More actions
Sector | Nav | MOB | CL | Notes
Valkyrie Twins | 50k north Field of Danger | Sundiver Umayyad | Two of them exist with about a 2-3 minute respawn timer |
- Hull
- 0
- Shields
- 195850
- Damage Dealt
- EMP, Chemical
- Resists
- ?? Plasma
- ?? Chem
- ?? Energy
- ?? Explosive
- ?? EMP
- ?? Impact
Faction Change
Mob | CL | Anseria | Bogeril | Centuriata Warriors | Chavez | Collegia Traders | EarthCorps Warriors | Glenn Commission | Hyperia Explorers | InfinitiCorp Traders | Psionics | Sabine Explorers | Sha'ha'dem Explorers | Sharim Traders | Shinwa Warriors | The Alliance | The Mordana | The Red Dragon | V'rix | Progen Combine | Terran Alliance
Sundiver Umayyad | 48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- L5 Mangonel Plasma Missile
- L8 No 1 Most Value PL Type Zet
- L8 Value Plasma Bullet
- L8 Value Chemical Bullet
- L8 Value Impact Bullet
- L6 Sun Diver Slop Type 4
- L5 Sun Diver Slop Type 3
- L5 Mangonel Chemical Missile
- L6 Sun Diver Slop Type 4
- L5 Sun Diver Slop Type 3
- L7 DV-RS-X3 "Guardian" Mk. VII
- L7 Mangonel Tria