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Mission Troubleshooting

From Net 7 Portal Wiki


While there are certainly some bugs in missions, there are also some common issues that appear to be bugs but which are perhaps actually just poor (or non-existent) communication to the player. These are things you can check for yourself. There are also some useful workarounds you should know when you run into an actual bug and where to get help if you can't resolve things.

Bugs are noted on the wiki as much as possible, and if you find one that isn't you can add it using the {{bug}} template.

Common Issues

If you are having an issue such as:

  • An NPC is not offering a mission to you
  • A mission is not advancing to the next step when talking to an NPC

A few common causes of issues like this to check for are:

  • Do you have free space in your cargo?
  • Are you already at the maximum number of missions in your mission log?
    • Currently 12, once you have missions numbered 1 through 12, you will not be able to accept a 13th and NPCs won't even offer the dialog option.
    • I've also personally seen this bug on two occasions where you have 12 missions, but they aren't all showing in-game (e.g. my in-game list only showed 11) but I still wasn't being offered a mission. In this case the website was correctly showing all 12 of my missions, so login to and go to the character -> Mission log -> Current Missions to see if this is the case. In my case this has happened on two missions, Monitoring Antares and InfinitiCorp: Profit above all were the missions which the website showed I was on, but in-game were not being shown, yet still seemed to be consuming a slot in my mission log. In this case abandon another mission to make room for the one you're trying to take or go and complete the mission which is showing on the website but not in-game (this will require consulting the website above, the wiki, another player, or having another character doing it along with you, as you won't see the progress in-game). In my case once I completed the "ghost" missions things went back to normal and I could once again have 12 missions in my log.
  • Do you have the required item in your inventory?
  • Do you meet the requirements for the mission? (level, class, race, skill, faction, etc.)
  • Have you already completed the mission? (check at<Character>)
  • If you are unable to acquire a mission which trains you in a desired skill, make sure you visit all the NPCs in your starting sector and the two sectors on either side of it. Some skill missions do not unlock until you have done a few inconsequential-looking missions for certain NPCs first. You can find a complete list at Skill-Acquisition Missions.

Common Workarounds

After checking the above common issues, if you're still having one of the issues above or one of these:

  • A mob for a mission is not spawning
  • An NPC is not giving you an item
  • An NPC is not acknowledging an item you have in your inventory
  • A mission is not advancing (e.g. when you arrive at a nav specified by the mission or target the nav for it)
  • A mission objective is greyed out (e.g. the Scan eye icon is greyed out)

Some common workarounds include:

  • Leave the area (nav/station/sector) and come back again (typically 20K is far enough, if that doesn't work, try gating and coming back)
  • For missions which require getting near a nav (either to Scan it or to trigger progress):
    • You often have to be DIRECTLY on top of the nav (e.g. within 1K) and some seem to require being at literally 0.0
    • You must remain completely still for several seconds, sometimes as long as 15 seconds, for certain missions to trigger; any movement can prevent them from correctly registering you as being at the nav so come to a full stop and be patient
  • For missions that require scanning a nav or other object, try deselecting it (right-click in the target window, or target something else) then re-target it
  • Move relevant items around within your cargo or hit the sort button
  • Log out and back in again
  • Forfeit the mission and accept it again

More Extreme Workarounds

If none of the above resolves the issue you may have run into an actual bug which requires a more extreme workaround, but sometimes you can still resolve these yourself.

Mission Disappears or Progress Out of Sync

If a mission you're working on disappears from your mission log inexplicably, reverts to a prior step, or doesn't show the current status that you expect, you can try the console command:


which is short for "force mission update".

Stuck in an NPC Conversation

If you end up stuck in a loop with an NPC or the conversation hangs (no dialog options to choose from, or NPC not responding) you can try the console command:


Stuck in a Terminal

If you end up stuck interacting with a terminal (Jobs, Analyze, Manufacturing, etc.) like the button remains greyed out after pressing it and never responds, etc. you can try the console command:


Another trick that sometimes works to resend packets that are stuck is to try talking in the broadcast channel (it sounds crazy, but it has actually worked for me on multiple occassions!):

Stuck in a Starbase

While not directly related to missions, sometimes you can get stuck in places within a starbase or become unable to move after talking to an NPC; if the /endtalk or /unstuck commands don't work or you're stuck elsewhere you can try the console command:

/starbase reset

Stuck with a Non Destroyable Item

In cases where a mission item in your cargo can't be destroyed that may in turn prevent you from progressing/completing/reacquiring a mission. In these cases you can empty your cargo of EVERYTHING except the item you wish to destroy, enter space (undock from station, etc.) and use the console command:




Contact a Game Master

If all else fails you may have to resort to opening a ticket and contacting a Game Master. For more information see Game Master.