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General, Statesman, and Architect
Namesake of the Progen Agrippa Technology Project
Following page shows all missions and when they are available to start as the Progen classes. For an alphabetical list of all missions in the Agrippa Category click here
The purpose of this walkthrough is to:
- Help you if you get stuck
- Provide you the information needed to determine if it is 'worth it' to you to try the Agrippa quests or not.
- Help you make sense of the spaghetti ball that are the Agrippa quests.
===>>> WARNING: You WILL complete missions, have ALL of the required items taken from your hold and look like the quest succeeded.....except it FAILED. You will be given the same mission again.....and have to do it again. Apparently the mission 'designer' thought this was good game-play and to prevent people from Clicking TOO QUICKLY through the quests. Go slow and cross your fingers.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
WARNING: If you received an invite token it will NOT give you access to stage II. You must succeed in analyzing the item. You get ONE analyzing item in exchange for one token. If you fail there is no do over. However there are a large number of players that have extra invite tokens and you can re-do the backdoor to get more. Good luck and ask for help because this mission chain is a real pain.
Helpful Links
- Agrippa
- Stage II Agrippa Technology - Exchange Components (shows faction results for the trade in)
- Stage III Agrippa Technology - Obtain Stage III Encryption (shows faction results for the trade in)
- Agrippa backdoor (if you get stuck and cannot progress this may help).
Silver Tokens and how to get more
IMPORTANT: If you go past 135 hull upgrade everything is locked and you should just ignore Agrippa you will need to do the backdoor to access the starting missions. NOTE: For shield builders there is a REQUIRED mission that must be done before OL 100 or you will NOT be able to advance to Stage III shields.
For the first mission for each type of build in Agrippa Stage I the mission giver requires a non-trade Basic Progen Optional Mission Token (AKA a Silver Token) to be given. The Silver Tokens are given to Progen characters if they have a free inventory slot when reaching overall levels 50(3), 75(2), and 100(1). Also At level 135 you will receive one tradable Advanced Progen Unique Trade Token (AKA Gold Token) which can be exchanged for one Silver Token.
As each character is only given six Silver and one Gold Tokens and there are 17 total Silver Token missions you may want to take advantage of the expensive option to buy and exchange Advanced Progen Unique Trade Token in Mars. Beneficium Suggero in the bar sells the Gold Tokens for 20 million credits when bought without Negotiate skill, and another of the NPCs in the lounge will exchange those for one Silver Token.
Computing Required Materials
User:Doctor created a bash script (runnable on Windows via cygwin) which helps compute how many of what materials are needed in order to build a given item or set of items in Agrippa. The page describing the script and its use can be found here: Agrippa Material Requirement Script
Ensuring 200% quality builds
Check out the page Ensuring 200% quality builds
Agrippa building service
"We did the suck, so you don't have to!" Mostly, except for ammo. If anyone is masochistic enough to trade you 100 stacks of ammo (that you'll need to run the guns) 6 at a time, then more power to them. But for shields/devices/reactors, this is still a huge time saver, where people who already did agrippa will just build the stuff for you, for a price.
Stage I - HU50 - Build Skill at level 3 or 5
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the level 5 PL Multiforus Multiplico Effervo Quinque and its ammo as well as the less useful Calathius Omega Beam. Also completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Weapons. The optional missions all give new ammo types for mid-game weapons.
Architecti Telum at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Silver Token: A Call to Arms". Build Weapons skill at level 5 required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Hidden". Completed Silver Token: A Call to Arms. Need blueprint from "Hidden" for next mission.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Battlefield Preparations". Completed Silver Token: A Call to Arms.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Fast and Dangerous". Completed Progen Token Bonus: Battlefield Preparations. (Completes Weapons Stage I)
- "Silver Token: Hey! Who turned out the lights". Build Weapons skill at level 3 required. (Note this is not part of the mission chain)
- "Silver Token: Inflammatory Ideas". Build Weapons skill at level 3 required. (Note this is not part of the mission chain)
- "Progen Token Bonus: Effervo Ammunition". Build Weapons skill at level 5 required. (Note this is not part of the mission chain)
- "Progen Token Bonus: Advanced Effervo Ammunition". Build Weapons skill at level 5 required. (Note this is not part of the mission chain)
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the Hull Mesh Laminate III and its components which are used to build most Agrippa Stage I equipment.
Architecti Composita at Norstrand Vor City
- "Silver Token: Components for the Collegia". Build Components skill at level 3 required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: A Strong HardPoint". Completed mission Silver Token: Components for the Collegia required. (Completes Components Stage I)
After completing Stage I, you will need to maximise your Build Components skill before you will be permitted to advance to Stage II. This requires you to reach TL45.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the Auctoritas Remoror Quinque. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Reactors.
Architecti Vegeto at Norstrand Vor City
- "Silver Token: Fire in your belly". Build Reactors skill at level 5 required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Feel the Power!". Completed Silver Token: Fire in your belly. (Completes Reactors Stage I)
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the Seco Secare Secui Sectum Quinque, the Skirmish Shield I, and the Amplector Omega Shield. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Shields.
Architecti Scuti at Norstrand Vor City
- "Silver Token: Behind Strong Walls". Build Shields skill at level 5 required. (WARNING: If your PP/PS has NOT completed this mission they will NOT be able to access Stage III. If you have not completed this mission just stop here.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Come on if you're hard enough!". Completed mission Silver Token: Behind Strong Walls required.
- Optional "Progen Token Bonus: The End in Sight". Build Shields skill at level 5 required.
- REQUIRED if you don't have stage 1 Agrippa devices on same character. For the Security Optimal Override Alpha
- "Progen Token Bonus: Bunker Down". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Come on if you're hard enough! required. (Completes Shields Stage I)
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the Security Optimal Override Alpha (SOOA) which is a part of most equipment in Stage II & III. Also you will get the ability to make the the useful Aspectus Limo Quinque which is noteworthy for the fact it has no drawbacks that hurt the player (progens shouldn't be using beams or missiles). Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Devices.
Architecti Vasi at Norstrand Vor City
- "Silver Token: Custom Devices". Build Devices skill at level 5 required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Energizer". Completed mission Silver Token: Custom Devices required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Left to your own devices". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Energizer required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Like a leaf on the wind, watch me soar!". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Energizer required. (Completes Devices Stage I)
Stage II - Build Skill at Max level
===>>> WARNING: You WILL complete missions, have ALL of the required items taken from your hold and look like the quest succeeded.....except it FAILED. You will be given the same mission again.....and have to do it again. Apparently the mission 'designer' thought this was good game-play and to prevent people from Clicking TOO QUICKLY through the quests. Go slow and cross your fingers.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
===>>>WARNING: PPs ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE PLASMA AND EXPLOSIVE FLECHETTE AMMO. It is HIGHLY recommended to do weapons, which include ammo, on a PW since a PW will have to do weapons to make all four ammo types.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Flechette Alpha and Flechette Beta as well as its ammo. Also you will get the ability to make the L6 Valde Fervens Lux Lucius energy beam weapon. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Weapons.
Architecti Inquiro at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Weapons)". Build Weapons skill at max level Required. Note: Can Be started before L100
Architecti Telum at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Weapons". Build Weapons skill at max level Required. Note: Can Be started before L100
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Beam VI". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Weapons required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Beam VI required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Ammunition VII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VII required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VIII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Flechette Alpha Test required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Ammunition VIII". Build Weapons skill at max level Required - Stage II Agrippa Technology - Flechette Alpha Test required.
Intuneric Vigoare at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VIII test". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VII required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the Stage II Electronic Authorization which is exchanged for the Stage II Encryption component. Also you will get the ability to make the components needed to build the different Flechette ammo types.
Architecti Inquiro at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Bypass Component Examination". Build Components skill at max level Required. Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: A Strong HardPoint required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Mobius VI". Build Components skill at max level Required. Can be completed by non-progen.
Architecti Composita at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Components". Build Components skill at max level Required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Exchange Components". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Components OR Progen Token Bonus: Bypass Component Examination required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Incendiary Research". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Components OR Progen Token Bonus: Bypass Component Examination required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Ionized Research". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Components OR Progen Token Bonus: Bypass Component Examination required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Toxic Research". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Components OR Progen Token Bonus: Bypass Component Examination required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Form Design". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Exchange Components required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Ambush Alpha and Ambush Beta. Also you will get the ability to make the Foedius vox Redivivus. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Reactors.
Architecti Inquiro at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Reactors)". Build Reactors skill at max level Required. Stage II Invite - Reactors or completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Feel the Power! required.
Architecti Vegeto at Norstrand Vor City
- "Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Reactors". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Reactors) required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Reactor VI". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Reactors required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Reactor VII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Reactor VI required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Reactor VIII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Ambush Alpha Test required.
Intuneric Vigoare at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Reactor VIII test". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Reactor VII required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make: L6 Profero Manus Manus, the very useful L7 Skirmish Alpha and L8 Skirmish Beta. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Shields.
Architecti Inquiro at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Shields)". Build Shields skill at max level Required.
Architecti Scuti at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Shields". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Shields) required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Shield VI". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Shields required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Shield VI required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VIII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Skirmish Alpha Test required.
Intuneric Vigoare at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VIII test". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VII required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Tactical Advantage Alpha and Tactical Advantage Beta. Also you will get the ability to make the Reaction Vulgus. Completing this line is a mandatory step to opening Stage III's Devices.
Architecti Inquiro at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Devices)". Build Devices skill at max level Required. Stage II Invite - Devices or completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Like a leaf on the wind, watch me soar! required.
Architecti Vasi at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Devices". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Devices) required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Device VI". Completed mission Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Devices required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Device VI required.
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VIII". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Tactical Advantage Alpha Test required.
Intuneric Vigoare at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VIII test". Completed mission Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VII required.
Stage III - Build Skill 7 & Completed Stage I & Stage II
===>>> WARNING: You WILL complete missions, have ALL of the required items taken from your hold and look like the quest succeeded.....except it FAILED. You will be given the same mission again.....and have to do it again. Apparently the mission 'designer' thought this was good game-play and to prevent people from Clicking TOO QUICKLY through the quests. Go slow and cross your fingers.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Flechette Omega.
Architecti Telum at Norstrand Vor City
- "Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Weapons". Completed missions Progen Token Bonus: Fast and Dangerous and Stage II Agrippa Technology - Projectile VIII required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: PHALANX". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Weapons required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Ambush Omega.
Architecti Vegeto at Norstrand Vor City
- "Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Reactors". Completed missions Progen Token Bonus: Feel the Power! and Stage II Agrippa Technology - Reactor VIII required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: INNER FIRE". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Reactors required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Skirmish Omega.
Architecti Scuti at Norstrand Vor City
- "Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Shields". Completed missions Progen Token Bonus: Bunker Down and Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VIII required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: BASTION". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Shields required.
Completing this mission set gives you the ability to make the very useful Tactical Advantage Omega. Also you will get the ability to exchange Security Optimal Override Alpha to receive Stage III Encryption which are needed to make all Stage III equipment.
Architecti Vasi at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Devices". Completed missions Progen Token Bonus: Like a leaf on the wind, watch me soar! and Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VIII required.
- "Progen Token Bonus: CORPSEMAN". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Shields required.
Architecti Composita at Norstrand Vor City:
- "Stage III Agrippa Technology - Obtain Stage III Encryption". Completed mission Progen Token Bonus: Completing Stage I - II Devices required.
Helpful Links
- Agrippa Walkthrough
- Stage II Agrippa Technology - Exchange Components (shows faction results for the trade in)
- Stage III Agrippa Technology - Obtain Stage III Encryption (shows faction results for the trade in)
- Agrippa backdoor (if you get stuck and cannot progress this may help).