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Centuriata Praetorian Gene-map

From Net 7 Portal Wiki


Level 5 Other

Net-7 Link: Centuriata Praetorian Gene-map

Prospecting (Explorer-only)

Prospect Locations (List of Prospectables)
Sector Nav Notes

Asteroid Belt Beta Between Accelerator Sphere 1 & 2, <25.38, -10.03, 0.80> L5 Hulks

Asteroid Belt Beta Alpha-Gamma Beltway 3 & 4 L5 Hulks

Endriago 21-28k E of Asteroid EG9721 <0, 96> and <-4, 99> L5 Hulks

Freya Gaius Wreck L5 Hulks

Kitara's Veil Akio L5 Hulks

Lagarto <-70.59, 126.16, 7.18>, closest is hidden nav Asteroid Lamos2523 L5 Hulks, watch out for a significant number of pop-hulks in this area!

Mercury Mercury Planet L5 Hulks

Endriago 21-28k E of Asteroid EG9721 <0, 96> and <-4, 99> L6 Hulks

Kitara's Veil Sector Gate to Dahin L6 Hulks

Lagarto hidden nav Asteroid Lamos2524 L6 Hulks


Description This strange object contains a Centuriata Praetorian's gene-map. Progen Sentinels will often pay a reasonable price to have such objects returned to their keeping.
Stack size 60

Not manufacturable

Item Turn-Ins

Each Gene-Map can be turned in to Genetic Repository, located in Endriago, Gallina. All races and classes are eligible for rewards.


Gene-Maps come in a variety of levels, the reward values per item are:

Item Level Accepting NPC Faction Credits Reward
Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map 2 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (5), Centuriata Warriors (5) 500 100 Trade XP
Centuriata Centurion Gene-Map 4 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (5), Centuriata Warriors (5) 500 150 Trade XP
Centuriata Lancearate Gene-Map 5 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (5), Centuriata Warriors (5) 500 150 Trade XP
Centuriata Praetorian Gene-map 5 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (5), Centuriata Warriors (5) 500 150 Trade XP
Centuriata Praefect Gene-Map 6 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (10), Centuriata Warriors (10) 1000 250 Trade XP
Centuriata Legate Gene-Map 7 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (20), Centuriata Warriors (20) 1000 400 Trade XP
Centuriata Consul Gene-Map 8 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (20), Centuriata Warriors (20) 2000 400 Trade XP
Centuriata Proconsul Gene-Map 9 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (30), Centuriata Warriors (30) 2000 500 Trade XP
Alien DNA GeneMap Fragment 5 Genetic Repository Sabine Explorers (100) 10000 5000 Trade XP


  • Unlike most of the other Centuriata Gene-Maps, this one has a lowercase "m" in Gene-map in the Net-7 DB which is why it shows up that way here on the wiki so the link above works.