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Beams - L8 Comparison

From Net 7 Portal Wiki


Beam Comparison Pages
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9

This Comparison chart is useful for helping you select a better Beam. Check an individual unit's page for more details.

All values are for beam weapons of 100% quality. Note that player-built beams (up to 200% quality) enhance a beam's damage-infliction capability and buffs.

DPS = Damage per Second. Note that a fast-firing weapon with lower damage can disrupt a mob from employing its psionic effects against you.
EPS = Energy per Second. Make sure your energy use doesn't exceed your reactor's recharge rate!

NEW columns:

  • A new "DPS 200%" column has been addded in response to an in-game chat request, in order to make it easier to compare 200% (player-made) items to Non-Manufacturable items. Note that the figure in a NonMf item's "DPS 200%" column will be the same as its 100% value. There is, of course, the potential for a looted NonMf item to have a quality value above or below 100% but, as this spreadsheet can't easily be coded for every eventuality, a 100%NonMf vs 200%PM comparison is all you get!
  • A new "NegEfct" column has been added. Previously, all buffs (changes) to aspects of a weapon's or ship's performance were listed in the Buffs column, whether they were a positive change (a "buff") or a negative change (a 'de-buff'). The Buffs column now only shows effects gained which benefit you:— these can either be enhancements to your weapons or ship, or the power to de-buff your enemies. Any negative effect (de-buff) which is applied to YOU has been split off into the new NegEfct column. Sometimes you may be able to counteract a personal de-buff by installing another ship item which buffs (improves) the same characteristic.

Beam Level Range Type Damage Reload Time DPS DPS 200% EPS Race Class Buffs NegEfct Buildable
Amethyst Annihilator 8 1500 Energy 483 9.00 53.67 80.50 20.56 Jenquai only Warriors only 1 0 Yes
BL3ND3NGSTR3K2 8 1800 Plasma 134 2.50 53.60 80.40 17.20 all all 3 0 Yes
Black Razor 8 1700 Energy 316 6.00 52.67 79.00 19.33 Jenquai only all 3 0 Yes
Charged Zenshai Energy Shard 8 1800 Energy 110 1.50 73.33 73.33 13.33 all all 0 0 NonMf
Crab LGS 8 8 1900 Energy 175 4.00 43.75 65.63 15.25 Jenquai only all 0 0 Yes
Cutlass of the Valiant 8 8 1800 Energy 430 8.00 53.75 53.75 18.38 all all 1 0 NonMf
Dugrand Xango 8 1400 Energy 50 1.00 50.00 75.00 15.00 Jenquai only Warriors only 0 0 Yes
Fangs of the Dragon 8 1700 Energy 69 1.50 46.00 69.00 17.33 Progen only Warriors only 1 0 Yes
Gaze of the Martyr 8 1900 Plasma 495 6.00 82.50 82.50 19.33 all Explorer only 2 0 NonMf
Golden Dragon Laser Ni 8 1800 Energy 215 4.00 53.75 80.63 18.25 Jenquai only all 2 0 Yes
Golden Kirin EMP Laser Ni 8 1800 EMP 215 4.00 53.75 80.63 18.25 Jenquai only all 2 0 Yes
Halberd VIII 8 1500 Energy 356 10.00 35.60 53.40 15.10 Jenquai restricted all 2 0 Yes
Hammer Max 8 1600 EMP 291 7.00 41.57 62.36 15.86 Jenquai restricted all 3 0 Yes
Harvester of Souls 8 1800 Plasma 103 2.00 51.50 51.50 16.00 all all 3 0 NonMf
Helix NGC 8 8 1900 EMP 191 4.00 47.75 71.63 16.25 Jenquai only all 2 0 Yes
Hydra NGC 8 8 1900 Energy 191 4.00 47.75 71.63 16.25 Jenquai only all 2 0 Yes
Impaling Fang 8 1900 Energy 93 2.00 46.50 69.75 16.50 all all 1 0 Yes
Jaguar 8 1800 Plasma 210 4.00 52.50 78.75 16.00 all all 2 0 Yes
Morning Star Max 8 1600 EMP 291 7.00 41.57 62.36 15.86 Jenquai restricted all 2 0 Yes
Most Irking EMP Beam 3C 8 1700 EMP 198 5.00 39.60 59.40 16.20 all all 1 0 Yes
Most Luscious Laser Line C1 8 1600 Energy 218 5.00 43.60 65.40 17.80 all all 1 0 Yes
Most Nipping EMP Beam XX 8 1700 EMP 198 5.00 39.60 59.40 16.20 all all 1 0 Yes
Most Sexy Class G Laser 8 1600 Energy 218 5.00 43.60 65.40 17.80 all all 1 0 Yes
No 1 Most Jolting EMP Beam AA 8 1800 EMP 97 2.00 48.50 72.75 17.50 all all 3 0 Yes
No 1 Most Tempting Laser Class K 8 1800 Energy 95 2.00 47.50 71.25 17.50 Terran only all 3 0 Yes
Nova Lance 8 1600 Energy 291 7.00 41.57 62.36 15.86 Jenquai restricted all 3 0 Yes
Orange Dragon Laser M8 8 1700 Energy 207 4.00 51.75 77.63 19.00 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
Orange Kirin EMP Laser M8 8 1700 EMP 207 4.00 51.75 77.63 17.50 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
Phobos C/8000 8 1900 Energy 262 6.00 43.67 65.50 14.83 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
Pitbull Jr. 8 1700 Plasma 375 9.00 41.67 62.50 16.00 all all 0 0 Yes
Prototype B 8 8 3400 Energy 346 6.00 57.67 57.67 21.33 all all 0 0 NonMf
Prototype P 8 8 3400 Plasma 346 6.00 57.67 57.67 21.33 all all 0 0 NonMf
Purple Dragon Laser M8 8 1700 Energy 310 6.00 51.67 77.50 17.67 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
Rosette LGS 8 8 1900 Energy 175 4.00 43.75 65.63 16.00 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
Ruby Disruptor 8 1800 Plasma 564 10.00 56.40 84.60 19.20 Jenquai only all 1 0 Yes
Scimitar Max 8 1500 Energy 356 10.00 35.60 53.40 15.10 Jenquai restricted all 2 0 Yes
Soulfire Curse 8 1800 Energy 107 2.00 53.50 80.25 19.00 all all 2 0 Yes
Stone Cleaver 8 1700 Plasma 124 2.50 49.60 49.60 16.00 all all 2 0 NonMf
Thebe C/8000 8 1900 EMP 175 4.00 43.75 65.63 14.75 Progen restricted all 1 1 Yes
V'rix Modified Scimitar 8 1500 EMP 356 10.00 35.60 35.60 15.10 all all 2 0 NonMf
V'rix Modified Thebe 8 1900 EMP 175 4.00 43.75 43.75 14.75 all all 1 1 NonMf
Wrath of the Forlorn 8 1600 Energy 200 4.00 50.00 50.00 17.00 Jenquai only all 2 0 NonMf
Zenrei Super-Ego Beam 8 1800 Energy 322 6.00 53.67 53.67 16.00 all all 1 0 NonMf

*Values of NonMf items marked with an asterisk might be better than listed here, but need to be verified in-game.