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Analyze terminals first require you to acquire the requisite skills, so see the section under Manufacturing for that.
Once you have the skill, analyzing items using the Analyze terminal becomes a prerequisite to building them at a Manufacturing terminal.
Analyze terminals actually provide two separate functions:
- Analyzing items which you do not know the blueprint for
- Dismantling items which you already know the blueprint for to retrieve some or all of the components
Analyzing or Dismantling an item will destroy it in the process and, the higher the level of the item, the odds of learning the blueprint on your first try are often not good (akin to a coin flip). On the other hand, sometimes you can score a bullseye and either learn the blueprint on the first attempt or, in the case of Analyzing a known item, you can recover all (rather than just some) of the components. Increasing your Analyze/Build skill levels, feeding the terminal a higher-quality item, and using certain devices can improve your chances (see below).
See the Station List at to locate a station that has an Analyze terminal.
The mechanics are listed below in order of decreasing relevance to the analyze chance.
Success vs. Critical Chance
The Critical Chance does not vary much at all regardless of any of these factors (+/-2% at most) so the sections below focus on the Success Chance, though the two seem to be strongly correlated so you can pretty much assume everything applies to both, it's just that the effect on the Success Chance is much easier to detect as it's much more pronounced.
One of the largest contributors to analyze chance is the significant bonus that Jenquai get to analyzing due to their big fiveheads. This appears to be a flat ~+8-9% bonus compared to Progen and Terran.
However, this bonus appears to be in lieu of any faction bonus or perhaps just acts to maximize any potential faction gain, regardless of the station. As far as I can tell Jenquai have the exact same analyze chance regardless of what station they use or their faction with that station. This could also be related to Class, see that section below.
The second largest contributor to analyze chance is the quality of the item being analyzed. By comparing the difference between analyzing 85% and 125% versions of the exact same 3 pairs of items I found that there is a flat 8% difference in analyze chance going from 85% to 125% or a 1% change in Success Chance for each 5% change in quality.
The fact that quality has such a significant impact has interesting ramifications, namely that since it has more of an affect than level does (see below) it means that a low quality lower level item (e.g. an 85% L8) is actually more difficult to analyze than a high quality higher level item (e.g. a 125% L9).
The third largest contributor to analyze chance is the level of the item with each additional level reducing the Success Chance by ~6.5%
Terminal Hacking
Each Analyze terminal in stations has a slot labeled "Control Interface" in the lower right side of its control panel which allows for the insertion of a terminal computer which improves your analyze success chance. They are single-use items, which are destroyed on use, regardless of the outcome. The terminal computer used must be of the same or a higher level than the level of the item being analyzed.
These terminal computers occasionally drop from random mobs or hulks, and are non-manufacturable. There are two types:
- L5-L9 Terminal Controllers - Increase build and analyze ability by "x" skill levels
- L5-L9 Terminal Overrides - Increase build and analyze ability by "x" skill levels, & Increase critical analyze/build bonus chances by "y"%
Build-Assist Devices
The following Build-Assist Devices DO improve your analyze chance for items of the appropriate type, but only by a VERY small amount, with the Zenrei Ego and ID Matrices being the best of the bunch. The amount is so small that in most cases you won't even see the analyze chance change since it only shows whole integer values but you can see in the detailed data in the following section that sometimes these devices bump you up to the next percent if you were close before.
Build-Assist Device | Devices | Engines | Reactors | Shields | Weapons |
Command Interface DK 8 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
Drone Controller Shield PROM | ✓ | ||||
Duct Tape | ✓ | ✓ | |||
Lab Assistant's Data Cube | ✓ | ||||
Zenrei Ego Matrix | ✓ | ||||
Zenrei ID Matrix | ✓ |
Much like Terminal Computers cannot be used for dismantle, it is presumed that these build assist devices do not help with dismantle either. However, Terminal Computers explicitly mention improving analyze chance whereas the build-assist devices do not, yet both are proven to increase analyze chance. This is something which needs further investigation.
Faction appears to play a VERY small role in the analyze chance for Progens and Terrans, but <1% for a difference of 10K faction. In my testing my TT was bumped up to the next highest percent on a single combination in the matrix of 40 different ones I tested while at Orsini Mining Platform, a station linked to InfinitiCorp Traders, her highest faction and the highest of the three professions tested, but this is enough to conclude that there is a small effect. Similarly my PP was bumped up to the next highest percent on a couple combinations at Nostrand Vor Station, a station linked to Collegia Traders, my PP's highest faction and the highest of the three tested.
This could also be related to Class, see that section below.
There is a possibility that the analyze bonuses which appear to be unique to Progens and Terrans based on Faction/Station might be exclusive to Tradesman-class pilots instead. Unfortunately I don't currently have a JS to run this same testing on to confirm or deny. The key question is whether the apparent Jenquai racial bonus also overcomes any potential bonus for a JS like it seemed to do for my JD (no improvement in any one of the 40 combinations at either Prasad Station, Xipe Totec (Shinwa Warriors)) nor Aragoth Station, Valkyrie Twins (Sharim Traders)).
Number of Analyzed Items
The number of items you've analyzed does NOT appear to affect analyze chance at all. I checked the analyze chance on a rather low success chance item (125% Devastating Gaze) and then proceeded to analyze 116 other items successfully, and re-checked the 125% Devastating Gaze and the analyze chance was exactly the same.
The number of dismantled items does not influence returned results. Confirmed via over 12,000 dismantles by Doctor.
Detailed Data
In the tables below the bolded/outlined cells are the highest values among the combinations and notably different from the same item on the same character at a different station. These differences are few and far between but indicate there is some small effect based on Station/Faction.
- PP
- Progen Privateer
- TT
- Terran Tradesman
- JD
- Jenquai Defender
- dt
- Duct Tape
- ego
- Zenrei Ego Matrix
- cid8
- Command Interface DK 8
Starting Faction
The levels and faction values for the characters used for this testing were as follows (highest relevant value bold green, other assumed relevant values bold red):
Profession | OL | Anseria | Bogeril | Centuriata Warriors | Chavez | Collegia Traders | EarthCorps Warriors | Glenn Commission | Hyperia Explorers | InfinitiCorp Traders | Psionics | Sabine Explorers | Sha'ha'dem Explorers | Sharim Traders | Shinwa Warriors | The Alliance | The Mordana | The Red Dragon | V'rix | Progen Combine | Terran Alliance |
PP | 140 | 836 | 1783 | 17651 | -2267 | 21736 | 4707 | 120 | 6686 | 8134 | 4882 | 10646 | 4909 | 4982 | 6470 | 4518 | -14033 | 3990 | -15741 | -2839 | -2922 |
TT | 148 | 1008 | 1258 | 8441 | 1906 | 8461 | 14467 | 120 | 11517 | 18152 | -3111 | 8507 | 7179 | 6274 | 17221 | 542 | -6701 | 8665 | -16125 | -2996 | -2848 |
JD | 139 | 737 | 1797 | 7607 | -2925 | 8670 | 8575 | 800 | 8107 | 7772 | 5807 | 7651 | 16351 | 17008 | 15907 | 10106 | -13040 | 15948 | -18915 | -2073 | -2454 |
Orsini Mining Platform, Carpenter (InfinitiCorp Traders)
Nostrand Vor Station, Nostrand Vor Planet, Nostrand Vor (Collegia Traders)
Prasad Station, Xipe Totec (Shinwa Warriors)
Aragoth Station, Valkyrie Twins (Sharim Traders)
Topics for Further Investigation
Some theories that still need to be tested related to Analyze terminals:
- Are the small analyze bonuses which appear to be unique to Progens and Terrans based on Faction/Station exclusive to Tradesman-class pilots, or due to Jenquai getting an overall bonus in lieu of those? Performing this same testing on a JS may answer this question. That is, are the numbers for a JS identical at all stations regardless of faction (indicating it's solely racial), or do they get the large Jenquai bonus and an additional small bonus linked to being a Tradesman and based on Faction/Station?
- Does the Analyze % reported by the terminal work differently for Components and Ammo than it does for other types of items?
- Is there a cap to how much Faction can help you and what is the rate of effect that faction has, e.g. +1% per 10K?
- Do Build-Assist Devices (Duct Tape, Zenrei Ego Matrix, etc.) affect dismantle chance?