE of Gas Pocket 2B Explosive not aggressive

10 Red Dragon Miner Planet Inverness SW of Gas Pocket 3A Explosive not aggressive

10 Red Dragon Miner Mercury Red Dragon Buoy ??

10 Red Dragon Miner Slayton Nav Slayton 3 Explosive Plasma

10 Rogue Progen Altair III Outer Debris Field 3 Impact ?? ??

10 Saam Lo Veteran Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Gamma Comm Junction 1 EMP, Energy Explosive ??

10 Saam Lo Veteran Red Dragon Slayton Red Dragon Camp 1 & 6 EMP, Energy Plasma

10 Saam Lo Veteran Red Dragon Slayton Brand's Barrow EMP, Energy Plasma

10 Saam Lo Veteran Red Dragon Venus Nav Mercury 2 ??

10 Shusen Bully Yokan 10k east of Ketsugo's Rock Impact drops heads

10 The Dzurai Spawn Mars Menace Trial; Dzurai Hunting Grounds Plasma, EMP ?? ??

10 The Dzurai Spawn Slayton Nav Slayton 5 Plasma, EMP Plasma Energy

10 Weed Popper Earth Getco 1 Plasma Plasma ??

10 Weed Popper Jagerstadt Meteorological Tower Plasma Plasma Explosive

Mobs with CL 11-20

The following table is long, and is hidden by default.
To view, click on "Expand" at the right side of the Header.

CL Mob Sector Nav Damage Dealt Weakness Resists Notes

11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug Jotunheim Nav Jotunheim 6 Energy Plasma ??

11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug Muspelheim Jormund Mining Station Energy ?? Explosive

11 2nd Circle Chavez Thug Neptune Neptune Nav 6, 8, 9 Energy ?? ??

11 Bogeril Elder Witberg Bogeril Marker 1 Impact Explosive ??

11 Bogeril Lootenant Witberg Bogeril Marker 5 Impact Explosive ?? misspelled

11 Bogeril Militia Bugmaster Witberg Bogeril Marker 2 Impact Explosive ??

11 Bogeril Militia Sar'jin Witberg Bogeril Marker 2, 3, 5, Bogeril Camp Impact Explosive ??

11 Bogeril Scuttlebug Bull Witberg Bogeril Marker 2 Impact Explosive ??

11 Frenzied Shear Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Frenzy Field Explosive ?? ??

11 Frenzied Shear Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Harvest Cluster 2 Explosive ?? ??

11 Getco Unmarked Earth Asteroid ED5614 & ED5615 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

11 Glinting Manes Margesi S of Shipyard Beltway 11 Energy Plasma ??

11 Juoona Kinder Swooping Eagle Asteroid Quetzal Energy not aggressive

11 Juoona Matriarch Swooping Eagle Field of Glass Point Energy may drop heads

11 Juoona Sehr Mundig Swooping Eagle Field of Glass Point EMP ?? ?? may drop heads

11 Misguided Belter Drudge Slayton Nav Brand 2; Stafford's Cairn Energy ?? Explosive

11 Narcissan Pollen Granule Muspelheim Net-7 Beacon; Nav Muspelheim 6 Chemical, Energy ?? ??

11 Resource Hound Ishuan Barn's Lookout Energy ?? Explosive

11 Resource Hound Ishuan Traders Run 3 Energy ?? Explosive

11 Rockbiter Altair III Between Altair Debris Field 3 & 4 Energy ?? ??

11 Rockbiter Altair III <-125, 45> Energy ?? ??

11 Rockbiter Mercury <-70, -350> Plasma, Energy ?? ??

11 Rogue Brigand Ragnarok Herlinsson Camp Energy ?? ??

11 Saam Lo Scalemaster Venus Nav Mercury 2 ??

12 3rd Cicle Chavez Mechanic Akeron's Gate 50k S of Gate to Saturn & throughout sector Energy ?? ??

12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic Freya Nav Gateway 2 Energy ?? ??

12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic Odin Rex The Path Energy ?? Explosive

12 3rd Circle Chavez Mechanic Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 2 Energy Plasma ??

12 Abnormal Mole Altair III <-60, -90> Energy ?? ??

12 Abnormal Mole Glenn multiple -- in the 'roids Energy Plasma

12 Abnormal Mole Mercury Mercury 3 Energy Plasma ??

12 Abnormal Mole Neptune Neptune Nav 2 & 3 Energy Plasma ??

12 Belter Margesi Between Shipyard Beltway 9 & 10 Energy ?? ?? sometimes CL 16

12 Bogeril Greyhair Witberg Bogeril Marker 2 & 3, Bogeril Camp Impact Explosive ??

12 Bogeril Militia Battlebug Witberg Bogeril Marker 5 Impact Explosive ??

12 Bogeril Militia Majer Witberg Bogeril Marker 6 Impact Explosive ??

12 Densou Youth Asteroid Belt Beta Upper Saturn 2 & 3 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

12 Densou Youth Asteroid Belt Beta Venus 2 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

12 Free Spacer Demagogue Mercury <-100, -320> ??

12 Free Spacer Demagogue Venus <-45, -80> ??

12 Frenzied Hive Queen Mazzaroth Maelstrom Hive Cluster 6 Explosive, Plasma ?? ??

12 Frigid Drake Freya Freya Field 2 & 3 Energy ?? Plasma

12 Frigid Drake Muspelheim Jormund Path 2 Energy ?? ??

12 Glimmering Manes Asteroid Belt Beta S of Mining Marker 4 Energy ?? Plasma may drop heads

12 Glittering Manes Asteroid Belt Gamma Asteroid Marin34; Easten's Field Energy ?? ??

12 Glittering Manes Margesi S of Shipyard Beltway 11 Energy Plasma ??

12 Green Spindle Dahin 20k east of Dahin Skyway 2 Energy may drop heads

12 Green Spindle Dahin Between P16 & P17 Energy Plasma

12 Hijacker Scum Nostrand Vor Between Crossdock Alpha holding nav 2 & 3 Plasma, Explosive ?? Explosive

12 Koukotsu ShakaKu Dahin Mining Interest Observation Tower Chemical Plasma ?? not aggressive

12 Lucent Manes Mondara Maelstrom 18k nw Hunting Point Gallus Energy, EMP ?? Plasma may drop heads

12 Minor Red Spindle Dahin 20k east of Dahin Skyway 2 Energy may drop heads

12 Misguided Belter Laborer Inverness Nav Inverness 2 Explosive, Energy Explosive

12 Misguided Belter Laborer Uranus <-70, -85> Energy, Explosive ?? ??

12 Mist Lord Freya Freya Field 2 Explosive Plasma ??

12 Mist Lord Odin's Belt N of Nav Odin's Belt 3 Explosive ?? ??

12 Narcissan Pollen Module Muspelheim Net-7 Beacon; Nav Muspelheim 6; Surti Alpha 3 Chemical, Energy ?? ??

12 Prime Dzurai Spawn Mars 35k N of Menace Trial Energy, Plasma Plasma ?? patrolled by lv45 maines

12 Prime Dzurai Spawn Slayton Nav Slayton 4 Plasma, Energy Plasma

12 Prime Dzurai Spawn Slayton Soyus Passage 1 Plasma, Energy Plasma

12 Red Dragon Official Mercury Red Dragon Buoy ??

12 Red Dragon Supplier Planet Inverness SW of Gas Pocket 1A EMP, Energy not aggressive

12 Red Dragon Supplier Venus <-5, 60> ??

12 Resource Hound Ishuan Barn's Lookout Energy ?? Explosive

12 Resource Hound Ishuan Traders Run 3 Energy ?? Explosive

12 Rogue Corsair Ragnarok Herlinsson Camp Energy Plasma ??

12 Rogue Corsair Ragnarok Farthen Camp Energy Plasma ??

12 Saam Lo Advanced Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Gamma Comm Junction 1 Explosive ?? ?? Psionic Shield

12 Saam Lo Advanced Red Dragon Slayton Red Dragon Camp 6, 7, 9 ?? ??

12 Saam Lo Advanced Red Dragon Slayton Soyus Passage 1 ?? ??

12 Saam Lo Elite Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Alpha Dutch Flat EMP, Energy Explosive ??

12 Saam Lo Elite Red Dragon Slayton Red Dragon Camp 3, 4, 5, 8 ?? ??

12 Shang Lo Advanced Red Dragon Tarsis Casca's Vault to Red Dragon Hideout ??

12 Sharim Trader Ishuan Menorb Gate ?? ?? ??

12 Sharim Trader Ishuan Ishuan Station ?? ?? ??

13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout Adriel Prime Radiation Marker 1 Energy Plasma ??

13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout Freya Nav Gateway 2 Energy ?? ??

13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout Odin Rex The Path Energy ?? Explosive

13 3rd Circle Chavez Scout Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 2 Energy ?? ??

13 Arctic Drake Jotunheim 'roid field around Jotunheim Energy ?? Plasma may resist debuff

13 Arctic Drake Muspelheim Jormund Path 2 Energy ?? ??

13 Arctic Drake Uranus Saturn Way 2 Energy ?? Plasma

13 Body Stealer Asteroid Belt Alpha <15, 15> Energy Plasma ?? drops heads

13 Body Stealer Yokan Asteroid YP-X68; Asteroid YP-X69 Energy Plasma ?? drops heads; Spawns in waves of 3

13 Crystal Delphidite Mercury <-50, -380> Impact Plasma ??

13 Densou Adult Asteroid Belt Beta Saturn 3 Explosive ?? Plasma

13 Densou Adult Asteroid Belt Beta Venus 2 Explosive ?? Plasma

13 Densou Adult Asteroid Belt Beta Upper Saturn 2 & 3 Explosive ?? Plasma

13 Densou Adult Asteroid Belt Beta Lower Saturn 1 Explosive ?? Plasma

13 Densou Mother Asteroid Belt Beta Saturn 3 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

13 Densou Mother Asteroid Belt Beta Venus 2 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

13 Densou Mother Asteroid Belt Beta Upper Saturn 2 & 3 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

13 Densou Mother Asteroid Belt Beta Lower Saturn 1 Energy ?? ?? not aggressive

13 Free Spacer Seneschal Mercury <-120, -350> ??

13 Free Spacer Seneschal Odin's Belt Gunnlod ?? ?? ??

13 Free Spacer Seneschal Venus <60, -60> ??

13 Free Spacer Seneschal Venus Abandoned Nav 1 ??

13 Fujian Freighter II Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Gamma Comm Junction 1 Energy, EMP Explosive ??

13 Fujian Freighter II Red Dragon Slayton Red Dragon Camp 5 & 8 ?? ?? ??

13 Glowing Manes Endriago NE of Spin 5 Impact, Plasma ?? ??, may drop heads

13 Greater Spindle Altair III Altair III Nav 2 & 4 Energy Explosive ??

13 Greater Spindle Altair III Altair III Nav 2 & 4 Energy Explosive ??

13 Greater Spindle Dahin Nav P16 Energy Plasma also P17

13 Kusen Shakaklu Dahin Mining Interest 30k WNW of station Chemical Plasma ?? not aggressive

13 Misguided Belter Inverness Nav Inverness 2 Energy Explosive

13 Narcissan Spore Muspelheim Net-7 Beacon; Nav Muspelheim 6; Surti Alpha 3 Chemical, Energy ?? ??

13 Nommos Calf Aganju Nommos Point Chemical ?? ?? not aggressive

13 Rogue Buccaneer Ragnarok Herlinsson Camp; Farthen Camp Energy Plasma ??

13 Space Junkie Adriel Prime Between Radiation Marker 3 & 4 Energy ?? ??

13 V'rix Mazzaroth Maelstrom Harvest Cluster 1 Energy Plasma ??

13 Yee Lo Initiate Red Dragon Carpenter Nav Carpenter 1 & 4 ??

13 Yee Lo Initiate Red Dragon Muspelheim Gate to Smuggler's Run Energy ?? ??

14 3rd circle Chavez Thug Adriel Prime Radiation Marker 1 Energy Plasma ??

14 Confused Belter Drone Inverness Nessie Energy Plasma

14 Crystal Spore Jotunheim Ring Entry 1; Jumpgate 2 Impact Plasma ??

14 Crystal Spore Mercury <-70, -350> ??

14 Crystal Spore Uranus <-60, 75> Impact Plasma ??

14 Dejected Cygni Miner Aganju Between Kinshasa-Mbali & Aganju Energy Plasma Explosive not aggressive

14 Densou Ancient Asteroid Belt Beta Saturn 3 Explosive ?? Plasma

14 Densou Ancient Asteroid Belt Beta Venus 2 Explosive ?? Plasma

14 Densou Ancient Asteroid Belt Beta Upper Saturn 2 & 3 Explosive ?? Plasma

14 Densou Ancient Asteroid Belt Beta Lower Saturn 1 Explosive ?? Plasma

14 Funtou Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 30k WNW of station Chemical Plasma ?? aggressive

14 Juoona Kinder Swooping Eagle Hytlac Resource Point Energy Plasma not aggressive

14 Juoona Matriarch Swooping Eagle Hytlac Resource Point Energy

14 Juoona Patriarch Swooping Eagle Hytlac Resource Point Energy, EMP

14 Juoona Sehr Mundig Swooping Eagle Field of Glass ?? ?? ??

14 Seething Sactul Swarm Margesi SE of Shipyard Beltway 12 Energy Plasma ??

14 Shang Lo Elite Red Dragon Tarsis fr Octavius' Rise to Shang Lo Lan; Nav Sabinus 2 ??

15 3rd Circle Chavez Enforcer Adriel Prime Radiation Marker 1 Energy Plasma ??

15 3rd Circle Chavez Enforcer Carpenter Chavez Hideout Energy Plasma ??

15 4th Circle Chavez Mechanic Venus Chavez Research Facility; Nav Ceres 2 Energy Plasma ??

15 Bogeril Militia Kernel Witberg Bogeril Camp, Bogeril Marker 5 & 6 Impact Explosive ??

15 Dejected Miner Aganju Between Kinshasa-Mbali & Aganju Energy Plasma Explosive not aggressive

15 Dzurai Youth Carpenter 40k N of OMP Plasma, EMP Explosive ??

15 Free Spacer Cadet Jotunheim Free Spacer Void Moot ??

15 Free Spacer Cadet Mercury <-100, -320> ??

15 Free Spacer Cadet Venus <-45, -80> ??

15 Fujian Freighter III Red Dragon Muspelheim Surti Alpha 4 Explosive, Energy ?? Explosive hits from over 5k out

15 Glittering Manes Odin's Belt Balder's Tear; Bragi Energy ?? Explosive

15 Green Spindle Dahin 20k east of Dahin Skyway 2 Energy may drop heads

15 Holmes' Henchman Slayton Holmes' Hideout ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

15 Lambent Manes Altair III <-120, 35> Energy ?? ??

15 Minor Red Spindle Dahin 20k east of Dahin Skyway 2 Energy may drop heads

15 Minor Red Spindle Dahin Nav P15 Energy may drop heads

15 Misguided Belter Foreman Inverness Nessie Explosive, Plasma Plasma

15 Misguided Belter Foreman Slayton Nav Brand 3 Energy, Explosive ?? Explosive

15 Misguided Belter Foreman Uranus <-80, -85> Energy, Explosive ?? Plasma

15 Red Spindle Dahin Nav P15 Energy may drop heads

15 Yee Lo Advanced Red Dragon Asteroid Belt Beta Asteroid BA-299 Impact, Energy ?? Explosive

15 Yee Lo Novice Red Dragon Carpenter Nav Carpenter 1, 2, 4 ??

15 Yee Lo Novice Red Dragon Muspelheim Surti Alpha 4 Impact ?? ??

15 Zenshai Chemical Napper Yokan Ishi Chemical none? swarming

16 4th Circle Chavez Scout Venus Chavez Research Facility Energy Plasma ??

16 4th Circle Chavez Scout Venus Nav Ceres 2 Energy Plasma ??

16 Bogeril Militia Cap't Witberg Bogeril Marker 6 Impact Explosive ??

16 Cenovar Gladiator Dahin Mining Interest Fallen Moon Fragment Impact, EMP ?? ??

16 Confused Belter Laborer Carpenter 10k n of Nav Orsini 2 Energy ?? Explosive, impact

16 Diamond Delphidite Uranus 20k N of Uranus 4 Impact Plasma ??

16 Enraged Sheer Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom ?? Impact Plasma ??

16 Glenn Pleasure Yacht Glenn 10k se of station ??

16 Large Crystal Rockbiter Kitara's Veil Motish ?? ?? ??

16 Large Crystal Rockbiter Uranus 20k n of Uranus 4 Impact Plasma ??

16 Lucent Manes Mondara Maelstrom exit wormhole Energy, EMP Plasma Plasma may drop heads

16 Merus Milia Captain Asteroid Belt Gamma 20k sw of Onorom Prison Energy, Explosive ?? ??

16 Narcissan Pollen Cluster Muspelheim Net-7 Beacon Chemical, Energy ?? ??

16 Phoenix Mercury Star Clipper 1 thru 5 Energy ?? ??

17 4th Circle Chavez Transport Venus Chavez Research Facility Energy Plasma ??

17 4th Circle Chavez Transport Venus Nav Ceres 1, 2 Energy Plasma ??

17 Bogeril Militia Cap't Witberg Bogeril Marker 6 Impact Explosive ??

17 Chavez Heavy Miner Odin Rex Chavez Mining Facility Energy, Plasma ?? ??

17 Enraged Sheer Hive Mazzaroth Maelstrom Hunter's Respite 2 Impact Plasma ??

17 Free Spacer Guide Mercury <-100, -320> ??

17 Free Spacer Guide Odin's Belt Gunnlod ?? ?? ??

17 Free Spacer Guide Venus <-45, -80> ??

17 Great Red Spindle Uranus Neptune Way 2 Energy Plasma ?? not aggressive unless your shield gets too low

17 Great Red Spindle Uranus Uranus 2 Energy Plasma ?? not aggressive unless your shield gets too low

17 Mikoto Shakaku Dahin Mining Interest 35k wnw of station Chemical Plasma ??

17 Net-7 Field Report Frigate Muspelheim Between Nav Muspelheim 3 & 4 ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

17 Net-7 Field Report Frigate Saturn Between Nav Ringway Six & Sector Gate to Akerons Gate ?? ?? ?? not aggressive

17 Phoenix Crux Mercury Star Clipper 1 thru 5 Energy, EMP ?? ??

17 Ripe Dzurai Calf Carpenter 40k n of OMP Plasma, EMP Explosive ??

17 SunMiner Mercury <80, -95> Chemical, Energy Plasma ??

18 4th Circle Chavez Enforcer Venus Chavez Research Facility Energy Plasma ??

18 4th Circle Chavez Enforcer Venus Nav Ceres 1 & 2 Energy Plasma ??

18 Beaming Manes Akeron's Gate Krakow & Warning Beacons Energy, EMP Plasma ??

18 Beaming Manes Venus <0, 25> Energy, EMP Plasma ?? may drop heads

18 Confused Belter Foreman Inverness Nessie Energy, Explosive ?? impact

18 Confused Belter Foreman Uranus 20k n of Uranus 4 Energy, Explosive Plasma ??

18 Crystal Rockbiter Uranus <-60, 75> Impact Plasma ??

18 Enraged Hive Queen Mazzaroth Maelstrom Deep Field 2 Impact, Plasma Plasma ??

18 Free Spacer Patron Jotunheim Free Spacer Void Moot ??

18 Heung Leung Ambassador Tarsis Shang Lo Lan ??

18 Nazari Asteroid Belt Alpha W of Toughnut Pit Energy ?? ?? drops heads

18 Nommos Adult Aganju Nommos Point Chemical ?? ??

18 Sparkling Manes Asteroid Belt Gamma Between Saturn Gamma Navway 2 & 3 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

18 Sparkling Manes Jupiter Asteroid JP-R26 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

18 Sundiver Croush Mercury <60, -105> Impact, Energy ?? ??

18 Yee Lo Elite Red Dragon Slayton Nav Slayton 6 ?? ?? ??

19 4th Circle Chavez Commander Venus Chavez Research Facility Energy Plasma ??

19 4th Circle Chavez Thug Venus Chavez Research Facility Energy Plasma ??

19 4th Circle Chavez Thug Venus Nav Ceres 2 Energy Plasma ??

19 5th Circle Chavez Mechanic Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

19 Bright Manes New Edinburgh 35k nw of Inverness Gate Energy, EMP Plasma ?? may drop heads

19 Crystal Spore Hunter Uranus <-80, -70> Energy Plasma ?? not aggressive

19 Crystal Spore Hunter Uranus <-85, 90> Energy Plasma ?? not aggressive

19 Dai Lo Initiate Red Dragon Shepard 25k s of Frontier Field Alpha Energy, Impact, Explosive

19 Dai Lo Initiate Red Dragon Uranus Gate to Neptune Energy, Impact, Explosive

19 Dusky Emergent Glenn Asteroid GP-X21 Chemical Plasma ?? Spawned from L5 Pop "rocks"

19 Foliaceous Porata Kitara's Veil Numi ?? ?? ?? Spawned from L4 Pop "rocks"

19 Foliaceous Porata Swooping Eagle Hytlac Resource Point ?? ?? ?? Spawned from L4 Pop "rocks"

19 Safari Hunter New Edinburgh 30k s of Nav Edinburgh 8 Impact, Energy ?? ?? may drop heads

19 Shining Manes New Edinburgh 35k nw of Inverness Gate Energy, EMP Plasma ?? may drop heads

19 SunMiner Mercury <80, -95> Chemical, Energy Plasma ??

20 5th Circle Chavez Scout Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

20 Bio-Ripper Akeron's Gate Beacon Alpha Energy Plasma ?? may drop heads

20 Bio-Ripper Asteroid Belt Beta Void of Thought Maru Energy, Impact ?? ??, Plasma Hacking, may drop heads

20 Bio-Ripper Carpenter Lagrange 5 Point Energy, Impact Explosive ??

20 Bio-Ripper Inverness Nav Inverness 3 Energy, Impact ?? Explosive

20 Bio-Ripper Jotunheim Between Nav Jotunheim 4 & Jotunheim Energy, Impact ?? ??

20 Bio-Ripper Shepard Geezer Rock Energy, Impact ?? ?? drops heads

20 Bio-Ripper Uranus <-50, 120> Energy ?? ?? Hacking, drops heads

20 Bio-Ripper Uranus Saturn Way 2 Energy ?? ?? Hacking, drops heads

20 Claimjumper Adriel Prime Between Gas Collector Ring 36 & Radiation Marker 36 Energy ?? Explosive

20 Claimjumper Adriel Prime Gas Collector Ring 4 Energy ?? Explosive

20 Claimjumper Carpenter LaGrange 4 point Energy Plasma Explosive

20 Claimjumper Carpenter LaGrange 5 point Energy Plasma Explosive

20 Crystalline Gamma Menorb Base of Tendrius Plasma Plasma ??

20 Crystalline Gamma Menorb Menorb Skyway 1 & 2 Plasma Plasma ??

20 Dusky Obtenerate Glenn Asteroid GP-X21 Chemical, Energy ?? ?? Spawned from L5/L6 Pop "rocks"

20 Free Spacer Sentry Venus <70, -60> ??

20 Free Spacer Sentry Venus Abandoned Nav 1 ??

20 Glenn Sector Authority Glenn Asteroid GP-X22 ??

20 Glenn Sector Authority Shepard Frontier Field Beta ??

20 Glenn Sector Authority Shepard Nav Shepard 3 ??

20 Iron Vulture Odin Rex Destroyed Mining Facility ?? ?? ??

20 Mekong Freighter Red Dragon Shepard 25k s of Frontier Field Alpha ??

20 Progen Spy Aganju Landauer Point 1 Impact ?? Plasma

20 Rock Chomper Mercury <-70, -350> Plasma ?? ??

20 Scuttle Bug Carpenter 35k se of Lagrange 4 Point Energy Plasma ??

20 Scuttle Bug Shepard <-60, 56> Energy Plasma EMP

20 Scuttle Bug Shepard Nav Shepard 5 thru Lucre Resource Field Energy Plasma EMP

20 Scuttle Bug Shepard Pax Swift Star Energy Plasma EMP

20 Shang Lo Ceremonial Guard Red Dragon Slayton Nav Slayton 6 ?? ??

20 Shang Lo Ceremonial Guard Red Dragon Tarsis Shang Lo Lan ??

20 Starstruck Belter Inverness Nav Inverness 3 Energy Plasma ??

20 Starstruck Belter Neptune Abandoned Mining Station Energy Plasma ?? Recharge Shields

20 Yee Lo Initiate Red Dragon Slayton Nav Slayton 5 Energy ?? ??

Mobs with CL 21+

  • Sectors within Sol are complete. Others are not.

The following table is long, and is hidden by default.
To view, click on "Expand" at the right side of the Header.

CL Mob Sector Nav Damage Dealt Weakness Resists Notes

21 Belter Transport Uranus <-70, -90> EMP, Explosive ?? Plasma

21 Rogue Mugger Uranus <-60, -90> EMP, Explosive Plasma ?? Hacking

21 Rogue Progen Odin's Belt gas field nr Vidar ?? ?? ??

21 Sooty Obtenerate Glenn Asteroid GP-X21 Chemical, Energy ?? ?? Spawned from L6 Pop "rocks"

21 Starstruck Belter Foreman Inverness Nav Inverness 3 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

21 Sundiver Sal Mercury <80, -95> Impact, Energy ?? ??

21 Sundiver Youth Mercury <60, -105> Impact, Energy ?? ??

22 5th Circle Chavez Enforcer Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

22 Crystalline Delta Menorb Menorb Path 2 Plasma ?? Plasma

22 Crystalline Delta Menorb Menorb Skyway 3 & 4 Plasma ?? Plasma

22 Crystal Rockcrusher Jotunheim Between Nav Jotunheim 6 & Jotunheim Ring Entry Point 3 ??

22 Dai Lo Novice Red Dragon Glory's Orbit RD Training Facility ??

22 Dai Lo Novice Red Dragon New Edinburgh n of Obsolete Nav 1 Impact, Explosive ??

22 Dai Lo Novice Red Dragon Shepard Geezer rock ??

22 Dai Lo Novice Red Dragon Uranus Gate to Neptune ??

22 Dai Lo Novice Red Dragon Venus <20, -65> ??

22 Free Spacer Vagabond Neptune Neptune Nav 5 ??

22 Free Spacer Vagabond Venus Abandoned Nav 1 ??

22 Garish Manes Shepard <-50, 15> Energy ?? Plasma

22 Iron Eater Odin Rex Destroyed Mining Facility ?? ?? ??

22 Renegade Progen Reclaimer Neptune Ancient Progen Wreckage Impact, Chemical ?? Plasma Menace

22 Starstruck Belter Foreman Adriel Prime Proxima Approach 36 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

22 Starstruck Belter Foreman Inverness Nav Inverness 3 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

22 Starstruck Belter Foreman Neptune Abandoned Mining Station Energy, EMP Plasma ??

23 5th Circle Chavez Commander Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

23 Adult Undo Jupiter Asteroid JP-R10 Energy, Plasma ?? Plasma

23 Chavez Blood Initiate Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

23 Chavez Blood Initiate Odin Rex Between Nav Odin Rex 3 & 4 ?? ?? ??

23 Crystalline Architect Menorb Menorb Skyway 3 Impact ?? Plasma Crystalline Schematic drop

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Glory's Orbit RD Training Facility ??

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon New Edinburgh Obsolete Nav 2 Energy, Impact ?? Explosive

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Shepard 25k S of Frontier Field Alpha ??

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Shepard Frontier Buoy ??

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Shepard Nav Shepard 4 ??

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Shepard Particle Ring 1 & 2 ??

23 Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Uranus Gate to Neptune ??

23 Dzurai Adult Runt Carpenter Nav Carpenter 3 & 8 Plasma, EMP Plasma ??

23 Free Spacer Chief Neptune Neptune Nav 5 ??

23 Gastrone Worm Jupiter Asteroid JP-X39 Energy, Chemical ?? ?? may drop heads

23 Mature Undo Jupiter Asteroid JP-R10 Explosive ?? Plasma

23 Red Dragon Refit Station guard Venus <-10, 60> ??

24 Crystalline Beta Menorb Base of Tendrius Impact Plasma ?? Rally

24 Crystalline Beta Menorb Menorb Skyway 5 Impact Plasma ?? Rally

24 Shining Manes Kitara's Veil Nav KV 4 Energy ?? Plasma drops Decayed Jenquai Head

24 Small Dzurai Adult Carpenter 25k s of Aurora 7 Plasma Explosive ??

25 Bright Manes Shepard <-50, 15> Energy ?? Plasma

25 Carni Odin Rex se of Destroyed Mining Facility ?? ?? ??

25 Chavez Blood Initiate Commander Glenn Chavez Resupply Depot Energy Plasma ??

25 Dai Lo Advanced Red Dragon Shepard Particle Ring 3 ??

25 Defense Drone Odin Rex Sight ?? ?? ??

25 Free Spacer Scout Venus <70, -60> ??

25 Mabonae Harvester Freya Freya Field 1 Energy, Chemical Plasma ??

25 Shinwa Patrol Cruiser Ishuan Menorb Gate ?? ?? ??

25 Shinwa Patrol Cruiser Menorb Ishuan Gate ?? ?? ??

26 Crystalline Alpha Menorb Skyway 6 Impact Plasma ??

26 Defense Drone Odin Rex Focus ?? ?? ??

26 Defense Drone Odin Rex Sight ?? ?? ??

26 Dzurai Adult Glenn Asteroid GP-X16 to GP-X18 Plasma, EMP Plasma ?? Recharge Shields

26 Ma Jai Elite Red Dragon Saturn w of Saturn 3 ??

26 Ma Jai Initiate Red Dragon Saturn w of Saturn 3 Impact ?? ??

26 Ma Jai Novice Red Dragon Saturn w of Saturn 3 Plasma ?? ??

26 Ma Jai Postulant Red Dragon Saturn w of Saturn 3 ??

26 Ma Jai Veteran Red Dragon Saturn w of Saturn 3 Plasma ?? ??

26 Novice Dragon Drone Venus <-10, 60> Energy Plasma ?? attacks everyone, no faction hit

27 Body Thief Carpenter Nav Carpenter 8 Energy ?? ??

27 Body Thief Asteroid Belt Beta Mining Marker 2 Energy ?? ??

27 Crazed Miner Shepard Frontier Field Delta Energy Plasma ??

27 Crazed Miner Uranus <-60, -90> Energy Plasma ??

27 Dai Lo Elite Red Dragon Glory's Orbit The Progen Path ??

27 Dai Lo Elite Red Dragon New Edinburgh Red Dragon Stronghold ?? ?? ??

27 Fulgent Manes Glenn Asteroid GP-X15 thru X18 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

27 Ostarae Cultivator Freya Freya Field 1 Energy, Chemical Plasma ?? Recharge Shields

28 Abnormal Mole Glory's Orbit Data Satellite II Energy ?? ?? drops heads

28 Bright Manes Pluto & Charon Pluto Path 3 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma may drop heads

28 Crystal Ring Feeder Glory's Orbit Crystal View Impact Plasma ??

28 Shimmering Manes Glenn Asteroid GP-X15 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

28 Veteran Silk Smuggler Glory's Orbit The Progen Path Explosive, Energy Plasma ?? not aggressive

29 Bright Manes Mercury ,-20, -325> Energy, EMP ?? Plasma may drop heads

29 Dai Dai Lo Initiate Red Dragon Glory's Orbit Between The Path of the Shared Memory & The Jenquai Path ??

29 Proto Dzurai Ancient Glory's Orbit Crystal Vantage Plasma, EMP Plasma ??

30 7th Circle Chavez Mechanic Freya Nav Gateway 2 EMP ?? Plasma

30 Charon Spark Pluto & Charon Charon Monster Pit Energy, EMP ?? Plasma Psionic Shield

30 Charon Spark Pluto & Charon Pluto Path 2 & 3 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma Psionic Shield

30 Strand Thief Shepard Frontier Field Alpha Energy Plasma ?? may drop heads

30 Zenshai Defender Yokan e of Yokan Beltway 5 Energy, Plasma, EMP ?? Plasma

31 Lucent Manes Mondara Maelstrom 18k ne Hunting Point Gallus Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

31 Lucent Manes Shepard -50, +15; between Nav Shepard 4 & 5 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

32 Dai Dai Lo Veteran Red Dragon Glory's Orbit Resource Field 1 ??

32 Mythic Dzurai Ancient Glory's Orbit Data Satellite I Plasma, EMP Plasma ??

32 Zenshai Warrior Yokan e of Yokan Beltway 5 Explosive, Chemical, Plasma, EMP ?? Plasma Mass Increase

33 Bio-Hunter Akeron's Gate Kassina Reward Energy ?? Plasma may drop heads, Recharge Shields

33 Bio-Hunter Shepard -50, -18 Energy, Impact ?? ?? Recharge Shields

33 Comet Endriago -145,70,0 ?? ?? ??

33 Dai Dai Lo Advanced Red Dragon Glory's Orbit Data Satellite IV Energy, Explosive Impact Plasma, Chemical

33 Dai Dai Lo Support Red Dragon Glory's Orbit RD Training Facility; Resource Field 1 ??

33 Dai Dai Lo Support Red Dragon Glory's Orbit Shared Memory & Jenquai Path ??

33 Einherjar Lancer Ragnarok Smerte ??

33 V'rix Helkos Mazzaroth Maelstrom they move around Energy, Explosive, Plasma ?? ??

34 Effulgent Manes Glory's Orbit +125, +80 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma may drop heads

34 Effulgent Manes Jupiter -26, -239 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

34 Onyx Titan Glory's Orbit +125, +80 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma may drop heads

34 Zenshai Knight Yokan Yokan Beltway 3 & 4 Energy, Explosive, EMP ?? Plasma

35 Crystal Ring Fiend Carpenter Asteroid ML-4520-1 Energy, EMP Plasma ??

35 Crystal Ring Fiend Glory's Orbit Data Satellite I & III Energy, EMP Plasma ??

35 Dai Dai Lo Elite Red Dragon Glory's Orbit RD Training Facility; Data Satellite IV Energy, Plasma, Explosive Impact Plasma, Chemical

35 Dazzling Manes Ishuan Above Hadean Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

35 Petrified Emerald Golem Shepard Redemption Impact ?? Plasma drops heads

35 Privateer Bounty Hunter Endriago Gate to Altair ?? ?? ?? Collegia Traders

35 Zenshai Paladin Yokan Yokan Beltway 3 & 4 Energy, Chemical, Plasma ?? Plasma, Chemical

36 Dzurai Pod Mother Glory's Orbit Sigma 7; Data Satellite II; Nav Glory's Orbit 2 Plasma, EMP Plasma Chemical

36 Mabonae Sporemother Freya Asteroid ML-1750-1 Energy, Chemical ?? Plasma Summon

36 Mabonae Sporemother Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 3 Energy, Chemical ?? Plasma Summon

36 Ostarae Sporemother Freya Asteroid ML-1750-1 Energy, Chemical ?? Plasma Recharge Shields

36 Ostarae Sporemother Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 3 Energy, Chemical ?? Plasma Recharge Shields

36 Soul Thief Jupiter Asteroid JP-R28 Energy ?? ?? may drop Half Eaten Spacesuit

37 Hadean Hijacker Ishuan Above Hadean Energy, Impact ?? Plasma

37 Zenshai Champion Yokan Yokan Beltway 3 & 4 Energy, Chemical, Impact Plasma ??

38 Free Spacer Arbiter Glory's Orbit Apollo 7; Nav Glory's Orbit 2 ??

38 Leviathan Mondara Maelstrom 20-45k nnw of Hunting Point Nero Impact, Explosive Plasma ?? Psionic Shield

38 Sabine Reclaimer Ragnarok Dolor's Bluff Impact, Energy Plasma ??

39 Zenshai Hero Yokan Yokan Beltway 3 & 4 Chemical, Explosive, Plasma ?? Plasma Summon

40 Black Leviathan Mondara Maelstrom 65k ne of Hunting Point Gallus Impact Plasma ?? Shield Sap

40 Charon Monster Pluto & Charon Charon Monster Pit Plasma ?? Plasma Gravity Link

40 Corpse Hunter Jotunheim Asteroid ML-1740-1 ?? ?? ?? At least two of them within attack range of the nav.

40 Einherjar Skulk Ragnarok Smerte Plasma Impact, Explosive

40 Siriasis Sentinel Aganju Nommos Point Explosive Plasma ?? Spawned from L7/8 Pop "rocks"

40 Siriasis Sentinel Lagarto <153.49, 324.99, 3.84> Explosive Plasma ?? Spawned from L7/8 Pop "rocks"

41 Fiery Manes Glory's Orbit 40k ne Gahaarn's Rock; Gahaarn's Rock Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

41 Gelatinous Ceelite Aganju Asteroid field 35k E of Nommos Point Chemical, Energy ?? Plasma Spawned from L8 Pop "rocks"

41 Gelatinous Ceelite Lagarto Asteroid field 78k E of PAX Decima Gemina Chemical, Energy ?? Plasma Spawned from L8 Pop "rocks"

41 Gelatinous Ceelite Antares Frontier Voltoi Observation Post B Chemical, Energy ?? Plasma Spawned from L8 Pop "rocks"

42 Frost Drake Risco Moon Ruined Tower Energy, EMP

42 Glorious Manes Glory's Orbit 40k ne Gahaarn's Rock Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

42 Sulami Pirate Akeron's Gate Between the Gates to Freya and Saturn Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Freya SW of Nav Gateway 3 Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Freya SW of Nav Freya 4 Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Muspelheim Between the Gate to Odin's Rex and Nav Muspelheim 5 Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Muspelheim Between the Gate to Aragoth Prime and Surti Alpha Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Odin Rex Between Nav Odin Rex 5 and Sight Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Odin Rex Between Nav Odin Rex 1 and The Path Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Vishao's Cove NE, E, and SE of Vishao's Peril Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Sulami Pirate Glenn Asteroid GP-X84 through GP-X88 Plasma, EMP, ?? ?? Plasma Field Guardian (Note I did not see these at all the last time I was at this field for over an hour), See Cloaked, Gravity Link, Self Destruct!

42 Zenshai Angel Yokan Yokan Beltway 3 & 4 Energy, Chemical, Explosive ?? Plasma

43 Einherjar Berserker Freya Asteroid ML-1750-1 Energy, Explosive ??

43 Einherjar Berserker Ragnarok Smerte Energy, Explosive Plasma

43 Einherjar Skald Ragnarok Smerte Impact Plasma

43 Mabonae Bracts Varen's Girdle Osterae Harvest (Hidden Nav) Plasma, Chemical Plasma ??

45-46 Indurate Nosturi Aganju Nommos Point Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L8/9 Pop "rocks"

45 Mother Spark Pluto & Charon 15k e of Pluto Path 3 Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

45 Talon Protector Odin Rex Pirate Gate to Smuggler's Run Plasma, Chemical, Energy ?? Impact Menace, Shield Charging

45 Vivid Manes Mars 30k n of Menace Trial Energy, EMP ?? Plasma

46 Albuminous Ceelite Aganju Nommos Point Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L8/9 Pop "rocks"

46 Body Snatcher Arduinne Arduinne Asteroid AA705 Energy ?? ?? Gravity Link

46 Body Snatcher Arduinne Arduinne Asteroid AA710 Energy ?? ?? Gravity Link

46 Body Snatcher Grissom Meteorological Site 31k NE of gate Energy ?? ?? Gravity Link

46 Body Snatcher Grissom Meteorological Site Charybis 1 Energy ?? ?? Gravity Link

46 Haggard Siriasis Sentinel Fenris Derelict Nav Point Explosive ?? ?? Spawned from L8/9 Pop "rocks"

50 Bio-Extractor Lagarto 83k W of PAX Decima Gemina <255.44, 264.46, -1.93> Energy, Plasma ?? ?? See mob notes

50 Bio-Extractor Fenris Derelict Nav Point Energy, Plasma ?? ?? See mob notes

50 Bio-Extractor Grissom Cape Canaveral Resource Field Energy, Plasma ?? ?? See mob notes

50 Bio-Extractor Xipe Totec Ruined Red Dragon Outpost Energy, Plasma ?? ?? See mob notes

50 Dimming Obtenerate Fenris Derelict Nav Point Explosive ?? ?? Spawned from L9 Pop "rocks"

50 Maintenance Drone Zweihander Asteroid Z91 Impact, Explosive ?? Energy See mob notes

50 Maintenance Drone Zweihander Asteroid Z93 Impact, Explosive ?? Energy See mob notes

51 Tenebrous Emergent Aganju Asteroid field 35k E of Nommos Point Explosive, Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L9 Pop "rocks"

51 Tenebrous Emergent Cooper Research Field 3 - Destroyed - Explosive, Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L9 Pop "rocks"

51 Tenebrous Emergent Cooper Destroyed Research Lab Explosive, Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L9 Pop "rocks"

51 Tenebrous Emergent Grissom Dzurai Hunting Ground Alpha Explosive, Impact Plasma ?? Spawned from L9 Pop "rocks"

60 Blinding Voltoi Wisp Antares Frontier +3.64, +112.4 ?? ?? ??

See also