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See also: New Player Tutorial/Guide
If you are like most MMO players you want to race to maximum level and enjoy being 'uber'. With some luck, the tips on this page will help you meet that goal.
- If a combat skill, (Menace on the PP for example) only goes to rank 5, understand that it will fail very frequently if not always against high level (CL45+) mobs. This is intended and how it worked in Live (the original commercial version of ENB, 2002-2004). Devices that offer +skill will help get around this problem, but +2 or +3 will be needed to make the skill 'look' like rank 7.
- In Live, skills were internally capped to 10 as the maximum skill level (7 points in, +3 from a buff, normally). it is not known if this limit exists in the EMU.
Combat XP is by far the easiest, except for maybe Jenquai Explorers, form of XP to get. However, there are some tricks to making the process more smooth:
- Fight mobs 2-5 combat levels below you. It takes longer, but the extra loot you get (try for mobs with lots of stackable loot, like organic mobs) then you will be able to level combat and trade XP at about the same rate.
- Look on the Mob Farming Spots page for places that might be good to grind stackable loot. If nothing is there, go find one, then write it down to help out others, or yourself when leveling an alt.
- Mobs that are hostile (meaning they shoot you first) will attack the first thing they see. If pairing with a buddy who can take more punishment than you, ensure you have a smaller signature radius than your buddy and the mobs will all gang up on him.
- It is very effective to level with an alt which has the Recharge Shields skill. These characters can keep themselves alive while you pound their attackers into dust. Equip them with a high-sig travel engine and the mobs will come to you, instead of you having to fly to them!
- It is possible to get Explore Level 25 by visiting every Nav Point in the game, but only if you have a perfect route planned out and are willing to take a long time finding them all.
- Some players give 'tours' of the galaxy, where they will fly you around to every nav in the game for free. It takes a while, but it is easy explore XP to start out with (2 hours for L0-L25 EL if your Tour lead knows their route and you are using 4x L0 new accounts.).
- Failing that, make a mining character (Progen Sentinel, Terran Scout, or Jenquai Explorer) and group them with your main while you do mining. The mining will get both characters explore XP and the mining character a large amount of trade XP. Pair this with a moderately defended field, and the alt may get your miner some combat XP too!
- Mining fields that occur at hidden navs or >10K from a nav (IE, you need maybe 6-7KM of scan range to see the nearest roid from a nav) will reward 2-2.5x as much experience when you clear the field as normal ore fields.
- See Prospecting and Prospect Locations for more on this subject.
- ALWAYS trade your loot to another player before selling it. You get 2x the experience for trading it to another player as you do for selling it to a vendor.
- The most trade xp is gained from trading with a Terran Tradesman (TT)
- When selling loot or trading it, always sell or trade the lowest level items first. They will bring you the least amount of trade XP to begin with, and even less once you have gained levels if you have enough to level up. {Cause: you get zero XP for trading items five levels below one fifth of your trade level, and about one per item for things four levels below the same one fifth of your trade level.}
- To maximize trade XP and credits earned on mined goods: Mine the ore, Trade it to another player, trade it back to the miner, refine it, trade the refined good to another player, sell the good (either on the miner or the other character, whichever has the higher level Negotiate skill).
- Grouping provides more XP, Faster. (player total level / group total level) * xp gained * group xp bonus
- 2 players: 140%
- 3 players: 180%
- 4 players: 220%
- 5 players: 260%
- 6 players: 300%
- (The above numbers are from Live)
- A Group Bonus buff is also applied based on the group members.
- You can get less XP for doing something in a group than you do solo, but keep in mind that either you are getting that much from each member of the group (grabbing a new nav), or you should be getting more of whatever is providing the experience (multiple miners get more roids per hour), Multiple people combating should be burning mobs down more rapidly, and killing more per hour. The Original game was designed to promote group play, and it's More enjoyable!
- IMPORTANT: Group xp is shared as long as the character gaining the xp is within 39k of the other character(s). At 40k xp is NOT shared.
Group Size | Group CL | Mob CL | CL Difference | XP/Character |
1 | 50 | 60 | 10 | 8000? |
6 | 50 | 60 | 10 | 4000? |
6 | 50 | 63 | 13 | 4000? |
6 | 50 | 66 | 16 | 4000 |