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Agrippa backdoor

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

These are the backdoor mission for Agrippa. You have to do these mission if you have done your Lv135 hull upgrade and want to do the Agrippa missions.

It looks like you can only have one Agrippa backdoor mission active at any one time.

There's no reward for these missions, other than the acceptance in to the Agrippa research.

During this mission you're sent to Kenlz. She's located at the nav Kenlz (70, 29) in Lagarto (nav point is on the map, its NE of the System Gate to Sol).

She needs your Advanced Progen Unique Trade Token (Gold Token) that you received on your Lv135 Hull promotion.

If you need an additional Gold Token, you can buy them from Beneficum Suggero in the Lounge at Arx Magister (Mars) for 20 million (without Negotiate).

IMPORTANT : All the required items listed below (with the exception of the ores) have to be built by the player doing the mission.

Agrippa Ammo Mission: "Gold Token: Ammo Fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Progen Warrior = Amyli Hamston (Weapon Vendor) at Orsini Mining Platform (Carpenter)

Items Required:

Go see Architecti Telum at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.

Agrippa Weapons Mission: "Gold Token: ??? Fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Progen Warrior only = Cleri Maste
  • Progen Privateer only = Earc Drummond

Items Required:

Go see Architecti Telum at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.

  As of 22:01, 16 April 2024 (UTC) this mission is broken and doesn't remove the level restriction as it's supposed to, a fix is in the works. After completing the mission and talking to Telum his dialogue only directs you to the person to speak to for Stage 2; he does not offer Stage 1.

Agrippa Shields Mission: "Gold Token: Shell fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Progen Sentinel = Mickey Meese (Equipment Vendor) at StarClipper Station (Mercury)

Items Required:

Go see Architecti Scuti at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.

Agrippa Reactors Mission: "Gold Token: Fire Fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Piq Ki (Equipment vendor) at Fenris Prime Observatory (Fenris)

Items Required:

Go see Architecti Vegeto at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.

Agrippa Devices Mission: "Gold Token: ??? Fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Andros Illyuctas Equipment Vendor in Bazaar, station Arx Ymir, Jotunheim (Aragoth)

require Progen Sentinel only require to be device build 5

Items Required:

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Go see Architecti Vasi at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.

Agrippa Components Mission: "Gold Token: ??? Fer Kenlz"

Starting NPC:

  • Progen Privateer= Ibuka Terao

require build component level 4

Items Required:

  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Go see Architecti Composita at Nostrand Vor Planet when you're done.