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Experience (XP) Types Added together, these form your Overall Level (OL) | ||
Combat | Explore | Trade |
Explore (or Exploration) Experience (aka Explore XP) is a form of Experience (issued in the form of points) gained by performing exploration related functions (see below). You can see your current Explore Level at any time by hitting the "Y" key on your keyboard and checking the "Skills" tab in the window which will pop up.
When you have accumulated enough points to bring your blue-coloured explore bar up to 100%:
- you will advance to the next explore level,
- a Skill Point (used to upgrade any of your skills) is issued, and
- your explore bar will reset to zero.
As your Explore level increases, the number of experience points neeed to reach 100% also increases. The maximum explore level is 50. After level 50, you can still earn explore experience points and a skill point per level, but the explore level number will remain at 50.
Gaining Exploration Experience
There are several ways of gaining Explore Experience:
- Analysing components or items of ship equipment (required in order to gain the recipe to build them). This is also known in-game as "mapping" or "(blue)printing" an item (almost zero xp, ignore this).
- certain Missions may give exploration experience points as a mission reward
- take Explore Jobs at a starbase Job Terminal (these are formal contracts and occupy space in your Mission Log).
- Prospecting asteroids for ores and gases (explorer-class pilots only: JE, PS, TS)
- travelling to unvisited navigation points (aka "navpoints", or "navs") or hidden navs
- travelling to unvisited navpoints or hidden navs when in a group where at least 1 member of that group has never visited the location before (the Explore XP generated by the newbie is shared equally with the other group members who have been there before). This is known as "touring". Older pilots may offer to tour newer pilots around the galaxy, which is a mutually beneficial exercise (fastest xp gain).
Skills with an Exploration Level Prerequisite
Your Explore Level (EL) is a prerequisite for the upgrading of particular skills: