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Jenquai Explorer Gear Guide

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

Jenquai Explorer End-Game Gear Guide

This is the guide for equipping the ultimate Explorer! Explorers have several roles, from Miners, to travel assistants, to looters and debuffer/jumpstarters in Raids. There are good gear load outs for general purpose, but a well Equipped explorer will have sets optimized for each of the roles they play. This gear guide attempts to cover these and mention equipment that is particularly well suited for certain roles.

Beams L9

Different fights require weapons that do different types of damage. The well-equipped Jenquai will want a set of beams for each major energy type -- Plasma, Energy, and EMP. Because there is no need for ammunition, one should pick a mix of beam weapons to provide as many buffs as possible with as much DPS as possible.

As the best race for debuffing, a good Jenquai should also come equipped with debuff devices for the damage types appropriate for the fight to maximize damage effectiveness.

Pick one turbo beam, and then a mix of others to maximize DPS and buffs while minimizing energy use.


Plasma is a good general purpose damage type, the easiest to get, a wide variety, and all Jenquai have access to the best debuff device for this damage type -- the Chimaera's Dread Scourge.

Turbo Plasma Beams

Use one of these for the non-stacking 40% turbo buff:

Non-Turbo Plasma Beams

Fill out the rest of your weapon slots with a mix of any of these:

  • Made to Live, 160.00 DPS, Improved Crit, Hull Damage Control, Enhance Beam 30(39.9%), Shield Renewal, Beam Energy Conservation, Tradable, Manufacturable from common parts, this beam brings a ton of buffs and great DPS, a must-have beam for JE's and JS's on any fight where plasma is appropriate
  • Eye of Destruction @ Tada-O Gate Raid, 135.25 DPS, Tradable, Manufacturable from parts that also drop from Tengu, high DPS but no buffs
  • Ambushing Jaguar, 131.25 DPS, Fast Tractor Beam, Long Tractor Beam, Tradable, Manufacturable, the tractor buffs are nice when mining and looting
  • Pitbull Sr., 99.83 DPS, Manufacturable, Tradable, a mediocre beam readily available from gate raids or market, OK to start with but you will want to upgrade quickly
  • Prototype P 9, 90.67 DPS, Tradable, only redeeming feature is the long range, limited availability as it drops only from prospecting L9 Hulks
  • Eye of the Fang Fiend, 85.87 DPS, 40% Beam Energy Conservation, 28% Enhance Beam, Unique, Tradable, a Beam Energy Conservation option for JD's, JE's and JS's should get the Made to Live (below) instead
  • Eye of the Dark One @ Tada-O Gate Raid, 78.00 DPS, Increase Shield Capacity +8975, See Cloaked, Enhance Beam +30%, a junk beam often left floating in space


Energy is necessary in raids where enemies are heavily resistant to or even healed by Plasma damage.

For Energy debuffs available to everyone, the L7 CL45D2DM3RR4RH2PT1 might drop from the Mazzaroth Womb Raid but reports conflict with the Net-7 DB which indicates it does not drop, otherwise there is the L3 V'rix Modified Manticore's Nettle. For JE's the Chili-Popper can debuff energy a little bit and stacks with other debuffs. For JS's they can use the full line of Manticore devices.

Turbo Energy Beams

Use one of these for the non-stacking 40% turbo buff:

Non-Turbo Energy Beams

Fill out the rest of your weapon slots with a mix of any of these:

  • Ghosts Edge Energy Laser M9 @ Mordana Raid, 129.64 DPS, Improved Cloaking (Equip), Scan Boost (Equip), Recharge Reactor (Equip)
  • Golden Dragon Laser San, 129.00 DPS, Hull Damage Control 30(40)%, Manufacturable, Tradable, good starting energy beam readily available from vendors, the HDC may help survivability slightly
  • The Destroyer's Gleam @ Fishbowl Raid, 128.57 DPS, Beam Focus 3(4)%, Tradable, Manufacturable (from Tengu or raid-drop parts)
  • Prototype Dark Matter Force Emitter, 126.50 DPS, Improved Critical Targeting 22.66(30.14)%, 3(4)% Beam Focus, Reactor Renewal +5(6.7)%, Tradable, Manufacturable from parts dropping rarely and only in Ardus
  • Orange Dragon Laser M9, 124.13 DPS, Improved Cloaking, Manufacturable, Tradable, good starting energy beam readily available from vendors
  • Purple Dragon Laser M9, 124.00 DPS, Improved Critical Targeting 13.66(18.17%), Manufacturable, Tradable, good starting energy beam readily available from vendors
  • Prototype B 9, 90.67 DPS, Tradable, long-range but low DPS, good for a beginning raider, limited availability from prospecting L9 Hulks

Utility Energy Beams

  • Sun Focus 2000, 128.81 DPS, use if you need the energy conservation, Explorers likely won't use this due to buffs and superior reactors
  • Tractor-Repulser, 53.67 DPS, Equipment Damage Magnification - Hull (Activated), use for the debuff to enemy hulls


EMP is great against biological mobs that have no hull, and nearly useless against mechanical ones because EMP does no hull damage once the target's Shields are down.

In certain raids -- specifically Ghost of Blackbeard Raid, it is tremendously useful. The only option for JE's and JS's for debuffing EMP is the L3 Ying-Lung's Pride Device. JD's can use the Wyvern line of devices.

Turbo EMP Beams

   There is currently no turbo EMP beam, so you will want to use one from #Turbo Energy Beams.

Non-Turbo EMP Beams

Fill out the rest of your weapon slots with a mix of any of these:

  • Golden Kirin EMP Laser San, 129.00 DPS, 3.59 Beam Handling, 18.17% Critical Targeting, Tradable, Manufacturable, available from a vendor
  • Orange Kirin EMP Laser M9, 124.12 DPS, 3.71 Beam Handling, Tradable, Manufacturable, available from a vendor, higher beam handling than the Golden Kirin but increases the chances of quality drop on reactor on incapacitation
  • Chang Lung's Breath @ Red Dragon Base Raid, 57.20 DPS, 3.20 Beam Handling, -36% Reduce Signature, Unique, Tradable

Shields L8

  • Veiled Oyoroi (43029 capacity, Increase Reactor Capacity +966, Improved Cloaking, Scan Boost +3790, Prospect Skill 3.99) Tradable and craftable from generic components; This is the best all-around Explorer shield, and easy to get. You know you want one.
  • Black Force VIII @ Ghost of Blackbeard Raid (5% Turbo, +5k Shield Cap)
  • Impenetrable Bastion (48064 Cap, 150% Hull Damage Control, Swap on for activated 5% Turbo Weapons); For extra survivability, or as a buffing shield for 5% turbo.
  • Dragon Dread Mail Elite Mk VIII (45778 Cap, Swap on for 15% Turbo Weapons, +9660 Shield Cap); The much sought-after Skull Shield. If you get one, equip it and enjoy the tears of envy from all the other players around you.
  • Barrier of Destruction (No Trade & Unique; 44k Cap/325 Recharge; 392% for 10 secs Recharge Shields Boost!, 30 Chemical/Impact Deflect) Very nice for mining/quickly refill shields
  • Prototype SU 8 (49209 Cap, Tradable, found in Hulks so readily available. High capacity but no buffs. Only use if you have nothing else.

Reactors L9

Name Capacity Recharge Buffs
Black Power IX 4622 85.6 5% Turbo Weapons
Increases Beam Accuracy by 4.16
Ghost of Blackbeard Raid
Shooting Star IX 6589 80.87 Enhance Beam 28%
Recharge Reactor -BOOST! 48(63%) for 20 seconds
Tradable and buildable
Heart of the Dark One 6589 59.60 Boost Beam Range 100%
Turbo Beam 27%
Not Tradable
Heart of the Master 7247 67 enhance beam 30%
Greater Counter-strike
Not Tradable
Cygnus NGC 9 6589 72 Boost Beam Range +77%
Recharge Reactor -- BOOST +63.84% for 10 seconds activated
Tradable and buildable
Unicorn II Stallion 3661 51.60 Turbo warp +750 for 2128 seconds. This is only level 8 reactor; you don't use it in combat.
Tradable and buildable
Power Vortex EM9 6918 68.90 +4.8% Reactor Recharge
Reduces Device Energy Cost by 35.0%
Reduces Weapons Energy Cost by 100% for 20 seconds when activated
Not Tradeable
Aspiration of the Faithful 5051 80.87 +10.4% Reactor Recharge
Reduces Ship Signature by 98%
Enhance Signature(activated) +216(287%) signature to enemy
Tradable and buildable - with part from Ascendant Voltoi Raid.



  • Crystalline Aparatus Worsen Weapon Handling (Activated)Decreases Beam/Missile/Projectile Accuracy by 2.20 Skill Level(s) and decreases Damage by 22.00% for 1200.00 seconds on enemy when activated.


  • Reinforced Solar Sail VIII Device Energy conservation; Buildable, Tradable; Comes from mobs in der Todesengel, available on Market. Explorers use devices so much that this is practically a must-have.
  • Black Speed VIII @ Ghost of Blackbeard Raid 5% Turbo Weapons, Increase Maneuverability, Reduce Signature 52%. Common raid engine, tradable. Good for sneaking around and the extra turbo. Having a low signature can help not being spotted while mining in guarded ore fields.


Explorers have a lot of device slots, and almost too many devices available to choose from. Listed here are some of the must-haves.

Turbo Devices

  • 12% Turbo, Waking Nightmare L8
  • 10% Damage, Seal of the Dragon(L8)
  • +10% Focus of the Warder, Reduce Weapon Delay (like a turbo)
  • 7% Turbo, Focus of the Celestial(L7) / Force of the Celestial(L7) / Power of the Celestial(L7)
  • 20% Turbo, aa Gahte An Ne Reduce Weapon Delay (L8)
  • 5% Turbo, Cyberdrenaline Rush (L8)

Equipped Devices

  • Tactical Advantage Omega, Increase Shield Capacity +20%, -39.9% Reduce Experience Debt for the character its equipped on (It does not effect targeted players that are JS'd by the character with this device), Increase Scan Range (activated) +30% for 4 minutes, Improved Jumpstart +65% reduced jumpstart time. A good general purprose device with uses for just about all Explorer roles. You will likely never un-equip this.
  • Intolerance Mk. VIII (39.9% Damage) -- You will only need this for non-plasma fights as the buff from the Made to Live Beam is the same.
  • Advanced Weapon Control System (4% Beam Focus)
  • Loony's Special Gizmoblastit Long+Fast Tractor, Scan Boost, Reduce Ship signature ; Another prize from the Chili-Popper mission line; You will want to equip this in the fights where a Jaguar beam is not appropriate and you are not using a badger claw and roc. Saves a slot but if yer looting, which JE should never be designated looter, stick with a Jaguar.
  • Benevolence (40% Beam Energy Conservation)
  • Scutums 9, Reactor Buffs for you and your group
  • Blackbeard's Soul IX Reduce Ship Signature, Increase Weapon Skill
  • Black Peg Leg IX Scan Boost, Improved Summon, Improved Cloaking, Deflect Explosive
  • Rallying Cry Remove Menace (activated) -- really useful on the fights with mobs that use the Menace skill a lot. You have to have it equipped and be quick to use it on menace as your group will quickly move out of range if menaced.

Resist Devices

  • Damage resists (pick one to resist whatever combo the mob is firing at you) or a Martyr's Heart if not taking hits
Device Source Chemical EMP Explosive Energy Impact Plasma Psionic Additional buffs
L8 Good Fortune Mission reward 0 0 +30 +30 0 +30 +30 +25% Critical Rate
L7 Ivory Ward Player made (200%) +40 +40 +0 +40 +40 +40 0
L8 Tolerance Mk. VIII Player made (200%) 0 0 +40 +40 +40 0 +40

Debuff Devices

  • Chimaera's Dread Scourge Weaken Plasma to enemy -46(61.2), Boost Beam Range 70(93%), Improved Beam Handling 3.30(4.39) Levels ; Buildable, Tradable, Readily available on market
  • Salamander's Dread Tempest -46(61.2) Explosive Deflect to enemy, +35(47) EMP Deflect, +180(243) Speed; Buildable, Tradable, Readily available on Market
  • Chili-Popper 20% more debuff of Energy, Plasma, and Impact. Stacks with other debuffs. A must have when serving in a debuffing role; Rewarded from a long mission chain -- Fashionin' a Ring -- but well worth getting. Same mission line gives Loony's Hunk O'Metal and Loony's Special Gizmoblastit
  • Onyx Lodestar Slow Weapons to enemy (Activated) -18.0%, Reactor Drain (Activated) -48.4(-64.4)% Reactor Recharge to enemy, Dampen Psionic to enemy -3.50(-4.66). Recharge Shields (Equip) +48.4(+64.4)% Shield Recharge.

Travel Devices

Swapped/Buff Devices

These are devices which you can keep in your cargo and swap in to buff, then replace with another device so they don't consume a device slot.

Leveling Gear


If leveling solo, energy beams do an incredible amount of damage and are preferred over plasma until L9. If fighting mobs immune to energy, like voltoi or manes, or if grouping/multi-boxing, a good set of plasma beams is HIGHLY recommended.




  • L4 Jade Scale -> L5 Silver Scale -> L6 Gold Scale
  • L7 Ivory Scale


  • Travel: **Gives you the much desired Turbo Warp(activated), and fast equipment install time
  • Kraken L3-5
  • Unicorn L5-6
  • Unicorn II L7-L8
  • Combat/Prospecting
  • L2-L3 Gallina (activated reactor recharge, +beam range)
  • L4-L6 Draco (activated reactor recharge, +beam range)
  • L4 Source of Inspiration Mission reward
  • L6 Foedius vox Redivivus (must be pared with a L5 Power of the Elements device). NOTE: Use a L6 Draco for prospecting.
  • L7-L9 Cygnus (if you cant get Shooting Star) (activated reactor recharge, +beam range)
  • L7 Shooting Star VII (activated reactor recharge for 20 seconds, +weapon damage)
  • L8 Shooting Star VIII (activated reactor recharge for 20 seconds, +weapon damage)


  • Idle Hands - low sig, low warp drain
  • Solar Sails 2,3,4
  • 0 signature, perfect for sneaking in and grabbing a single mob from a cluster and mining fields in peace.
  • Proto engine 2,3,4 (faster warp, low sig)
  • NOTE: If your short skill points you can skip engine tech 5/6 since no (easily available) solar sails in that range. Upgrade to L5 for the Polar Express engine but be sure you can get one before spending the skill points. Call Forward Cannot be used on Engine skill.
  • L7 Crystalline Aparatus Worsen Weapon Handling (Activated)Decreases Beam/Missile/Projectile Accuracy by 2.20 Skill Level(s) and decreases Damage by 22.00% for 1200.00 seconds on enemy when activated.
  • L7 Zeke's Solar Sail from mission
  • L8 Crystalline Dynamo until You can get a SS8
  • L8 Reinforced Solar Sail



  • L3-L8 Lazarus (fast warp engage)
  • L3-L9 Road Runner Plus (faster warp, less energy used)


  • L3-L8, L9 Badger Claw
  • L8 Golden Tooth
  • L3-L4 Antlia BCSR (NOT the BTSE) Shunt 20% of shield to full reactor. Can use multiple.
    These will last until you can get a L7 Martyr's Heart. 2x of them is great, when you have a 2nd free device slot, as they do NOT share the same cooldown.
  • Martyr's Heart
  • The Data Cube range of devices with Improved Build Reactors come in a number of levels:


  • L3-L9 Chimaera (activated plasma debuff on target, +beam range at L5+)
  • L3 V'rix Modified Telescopium
  • L3 V'rix Modified Manticore's Nettle can be obtained from missions via V'rix Equipment Exchange. This debuffs energy on target.
  • L3-L7 Fornax Borealis (+30% activated reactor recharge)
  • L3-L4 Antlia BCSR (NOT the BTSE) Shunt 20% of shield to full reactor. Can use multiple.
  • L3-L8 Scutums (+25% activated shield to reactor shunt)
  • L3-L9 Sextan's (activated +25% scan boost)
  • L3-L9 Musca (activated reduce ship signature)
  • L3-L9 Coma (activated Scan Blind target)
  • L5 Ward of Living Stone -- large buff to increase shield capacity. At level 5 devices this can be huge, tripling your shields of more.
  • L6 Ward of Muck -- replaced WoLS, large buff to increase shield capacity and an energy deflect
  • L6 The Titan's Heart +20% Damage buff
  • Martyr's Heart
  • L7 Ivory Ward (resists)
  • L8 Good Fortune (resists +crit)
  • L8 Blood of the Dragon (+30% activated reactor recharge, best activated recharge in game lasts for 46 minutes.)
  • L8 Good Fortune (resists +crit)
  • L8 Tolerence (+weapon damage)
  • L8 Intolerence (resists)
  • Laser Scope Octo The Explorer (like all Jenquai) must depend upon a non-Jenquai warrior to apply this buff. Having one to loan or give to friends who do not have one can be helpful; they are cheap to make and easily obtained on market.

Sample Setups

See Also