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Sulami Pirate

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

Halloween surprise for 2016 -- Gravity wells defended by three CL 42 Sulami Pirates have appeared on main trade routes in the eastrern [right hand] part of Earth and Beyond.

These are also placed as Field Guardians for some Prospecting Fields (e.g. Glenn Asteroid GP-X84 to GP-X88)

Known Details

The Sulami Pirates are CL 42 and spawn in a tight group of three that stays together, always within a fixed location gravity well.

They are fast, see through Jenquai cloaks [and keep firing], and have the Progen Self-Destruct skill.

They "saw" a 1.1k visibility Jenquai at about 7.5k range and began closing. They did not see same ship at 9k.

Pirates began firing at 6k, doing Plasma and EMP damage. Weapon used was very fast in covering the distance.

Unverified report that they have secondary weapons that begin firing at 3k [just for the Progen Warriors].

These CL 42 ships have 45776 shields and 23226 hulls. They have strong resistance to plasma weapons; other types not yet reported.

Unverified rumor: Landing in one of their grav wells while using a Polar Express engine has nasty consequences.

Locations and work arounds

1a. Muspelheim -- between the gate to Odin's Rex [southeast end] and Nav Muspelheim 5. Pilots are advised to plot course to Nav Muspelheim 6 and then proceed to destination from there. Mind the CL 13 mobs near Nav 6.

1b. Muspelheim -- from the gate to Aragoth Prime, warping directly to Surti Alpha [moon] will land you in the grav well before you get as far as the Jormund Path. Warping from Nav Muspelheim 2 directly to Muspelheim may also land you in it [it'll be on your right]. returning from either the planet or moon to the AP gate avoids this one because your normal path follows the navs.

2. Akeron's Gate -- dead center between the gates to Freya and Saturn. Pilots can go around by warping to either the Pluto Accelerator or to asteroid Jyn [left of center].

3. Freya -- there are two grav wells in Freya, one just southwest of Nav Gateway 3 and one southwest of Nav Freya 4. Workarounds are a bit tricky -- Freya has five gate locations and the routes required differ somewhat.

a. from Akeron's Gate -- pilots should target moon Seidr. If going to Jotenheim or either Centauri gate, stop warp in the nowhere area just left of the Jotenheim gate. Retarget and proceed. If going to either of Ragnarok or Nifleheim Cloud, stop warp near Nav Freya Planetary 2, retarget and proceed.

b. from Centauri gates -- for Jotunheim the route is clear. for Akeron's Gate, stop warp short of Nav Gateway 3, then retarget and warp to Freya Field 2, retarget to Akeron's Gate and continue. [Mist Runners (CL 10) and Mist Lords (CL 12) are found at Freya Field 2.] for Nifleheim Cloud or Ragnarok, target moon Seidr and stop near Nav Freya Planetary 2, then retarget and proceed. [moon Seidr has no mobs if you forget].

c. from Jotunheim gate -- for Centauri gates, the route is clear. For Akeron's Gate, follow same multi-step procedure as from Centauri gates. For Nifleheim Cloud and Ragnarok, follow procedure of warping toward moon Seidr, etc.

d. from Ragnarok -- for Nifleheim Cloud route is clear. For Jotunheim, target moon Brisings and stop warp when near the FP-Xnn asteroids, then retarget and proceed. [mind the CL 23 mobs actually in these asteroids and stop short of them]. For Centauri, go to Jotunheim gate first, then proceed via clear route. For Akeron's Gate use above method to go to Jotenheim gate first, then follow procedure laid out under Centauri above. [or go through Jotenheim]

e. from Nifleheim Cloud -- for Ragnarok the route is clear. For all others, target moon Brisings and follow instructions above under Ragnarok gate.

Note: the moon Falk has CL 23 mobs and CL 40 plus Nagifars. please avoid going there until you can handle them.

4a. Odin Rex -- one grav well between Nav Odin Rex 5 and nav Sight. Most routes to Balder avoid this unless you are coming from Vali area. the return from Balder or the Chavez Camp usually doesn't take this route anyway. Warp to Balder from Nav Odin Rex 3 or 4 to avoid this one.

4b. Odin Rex -- second grav well between Nav Odin Rex 1 and The Path [Hodr]. Only likely route that will hit this is warping from Odin's Belt gate to/from Hodr via the established navs. Guess this was put in to trap our Progen friends who want to whack Chavez at the Chavez Outpost behind Hodr.

5. Vishao's Cove -- Grav well to northeast, east, and southeast of Vishao's Peril. Not on a normal flight path. Interferes with killing CL45 Baka the Reaper whose usual flight path is mostly east of Vishao's Peril. This grav well seems larger than the others. Sulami Pirates may sortie from their grav well to attack players to west of Vishao's Peril but will quickly return to their normal haunts.

6. Ceres -- explorers of this recently opened system report at least two grav wells. However, the Sulami Pirates were not seen. Do not know if these grav wells merely serve as speed bumps while approaching the Chavez station there, or if Sulami Pirates that would normally spawn had recently been destroyed or where busy chasing some other traveler. Caution is advised ...