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Mob Farming Spots

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

The concept of a farming-spot is twofold:

  1. The spot must have enough MOBs ("mobile entities", aka "monsters or beasts"), and a high enough respawn, such that a single player can kill there with little (enough for a reactor to recharge from empty) to no downtime between fights.
  2. The mobs at that location should drop mostly stackable loot so that it is time-profitable to kill there without a hauler character.

Be sure to read Leveling Tips before you set out to grind for the first time. It may help you pick a good spot!

Named Mobs MOBs of interest

Related page: Mob <== a one line per mob summary of the damage types each mob does and the resistances it has.

Common Leveling Path

  • Below CL [combat level] 8, new players should plan to shoot up everything possible in their new chum starting sector.
  • Other similarly easy areas/mobs are:
    • Jenquai -- Dionysians [CL 1 to 4] at nav Gas Field Deep 1, 2, and 3 in Jupiter sector. These do Explosive damage and can easily be tanked with a Tattered Kimono Shield M2 which you can buy at Jove's Fury station. Any level 2 beam weapon will work.
    • Terran -- Scuttlebug Larvae [CL 3] in 'roid fields to north and east of Earth station, plus Needlenose [CL 5] between nav Corporate Park and Nav Group Shrine. Your Missiles and level 2 shield will be enough.
    • Progen -- the three Hunting Grounds in Mars will do fine. CL 6, 7, and 8 plus 10. Remember to "/showdamage" and change your resistance buffs (devices) for the target you're killing.
  • Do this until you are about CL 10; then try one or more of the following;

  • Shusens [CL 6] near Hue moon in Dahin sector,
  • Missiles work well on the Drones [CL 8, 9, 10] at nav Infinity Campus, Earth sector. JDs can practice their Summon technique there as well.
  • Swooping Eagle sector features a variety of CL 4 to 14 critters in the asteroid belt in front of the planet. Southwest is the safer end.
  • Progens would do well to invade Asteroid Belt Gamma sector and behind the Prison there.
  • Once your weapons are upgraded (CL12) many people try the CL17 Great Red Spindles at nav Uranus 2, in Uranus Sector. There are similar size Spindles in the outer navs in Dahin sector. Dzurai Spawn [CL 10 and 12] can be found in Slayton near navs Slayton 4 & 5. Dejected Miners [CL 14] in Aganju are also easy (they will not aggro until attacked).
  • After this point differences in the weapon and damage types really take hold and different areas become the best spot based on your Race/Class. (see below for ideas)
  • Around CL40-48, options become very limited.
    • Ostarae at Ostarae Harvest (hidden nav) in VG are good until around CL42/43 (or CL 36 if in a group of 6).
    • CL46 Sturren/Sults in Nifleheim Cloud: 180,000 HP and similar resists to Voltoi
    • After that, your best bet is Voltoi in Antares, the CL 48s. You'll need at least a lvl 7 shield to fight them. The 48s do less damage and have roughly the same HP (~120,000) as the 45s. There are far fewer deviants (aggro mobs) in the 48s as well. The loot doesn't stack, so use the Account Vault page to transfer loot to another char, and send ammo back.'
    • Your other option for CL48 mobs are Bullywere Leeches in R4c: 170,000 HP, and they like to swarm. But they drop ONLY lvl 7-9 bio-loot that stacks, so if you have extra DPS, great.

Before going Hog Wild here

Spend a few minutes reviewing the pirate factions -- The Red Dragon and the Chavez Storyline Walkthrough. Each faction controls access via gate to a selected area and a limited number of missions -- neither of which is available to you if your standing with them is poor. Killing either increases standing with the other. Many players select which to be friendly with and which to whack mercilessly to gain faction standing (and sector access) with the other. The time to decide this is now. Actually you can gain the fastest RD faction killing Vrix now. So you can be friendly with both (kill Vrix for RD faction, kill RD for Chavez faction).

Farming spots

NET7 Map by Xulei
Updated & Amended

When making entries to this table, if a navigation-point is hidden (i.e. does not show up on the character's in-game map) please include its X,Y,Z coordinates here instead of the Nav name, so that other pilots can locate it. If the mob's combat level (CL) is less than 10, please use a leading-zero so a column-sort on CL will order it properly in the list.

New players needing navigational assistance may find Xulei's Net7 Map useful.

For a comprehensive collection of interactive sector charts which include hidden navpoints, visit the ENBmaps website.

System Nav or X,Y,Z Combat Levels Notes
Jotunheim Deep Jotunheim 1 06 & 7 Chavez
Mars Hunting Grounds 06 Kracken Cows. Non aggro till u shoot. Shoot plasma at you
Dahin Hau 06 Shusens. Deal energy damage. Resistant to Plasma damage. Some drop heads.
Odin Rex Nav Odin Rex 2 05 & 9 Chavez
61 Cygni 8k toward planet from station 14 Dejected Miners. no aggro until you shoot and then only the one
Odin's Belt Between Nav Odin's Belt 4 & Nav Odin's Belt 3 10 Mist Runners
Freya Freya Field 2 10-12 Mist Runners. They shoot explosive damage at you.
Freya Gaius Wreck & Folkvang 26-30 Zenshai ships. Vulnerable to Explosive; they resist plasma (some) & Chem (a lot). If you sit about 7km east of Gaius Wreck you'll mostly encounter 26es and be less likely to be overwhelmed by numbers. They use EMP, Plasma, and Energy against you.
Dahin Nav P 15 to P18 12, 13, 15, 17 Spindles. Energy damage; may drop L 3 laser weapon.
Shepard Pax Swift Star, 45k WNW of Frontier Field Delta 20 Scuttlebugs; they deal energy damage; occasionally drop the non-vendor comp BlackBox CoreCage. Mission to kill these bugs available from Monty DuChampe at F7.
Slayton Nav Slayton 4 12 Prime Dzurai Spawn
Slayton Nav Slayton 5 10 Dzurai Spawn
Grissom Nav Grissom Secundus 3 16 Mature Dzurai Calf
Carpenter Between Nav Carpenter 5 and Nav Orsini 2 16 Belters. they shoot energy
Carpenter Asteroid ML-4520-1 35 Crystal Ring Fiends. plasma weapons with a debuff mod recommended.
Odin Rex Nav Odin Rex 4 23 Chavez, hit for 100-400 energy.
Odin Rex Chavez Camp near Balder 25-30 Chavez
Grissom Dzurai Hunting Ground Delta 36 Dzurai Pod Mother
Grissom Dzurai Hunting Ground Delta 29 Proto Dzurai ancient
Grissom Dzurai Beta 1 17 Ripe Dzurai Calf -- fast spawning, bio mobs 30% explosive weakness
Nifleheim Cloud Nav Nifleheim cloud 3 37 Einherjar Raider
Kailaasa Nav P11 (east next to) 05,06,07 Shusen (Drop Ninja Hoken M1 and M2 + ammo)
Vishao's Cove Nav Belters End 40-41 Belter Engineer and Belter Drone
Nifleheim Cloud NE of Modi's Fist 40-46 Nagifar (40-43), Sult (46), & Sturren (46)
Arduinne Asteroid Arduinne AA705-AA710 46 Groups of CL46 Body Snatcher, drop useful comps frequently including Athanor Athena, CE3K KlugazerII Datacore, and CE3K VM-94, as well as Half-Eaten Terran Space Suit. Also nearby groups of CL43 Strand Leech.
Ragnarok Farthen Camp 12 Sedate but constant spawn of 1-3 ships. All shoot Energy; vulnerable to Plasma. If you're CL12, CL11 Rogue Brigands yield 900xp, CL12 Rogue Corsairs 1000xp, CL13 Rogue Buccaneer & named mob CL13 Kristof Farthen yield 1200xp.
Ragnarok Nav Ragnarok 2 12-13 CL13 Chavez. They shoot Energy. Plasma weapons effective. Prompt spawn rate, solo hunters at CL12 should manage if careful, but might be overwhelmed if not.
Ragnarok Ragnarok's terminal 47 Thorvald
Ragnarok Ragnarok's terminal 45 Thorgil
Ragnarok Dolor's bluff 13 Sabre
Ragnarok Between Ragnaroks Path and Ragnaroks Mistake 22-27 Freespacers, 22s use plasma; the rest, Energy Weaps. They are yellow mobs, non-aggro until attacked. Some Impact resistance, 0 energy res.
Ragnarok Dolor's bluff 38 Sabine reclaimer
Saturn Abandoned Pathway 2 03 Scuttle Nymphs; they use Energy against you, and don't attack first. Only the one your shoot will become aggressive.
Odin Rex Destroyed Mining Facility 20 & 22 Bio mobs, *only* drop stackable loot and a fair bit of it. They deal chemical damage.
Asteroid Belt Gamma Behind Detention Center Onorom 08 & 10 There are CL 3, 4, and 6 mobs that do not aggro until attacked, however the CL 8 and 10 mobs are so close that evading them while hunting the 3s and 4s is not profitable. The level 8 and 10 mobs have around a 10% impact weakness.
Freya Nav Freya Field 2 10 & 12 Mist Lord (Deals explosive dmg I think) and Icy Drake (Deals energy damage)
Aragoth Prime 45k NE of Nav Aragoth Prime 2 21-22 Ostarae and Mabonae Cultivators, very spread out, easy to take on 2 at a time.
Aragoth Prime Tokee Field 15 Rogue Marauder, huge numbers of them.
Aragoth Prime Duth 25 Moon Dwellers, spread out but they do call for help (note: kill a lot of CL 25 Moon Dwellers you receive an 'Incoming Hostiles' message. Then a Cl Master 27 Moondweller will spawn. If you kill that 5x CL 27 Master Moondwellers will spawn)
Aragoth Prime Satellite Communication Node 2 21 & 22 Wayward Drone & Wayward Satellite. Appx move speed 190. Appx range 1.3k. Proximity Aggresive w/ scan range of about 2.5k. Very easy to kite mid-lvl target with only ~1200 combined HP. Plasma dmg is effective. Energy deflect is optional. Recommended for CL 12 to 24.
Adriel Prime Radiation Marker 1 13-15 CL13-15 3rd Circle Chavez roaming around nav point. Energy dmg 1.5k range. No other mobs in immediate vicinity. Not inside radiation area.
Venus Nav Ceres 2 15-19 Chavez, huge numbers of chavez over a wide area.
Carpenter Nav Carpenter 3 23 Dzurai Adult Runt. 30% impact weakness, 40% energy resist. Stackable bio-loot only. Deals EMP (beam) and plasma (proj) damage. NB: the more you move your ship, the faster the mobs at this navpoint will spawn. If you move about a lot here, you may eventually become overwhelmed. Decent for Shield Nova farming.
Carpenter <22,-44,0> 15 & 17 Dzurai Youth. 30% impact weakness, 40% energy resist. Stackable bio-loot only. Deals EMP (beam) and plasma (proj) damage.
Carpenter -100,-38 (~45k NW of Nav Carpenter 7) 17 Ripe Dzurai Calf. They are weak to Explosive (~30%). Drop Blackbox G12 and lots of stacking bio loot.
Moto Pathway 01 25 Progen Combine R.E.M.O.R.A. 40% Chem resist, 30% plasma resist, 0% energy resist. Deals energy (beam) dmg.
Tarsis Shang Lo Lan 14,18 & 20 Red Dragon
Earth Infiniti Campus 08,09,10 Infiniti Drones. CL10 Drones are aggressive, all others are passive.
Earth Getco Campus 05,06 GetCo Drones
Endriago Outer Endriago 4 06 Gleaming Manes. Drops Manes Essence which is good to turn in for rep and trade XP. See Item_Turn-Ins page.
Varen's Girdle Osterae Harvest 38, 40, 43 Osterae & Mabonnae -- Chemical and Plasma damage; Plasma debuffs effective. 0% (no bonus or penalty) explosive resist.
Varen's Girdle Nav Ratatosk Trail 4 30, 35, 36, 38 Belters -- Plasma debuffs effective; 50% explosive resist.
Nifleheim Cloud Nav Nifleheim 11 43 Einherjar Berserker (drops Steingerd's Embrace also). SE of nav.
New Edinburgh Danger! Greks 04-8 Greks. Stronger toward nearby asteroid Loch Brae.
Freya Asteroid RF-100 - 104 27 Osterae Cultivator
Ragnarok 23k NE of Nav Ragnarok 4 40, 43 Einherjar Skulks and Skalds (single aggro non-aggressive mobs)
Ragnarok 14k South of Calamity 37-47 Freespacers (single aggro non-aggressive mobs)
Kitara's Veil Motish 06,07,08,09,10,16 Belters and Crystal Rockbiters / Drop out of warp at about 8K before the rock and continue on thrusters.
Slayton Nav Brand 3 15 Misguided Belter
Muspelheim Net-7 Muspel Beacon 11,12,13,16 North of Gate to Odin's Belt. Quite aggressive Narcissans. Drop stackable L2/L3 bio-loot and [L1 Eerie Breed PL CL] / [L2 Tattered Kimono Shield].
Antares whole sector 45-62 Voltoi (energy heals (most of) them). Skip the CL45/46s unless you need the Rifle VIII. The CL48s have basically the same HP, similar resists, and deal far less damage. Frozen Pt Whisper and Outer Field Nav 1 are good spots. Be careful at Outer field, be NE of the nav lest the CL54 boss eat you. Anything with < a lvl 7 shield will be 1-shot by him.
Muspelheim Nav Muspelheim 2 05,10 Just south of the Nav . Chavez. Aggro. Good for RD Faction.
Swooping Eagle Yotzyc Point, Kotl Point 04, 05, 08, 09 Derfressers

Hint: finding unlisted mob farming spots -- check the item drop pages. Any mob listed may be a good farming spot.

See Also