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Glenn Commission

From Net 7 Portal Wiki
(Redirected from Glenn Commission (Faction))
Race - Class - Profession - Faction
Official Player Factions Official NPC Factions
Sha'ha'dem Explorers Sharim Traders Shinwa Warriors Anseria Bogeril Chavez
Hyperia Explorers InfinitiCorp Traders EarthCorps Warriors Glenn Commission Psionics The Alliance
Sabine Explorers Collegia Traders Centuriata Warriors The Mordana The Red Dragon V'rix
Official Moto NPC Factions Unofficial Factions
Progen Combine Terran Alliance Free Spacers The Kokura Renegade Progen
List of Faction Changes by Mob

The Glenn Commission is the neutral government of Beta Hydri, created by the Gate Treaty of 2298. Governed by members of all three races, it is a social experiment, promoting science, tourism, and exploration within its borders.

The Commission took its name in honour of John Glenn Jr (1921-2016), the first American (1962) and also the oldest person (aged 77) to to orbit Earth (1998).

Stations owned and run by the Glenn Commission

Station Sector System Station Proprietor Vendor Levels Job Terminal Max Level
Friendship 7 Recreation Port Glenn Beta Hydri Glenn Commission
max lvl 135
Mercury Station Glory's Orbit Beta Hydri Glenn Commission
max lvl 75
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Glenn Commission
max lvl 105

Cautionary Note on GC Faction Standing

Do not make a habit of shooting Glenn Commission ships, as you will lose faction standing. If your standing with GC falls too low, you will not be able to dock at the above three stations without doing a lot of GC-issued terminal jobs (as the Commission is a neutral entity, there are no enemy mobs to shoot that give GC faction points). Note: there are probably console Jobs outside listed stations where you can find jobs that award Glenn Commission faction points.

See Also