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Level 8 Energy Beam Weapon
The Net-7 Database indicates that this level 8 Energy Beam weapon does not drop from mobs.
The Orange Dragon Laser M8 may be purchased at Jove's Fury.
- Device Energy Friction (Equip): Increases Device Energy Cost by 10.00% when equipped.
- Improved Cloaking (Equip): Reduces Cloaking Engage Time by 2.5(3.3) seconds (to a minimum of 3 seconds), makes the target harder to detect with See Cloaking, and increases Stealth Strike time when equipped.
- Progen restricted
Other Information
InfinitiCorp's "Dragon" catalogue of Beam weapons may be divided into two categories: those with buffs which enhance a pilot's skills or are neutral; and those which possess a negative buff which reduces ship-equipment performance.
Beneficial Buffs Only, or Buffless Improved Create Wormhole/Hull Damage Control
Lines with Negative Buffs Slow Beams/Enhance Weapon