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From Net 7 Portal Wiki

The Navigate skill imparts various bonuses that aid travel.

Notably, the skill will improve the function of your ship's navigation computer, plotting more efficient (read: shorter) routes along a sector's mapped navpoints.


The benefits of the Navigate skill are:

Level Warp Cost Reduction Warp Init/Recovery Reduction Base Speed Increase Warp Speed Increase
1 20%      
2 30%      
3 40% 10%    
4 50% 15%    
5 60% 20% 70  
6 70% 25% 100 400
7 80% 30% 130 700
8 85% 35% 160 1000
9 90% 40% 190 1300
10 95% 45% 220 1600
  • At level 7, a 50% chance of warping through a gravity well is obtained[1].


The devices which can improve Navigate skill are:


  • Level 1 — Warp Efficiency
  • Level 3 — Emergency Warp
  • Level 5 — Combat Navigation
  • Level 6 — Warp Navigation
  • Level 7 — Gravity Navigation

Profession Access

Navigate is available to the following three professions:

Jenquai Explorer

Name Navigate
Description The Navigate skill imparts various bonuses that aid travel.
Unlock See Dr. Tobias Mats at Tokai Saikutsu in Dahin Mining Interest, Capella system, upon reaching level 15.
Start mission Sample Delivery
Level 1 Requires level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 20%.
Level 2 Requires level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 30%.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 40% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 10%.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 50% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 15%.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 60%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 20%, and increases maximum base speed by 70.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 70%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 25%, increases maximum base speed by 100, and increases warp speed by 400.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 80%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 30%, increases maximum base speed by 130, and increases warp speed by 700. Ship has a 50% chance of successfully warping while in a gravity well.

Terran Scout

Name Navigate
Description The Navigate skill imparts various bonuses that aid travel.
Unlock See Raynard Duvet at Adriel Mining Station in Adriel Prime, Proxima Centauri system, upon reaching level 15.
Start mission Navigation is Necessary
Level 1 Requires level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 20%.
Level 2 Requires level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 30%.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 40% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 10%.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 50% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 15%.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 60%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 20%, and increases maximum base speed by 70.
Level 6 Requires explore level 35 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 70%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 25%, increases maximum base speed by 100, and increases warp speed by 400.
Level 7 Requires explore level 45 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 80%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 30%, increases maximum base speed by 130, and increases warp speed by 700. Ship has a 50% chance of successfully warping while in a gravity well.

Terran Tradesman

Name Navigate
Description The Navigate skill imparts various bonuses that aid travel.
Unlock See Sander Pauls at Earth Station in Earth, Sol system, upon reaching level 40.
Start mission Flight of the Navigator
Level 1 Requires level 40 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 20%.
Level 2 Requires level 40 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 30%.
Level 3 Requires explore level 5 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 40% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 10%.
Level 4 Requires explore level 15 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 50% and reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 15%.
Level 5 Requires explore level 25 Reduces energy used when activating warp by 60%, reduces warp initialization and recovery time by 20%, and increases maximum base speed by 70.


  • A 200% Navigation Computer Mk. II has a Navigate skill buff of 4.03 levels, this means that a explorer or scout need not invest in the 7th skill level in order to reach the skill cap of 10.
  • The maximum level of the Navigate skill (Level 7) confers a 50% chance that your ship will be able to warp through a Gravity well[1].


  1. There has been a report that a dev has stated that levels above 7 do not increase gravity well warp chance. Not yet confirmed by in-game testing.