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Mission giver | Professor E. Hubble |
Mission requirements | OL >= 100 |
Mission reward |
Professor E. Hubble needs some help with his research in Nifleheim Cloud.
- Destroy 12 Einherjar Lancers for the Professor.
- These can be found near Nav Nifleheim Cloud 3
- CL33 Einherjar Lancers are non-aggressive. Nearby CL37 Einherjar Raiders will attack if you are fighting with another Einherjar within their visual range.
- Return to the Professor.
- You receive 5,000 credits
- Obtain 20 Nagifar Intestines for the Professor.
- There was a "tip" here previously that Nagifars drop the intestines rarely, but I think that's bad advice.
- Nagifars, Sults and Sturren all drop Nagifar Intestines but Nagifars are much easier to kill; I would just kill all of them you see.
- Nagifars, Sults and Sturren can be found near Modi's Fist.
- Sults and Sturren are both CL46 and employ Hacking. They have some psionic resistance so debuffs may fail, keep trying.
- IMPORTANT: When you have the Intestines, return to and speak with the Professor AND you must have an empty space in your cargo hold to receive the Nagifar Genetic Sample.
- Deliver the Genetic Sample to Saia, stationed on Yasuragi City.
- Saia is the L2 component vendor in Yasuragi station in the planet sector Yasuragi Area accessible via the planet nav in Swooping Eagle.
- Return to Professor E. Hubble.
- You receive 10,000 Credits, 5,000 Combat XP, 5,000 Explore XP, and 5,000 Trade XP.
- Speak to the Professor again for your reward.
- You must speak to Professor E. Hubble again to receive the Shooting Star VII blueprint.
- You must speak to him a third time to receive the follow-on mission, The Nutty Professor.
- Professor E. Hubble's ship is just inside Nifleheim Cloud. He'll be right in front of you as you enter.
- Only JEs, JSs, and PPs have the Build Reactors skill.
(Note: Characters without the Build Reactors skill are not offered the mission)
- You do not need the Build Reactors skill trained to L7 to get the job or receive the Blueprint. You will not be able to use the blueprint until you train the skill to the proper level.
- Modi's Heart [CL 66] may fly through the area where Nagifar are found -- do NOT attack.