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Having a map of the ENB galaxy printed out can be helpful for general navigation, especially if you're new to the game or returning after a long absence. However, many maps found online are from the original "Live" era of ENB (2002 to 2004). Because ENB Live's plot was developed during that period, there were occasional map updates: you may thus find a number of map variants, most of which have been superseded.
Fortunately a new Galaxy Map and Sector Charts updated for the current iteration of ENB are available.
Galaxy Map

Updated for Emulator & Amended
For details about this map, including a complete history of changes see File:Net7map.jpg.
Sector Charts
Comprehensive sector charts, updated for ENB Emulator and with click/hover internal features, are to be found at
Highly recommended for finding hidden navpoints.
Context-sensitive sector charts which show which navs your characters still have not explored (though it doesn't include hidden navs) can be found at:
Archives hosts a number of other historical Earth & Beyond maps relating to the game's "Live" era (2002-2004).
Visit their Maps page at