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Terran Scout Gear Guide

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

Terran Scout End-Game Gear Guide

This is the guide for equipping the ultimate Scout! Scouts have several roles, from Miners, to travel assistants, to looters and debuffer/jumpstarters in Raids. There are good gear load outs for general purpose, but a well equipped Scout will have sets optimized for each of the roles they play. This gear guide attempts to cover these and mention equipment that is particularly well suited for certain roles.

Scouts also have roles as builders, and as fast travelers (for trade runs, etc). That is also covered in this guide.

Weapons L8/L9

Picking weapons to get the best damage for a TS is pretty straightforward. For the most damage get one ML off the Turbo list (the higher the better) and three from the Non-Turbo list.

Turbo Missile Launchers

  • L9 Black Caster, 40% Turbo, ~176 DPS, Plasma/EMP/Explosive/Chemical, 3.53 Missile Accuracy Levels
  • L9 Smiter's Wrath, 40% Turbo, ~174 DPS, Plasma/Explosive/Chemical, 40% Missile Energy Conservation
  • L9 Fire of Amah, 40% Turbo, 130 DPS, +4.0% ML damage, Plasma/Explosive/Chemical. Reward from Mars construction site
  • L9 Smiter's Fury, 40% Turbo, ~112 DPS, Plasma/EMP/Explosive/Chemical, 40% Missile Energy Conservation
  • L9 ML-X11 "Bolas" Mk. IX, 40% Turbo, ~100 DPS, Plasma/Explosive/Chemical, 40% Missile Energy Conservation, 3.4 Missile Accuracy Levels
  • L8 Dragon's Spite 40% Turbo, 100.11 DPS, Plasma/EMP/Explosive/Chemical (Note it is very difficult to get this L8 ML's ammo samples)

Non-Turbo Missile Launchers

  • L9 No. 1 Most Prize ML Type Zet, 173.11 DPS
  • L9 Dung Cannon, 173.11 DPS, Manufacturable, ML Range, Increase Speed, Shield Renewal
  • L9 Dung Flinger, 121.89 DPS, +1340 reactor cap, +4.39 ML Handling, Reactor Renewal, Shield Renewal, Debuff Plasma, %40 Missile Energy Conservation
  • L9 Ballistic Sniper, 103 DPS but only Impact damage. A reward from the mission TS Long Distance Call. This ML has massive range (14.8k when buffed, incredible for pulling mobs).
  • L9 Ya Zi Long's Hellbore, 66 DPS, Weaken Plasma -43.7, Recharge Reactor +7.3, Improved Hacking +124% success, Improve Rally +2.80 levels; non-tradable ; Take hellbores for the buffs/debuffs, cool effects, and easily obtained ammunition. The dps is horrible, but the hacking buff can be useful in group or raid action.
  • L9 Hellbore, 46.40 DPS, Weaken Plasma(activated) -43.0, Enhance Missiles +30%, Boost Missile Range +38%, Improved Missile Handling +3.5k Skill levels; Tradable ; Weak DPS, uses vendor ammunition only. Slow firing, hilarious to watch. Nice for the long-range plasma debuff.

For a complete list, see: Missile Launchers - L9 Comparison.

Shields L8

Reactors L8

Since Terran's can only use L8 reactors here are the best:

Name Capacity Recharge Buffs
Black Power VIII 4389 53.8 5% Turbo Weapons
Increases PL Accuracy by 3.5
+4180 Shield Capacity when equipped.
Tang's Vigor 3807 57.78 +700 Reactor Cap, +4.6% Reactor Recharge
Tradable and buildable
Shooting Star VIII 4393 60.21 Enhance Projectile 26.6%%
Recharge Reactor -BOOST! +56.79 for 20 seconds
Tradable and buildable
Unicorn II Stallion 3661 51.60 you don't use it in combat.
Turbo warp +750 for 2128 seconds
Reduces equipment install time by 80% when equipped.
Tradable and buildable
RE-X9 "Supernova" Mk. VIII 3221 59.27 Increases ship top speed by 142% for 10 seconds when activated
Increases Missile Range by 44% when equipped.
Tradable and buildable
Ambush Beta 3366 60.75 30% Projectile Energy Conservation
Reduces Device Energy Cost by 15.0% when equipped.
Reduces equipment install time by 20% when equipped.
+10.00% Reactor Recharge for 259 seconds to target when activated.
Tradable and buildable, by Progen Privateers that have completed Stage II Agrippa
Obsolete Power Core 3850 62.80 Improves Hull Patch effectiveness by 2.30 Skill Levels when equipped.
Increase Missile Energy Cost by 10.00% when equipped.
tradable not buildable

Engines L9

Note if not using a Terran Advantage III you'll probably want to have a Dung Cannon, a Model Z Shield or a L9 Gorgon's device's to keep up your range. (If you are running a Hellbore you will have the ML range you want but not the max range possible, so take your pick of engines. NOTE: TS can have 14.8k range, on their Ballistic Sniper ML, if they use the L9 Gorgon's device's +48% ML Range buff)

Devices L7/L8/L9

Combat Devices

Damage Devices

Turbo Devices

Debuff Devices

Resist Devices

  • Damage resists (pick one to resist whatever combo the mob is firing at you)
Device Source Chemical EMP Explosive Energy Impact Plasma Psionic Additional buffs
L8 Good Fortune Mission reward 0 0 +30 +30 0 +30 +30 +25% Critical Rate
L7 Ivory Ward Player made (200%) +40 +40 +0 +40 +40 +40 0
L8 Tolerance Mk. VIII Player made (200%) 0 0 +40 +40 +40 0 +40

Defensive Devices

Swapped/Buff Devices

These are devices which you can keep in your cargo and swap in to buff, then replace with another device so they don't consume a device slot.

Utility Devices

Travel Devices

  • L3-L9 Lazarus (Quick Warp, Fast Warp) -- with this Equipped you get instantaneous Warp initiation.
  • L3-L9 Roadrunner Plus Fast warp, reduce warp cost -- part of a travel set for top speed.
  • L4, L7 Navigation Computer Mk. II -- Warp Charge, Additive Turbo Warp; part of a top speed travel set
  • L6 Loony's Hunk O'Metal -- Additive turbo Warp (Equip) and (Activated) -- also part of a top speed warp travel set.

Alternate Gear


The most important buff you need is the 40% Turbo Missiles which comes easiest from having a player build a L8 Dragon's Spite but it can also be extremely easy to find a L9 Smiter's Fury as guilds doing that raid often just float the ML in Cooper near the Tada-O Gate.

The other important buffs given by weapons that are worth considering are Improved Hacking, Improved Hull Patch and debuffs to plasma.

Hacking chance can be increased with:

Improved Hull Patch can be buffed by:

Plasma debuffs are given by the L9 MLs:

or the devices:

One other option others often take is to replace No. 1 Most Prize ML Type Zet's with Ten-Gu Bile Launchers as their ammo stack size is much larger, they use less energy, and they fire slower, but their DPS is slightly less (172.22 @200% vs. 173.11 @200% for Zet's).

Lastly, there is one ML which is notable but not in the game yet. Once added the 1M1HSP13N will be worth considering swapping a Zet or your Turbo gun to get.

Max Warp Gear

Scouts are the fastest warp class in the game. Here are some important items to obtain the highest possible warp speed of 8,954:

NOTE: All but one of these items are player made and the above number assumes L7 Navigate and L5 Afterburn (Ludicrous Speed).


  • It does NOT replace the Navigation Computer Mk. II, since that device buffs Navigation, but overrides that device's Additive Turbo Warp (+180) with its own and it add its activated buff (+180).



Leveling Gear


TS can use the Salamander's line of devices that debuffs mobs to explosive damage. As such explosive is much more beneficial than plasma, for most players.



Combat Reactors

  • L2-4 Supergiant
  • L5 Nova
  • L6 Foedius vox Redivivus (must be pared with a L5 Power of the Elements device)
  • L7 Keep the Foe until you can get a L7 Shooting Star......Foe may still be better than L7 Shooting Star depending on play style.
  • L8 Shooting Star or Tang's Vigor if you can't get the SS

Travel Reactors

  • L3-4 Kraken
  • L5-L6 Unicorn
  • L7-L8 Unicorn II


Combat Engines

Travel Engines


Combat Devices

  • L3-L9 Salamander's -- activated explosive debuff to target
  • L3-L8 Rada -- activated plasma debuff to target
  • L5-L6 Grand Baka -- activated +25% scan range boost
  • L3-L7 Cat's Paw (+speed, if Eagle Wing is not enough)
  • L3-L6 Eagle Wing (activated speed boost, quite amazing to get in/out of range quickly). IMPORTANT: Player must double tap and then hold direction key for this to work. Best to test getting this to work before trying in combat.
  • L7 Blinding Speed (even faster than eagle wing)

Travel Devices

See Travel Devices

Swapped/Buff Devices

See Swapped/Buff Devices

See Also