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Building ship equipment for yourself and other pilots is a skill that is both useful and satisfying.
All vendor-sold ship equipment comes with a standard Quality rating of 100%. This figure is linked to certain other properties of each device, which relate to its function. For example, a damaged missile launcher of, say, 95% quality, will not shoot quite as fast as a new, shop-bought one. However a fresh, factory-made item purchased from a vendor usually will never have the superior performance of a fine, personally-crafted one with a quality rating of more than 100%.
Your in-game experience will be enhanced when you use the best possible, player-made equipment.
See the Station List at to locate a station that has a Manufacturing terminal.
Build-skill Acquisition
The various building skills for each profession are unlocked by the completion of the appropriate mission. These missions are acquired from NPCs located in your profession's training sectors.
Build-skill Refinement
Pilots who choose to train as Builders can construct items of over 100% quality and, with time, training, and other considerations, up to a maximum of 200% quality.
Various factors contribute toward reaching consistently high-quality, and hopefully 200% quality builds:
- Item Level: the higher the level, the harder it is to achieve 200% build quality. Your quality at higher levels is tied to Experience — see below.
- Location & Faction: you will achieve the best build results at stations where you have the highest positive faction-standing. It is rumored by some that being grouped with other pilots who also have good faction at the same station is of benefit, while others dismiss this as mere hopefulness.
- Experience: building will gradually increase your experience level as a builder, increasing chances of success.
- Terminal Hacking: Manufacturing terminals possess a slot into which you can place a single-use Terminal Controller or Terminal Override computer, which will improve chances of success
- Build-Assist Devices: certain ship-installable devices can assist you with the manufacture of particular classes of item
Item Level
Generally, after a relatively short period as a builder, you should be able to reliably produce 200%-quality items up to Level 4 all the time. As your experience grows, your 200% mastery will slowly progress to higher levels, but this is governed by your building experience (i.e. the number of items you have constructed). Unfortunately, there is no in-game method which allows you to monitor your progress in this regard: progression is only measurable in-game by your improving build-results. See the "Experience" section for more.
Location & Faction
You can find your character's faction standings tab in-game by pressing the "U" key (as long as you haven't changed the default key-bindings). Your highest positive faction standing will typically be with your own profession. The stations controlled by the faction where you have the highest standing are the ones where your building will achieve the best chances for success.
A useful tip for all pilots is that anyone can improve their faction-standing with InfinitiCorp Traders (TT home faction, and the proprietors of Orsini Mining Platform in Carpenter sector) or Sabine Explorers (PS home faction, and the proprietors of Arx Spartoi in Endriago sector) by looting Manes Essence and handing it in to either:
- Josher, located in the lobby at Orsini Mining Platform, Carpenter, Beta Hydri. (500cr, 100 Trade XP, 5 faction points per unit).
- Reclaimer Ort, located in the lounge of Arx Spartoi, Endriago, Gallina. (500cr, 50 Trade XP, 2 faction points per unit). IMPORTANT: For PSs/PPs that want to do Agrippa, this faction drastically lowers your turn-ins. 1x stack can change your turn-in from 7/10 to 4/10.
All pilots can also increase their faction-standing with InfinitiCorp by turning in L7 Half-Eaten Terran Space Suits (these can be mined from hulks) and handing them in to:
- Moire Archer, located in the lobby at Somerled Station, New Edinburgh, Beta Hydri. (1000 Trade XP, 50 faction points per Suit). IMPORTANT: For PSs/PPs that want to do Agrippa, this faction drastically lowers your turn-ins. 1x stack can change your turn-in from 7/10 to 4/10.
Pro Tip: the Trade eXperience Points paid by the above NPCs are a reward from the NPC: they are additional to any normal trade XP value attached to the item. Therefore, trade the Manes Essence/Space Suits to another pilot and back, and obtain the normal Trade XP points BEFORE handing them in to the above NPCs who will then award a second round of Trade XP for the same goods.
Orsini Mining Platform, owned by InfinitiCorp, is a favorite location for many builders. Not only is it easy to get to, by being close to a weft, it is the natural starting-out and selling-up point for high-level hunting and raid parties bound for Cooper.
As already mentioned, the quality of your builds is increased with experience: the more you do, the consistently better your results become. You are never guaranteed 200% build quality all the time, but getting your experience level up lets you achieve that most desired quality with greater regularity.
Build skills do not come with an easily observable level in your Character's "Skills" window. Rather, skill increase is measured by the number of items you have made. The level of items built does not matter so the main trade-off is between cost and time on whether you spend the time to dismantle the items you built or just sell them and buy more components. You can save a lot of credits by dismantling and there is even some speculation that it may improve your chances of getting components back when dismantling, but it is much more time consuming and tedious than straight builds are.
The expected figures for builds to reach 200% are below:
- To attain 200% build-quality in Level 7 items, 2,000 items must be built.
- To attain 200% L8 items, 3,000 items must be built.
- To attain 200% L9 items, 4,000 items must be built.
- This works out to ~17x stacks of components if you're just selling the finished items, and ~4x stacks if you're dismantling. Keeping track of stacks is MUCH easier than build number. It is HIGHLY recommended to use a macro script to save a lot of time and to watch youtube while doing this Mini Mouse Macro. = ]
- The type of built item does not matter. The skill increase will apply to ALL build skills possessed by your character, even if it has never built any item from that build skill.
- Your build skill does not increase by making ammo or components. They give zero increase to your build skill.
- Your build skill does not affect your analyze/map/print chances at Analyze Terminals at all.
As mentioned above, you can't obtain your build numbers in-game, but you can from outside the game, as follows:
- Log in to
- Click on your Builder character's name in the left margin
- Go to Account -> Avatar Settings
- Set your Builder's "Public Builds" setting to "ON".
- Go to Database -> Database Builder Search
- Search for your Builder's name and, when it appears as a result, click on it.
- When your lists of recipies/blueprints appear, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the button marked "Download Recipes in CSV Format"
- If you open the file in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or the free LibreOffice Calc, you can add up all your build attempt numbers by selecting a blank cell and typing in "=SUM(D3:Dxxx)" (where xxx=the last row number in your particular spreadsheet).
See Ensuring 200% quality builds for more details.
Terminal Hacking
Each Manufacturing terminal in stations has a slot labeled "Control Interface" in the lower right side of its control panel which allows for the insertion of a terminal computer which improves your build quality. They are single-use items, which are destroyed when you press Manufacture. The terminal computer used must be of the same or a higher level than the level of the item being manufactured.
These terminal computers occasionally drop from random mobs or hulks, and are non-manufacturable. There are two types:
- L5-L9 Terminal Controllers - Increase build and analyze ability by "x" skill levels
- L5-L9 Terminal Overrides - Increase build and analyze ability by "x" skill levels, & Increase critical analyze/build bonus chances by "y"%
Build-Assist Devices
There exist various devices you may install in your ship that will enhance build quality for particular items:
- L5 Duct Tape - Increases Build Weapons & Build Devices Skills by 0.11 levels each when equipped.
- L8 Command Interface DK 8 - Small (0.15) buff to all build skills except Build Components.
- L8 Drone Controller Shield PROM - Increases Build Shields Skill by 0.49 levels when equipped.
- L8 Zenrei Ego Matrix - Increases Build Weapons Skill by 0.51 levels when equipped.
- L8 Zenrei ID Matrix - Increases Build Devices Skill by 0.51 levels when equipped.
- The Data Cube range of devices with Improved Build Reactors come in a number of levels:
- L8 Lab Assistant's Data Cube - Increases Build Reactors Skill by 0.35 levels when equipped.
- L9 Scientist's Data Cube - Increases Build Reactors Skill by 0.47 levels when equipped.
Finding Builders
Most high-level builders tend to congregate at Orsini Mining Platform in Carpenter, although some prefer Friendship 7 Recreation Port in next-door Glenn sector. You can ask for their assistance by sending a tell (aka 'typing a message') in the Market chat channel. It is polite to research and gather the parts needed for the item you want built, and supply them to the builder with a tip (remember, the terminal will charge the builder a construction fee). Should the parts be too rare or dangerous for you to collect, you can offer to pay instead (check station vendors for similar items to get an idea of what might be reasonable to offer).
A Builder Search page exists at You can search by Avatar name or, if you leave the field blank, you can peruse a list of all builders. Clicking on a builder's name will allow you to check on what items they are able to make.
"Restricted" vs. "Only"
There are two categories of line items you will find on some items that limit their use but it's not entirely obvious how these apply to manufacturing.
Most often "Jenquai Restricted" or "Progen Restricted" and appearing most often on Shields and Reactors these are largely a result of the Jenquai/Progen war. An item that is "Jenquai Restricted" cannot be used by Jenquai, but it also cannot be analyzed by Jenquai, and therefore it cannot be built by Jenquai. This might be a little counterintuitive and would probably be more clear if it was written "Restricted to Progen" or "Restricted from Jenquai", but I digress. Likewise, "Progen Restricted" means that an item cannot be used, analyzed, or manufactured by Progen.
Unlike "Restricted", "Only" applies to who can use the item, but places no restrictions on who can analyze and build it. This is also most often seen as "Jenquai Only" or "Progen Only". A "Jenquai Only" item can only be used by Jenquai (no Terrans nor Progen) BUT it can be analyzed and built by anyone. Likewise a "Progen Only" item is unusable by Terrans or Jenquai, but everyone can analyze and build it.
While crafting multiple items at once using
there is a bug that if you move an item in your inventory or transfer anything to your vault, etc. it will take all the comps for the number you specified, but it will only give you one of the crafted items! Do NOT move things around in your inventory between using /craft
and when the completed items are in your cargo!
See Also
- Build Recipes
- Ensuring 200% quality builds
- Agrippa Technology
- Agrippa building service
- Mars construction site
- Skill information pages