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Jobs Terminal in OMP

Terminal jobs are categorized by level, beginning at 50. The higher levels are 75, 105, 135, and 150. Stations are listed by the highest level job they offer. Lower level jobs will exist in all stations with a higher maximum level, except in Xipe Totec [level 150 only]. For example, Arx Magister in Mars will offer lvl 50 and 75 jobs, in addition to level 105 jobs.

Six jobs maximum can be under way (incomplete) at one time. Your Overall Level must be NOT MORE than fifteen [15] levels below the job's level in order for you to be able to accept the job. Example: level 50 jobs become available at Overall Level 35.

Jobs are refreshed every 2-5 Minutes at a random interval

Jobs are sometimes viewed unfavorably for seemingly low rewards vs time. For example, because of the time involved in Trade Jobs, Trade Routes are a better time investment for pure XP/hr (and credits). However, Faction Gains might be important for some players. See Trade Job Worth

See the Station List at to locate a station that has a Jobs terminal.

Faction Gains

One useful feature of Job Terminal tasks is that, upon completion, they grant a fixed faction gain with whichever group sponsored the job. For example, if a job lists Glenn Commission as its sponsor, then that job would reward a certain amount of faction with Glenn Commission upon completion.

All known jobs (as of 20 Oct 2016) are +40 faction standing upon successful completion. Gaining faction standing via a job does NOT change your standing with any other faction.

Maximizing Gains

Theory: If you are/have a Jenquai Explorer, it might be possible to enhance the rate of gain, by picking a start station (for lvl 105 missions) 4-5 jumps from a weft, then taking jobs only at the station where the pickup is in the system with a weft. Might also be more trouble than it's worth. Hard to say. Note: taking a wormhole does NOT damage goods picked up for a Trade Job.

Note: When doing Ambassador jobs, if you take a wormwhole, the green completion text will say you got the full faction earn, but you will not, see Discussion

Trade Jobs

Trade Jobs at the Jobs Terminal in OMP

Jobs titled "Transfer Intergalactic Prisoners" of all levels ALWAYS have Onorom Prison in Asteroid Belt Gamma as their destination, no matter where you pick them up. And no, taking the prisoner's offer of a reward if you take him to Queen Anne's Revenge does NOT work.

Trade Job Worth

There are 3 primary ways to earn trade XP:

  1. Trading looted items to another player (ideally with a maxed Negotiate skill for optimal XP) / Selling looted items
    • Until TL 25 or so, if you have a PW with Shield Nova, killing Dzurai at Nav Carp 3 in Carpenter yields around 750,000 XP/hr on a character with Negotiate 4. XP gain does fall off with increased levels, but for leveling a single character, this is the way to go until higher trade levels. A group of PWs can also do the same thing in Varen's Girdle near Ostarae Seeding 2, and that is good until around TL 35.
  2. Trade Routes
  3. Trade jobs

If you are trying to level multiple characters, trade routes are the ONLY viable method. No other method scales for multiple characters **at the same time**. If you only play one character at a time, then continue reading.

If you have access to a high level PW or other character that can farm CL 25-ish mobs (the Dzurai in Carpenter for example) then getting up to TL 25 or so is easiest by collecting the stacking bio loot, then trading that to a character with negotiate for maximum XP. This falls off harshly after TL 20-25. Ostarae in Varen's Girdle can also be good for this, but it may be harder for a low level character to survive there. This method yeilds around 300,000-450,000 XP/hr.

If you have the The Polar Express, and at least Negotiate 5, Trade Runs are superior in terms of XP/hr to the tune of around 20% faster than Level 75 Trade Jobs.

If you do not have The Polar Express, and have Negotiate 5, Trade Runs and Trade Jobs are roughly equal (within margin of error) in terms of XP/hr. If you are a TT (the only character with level 7 negotiate) and have > Negotiate 5, then trade runs are superior.

If you do not have Negotiate 5 (or the Negotiate skill at all) and are OL 60 or better, then level 75 trade jobs are your best XP/hr. Higher level trade jobs offer more XP, but take longer, and yield inferior XP/hr compared to level 75 jobs. This hold true even when using a JE to WH around.

Note: "Trade Routes" refer to FN->NV (probably overall best) and FN->SO (only with Red Dragon faction) routes. All other trade routes are less efficient than those two.

Math/testing proof (Level 150 jobs vs trade routes)

Cargo slots (with Polar Express/without):

  • JE: 37 / 30
  • TS: 46 / 37
  • TT: 50 / 40

Those three were chosen because Negotiate 0, 5, and 7.

The data below comes from one side (FN->NV) of the trade run. The return leg is slightly more profitable. So this is literally the worst-possible-case scenario.

Class Negotiate Level Trade Level Buy Price Sell Price Profit Trade XP
JE 0 50 2020 3030 1010 565
TS 5 50 1717 3484 1767 1137
TT 7 50 1636 3605 1969 1312

Thus, here's the XP/hr. Here's an example of my math for the JE:

  • 565 (XP/item) * 37 (slots with Polar Express) * 7.5 (runs/hr)

From testing (see Trade Jobs page), I know that FN->NV takes around 8 minutes for an OL 50 character, that has Navigate, with the Polar Express (and a bit longer without one).

Class With Polar Express Without Polar Express Assumed one-direction travel time (min)
JE 156,787 127,125 8
TS 392,265 315,517 8
TT 492,000 393,600 8

Now, just for fun, let's say you had a Progen Warrior, without a Polar Express. The slowest possible combination with the smallest cargo hold, and least XP. Let's say it takes 10 minutes to do a run, so 6 runs/hr. That still earns 101,700 / HR at Trade Level 50 (so, more at lower levels, but close enough for TL150 jobs which would require *at least* TL 35 (assuming 50/50/35).

For data realism (and because I (User:Doctor) has a PS that needs some XP) I went ahead and did real tests of Xipe Jobs, an 'all factors' test, as it were. The PS is the best-possible-case. Level 8 engines, level 8 devices (ok, I could do lvl 9, but meh) and a 5649 warp speed. No navigate, so no instant warp; only the Lazarus for warp charge improvements.

It takes around 20 seconds for the job list to fully populate, and 2 seconds for the slow-text scroll on the job to reveal the destination. There are 17 jobs listed in Xipe, so that adds another 34 seconds if you want to be choosy and get destinations close to each other. As luck of the draw would have it, I got 2 jobs in Antares and 4 in Zweihander (there was no way to get 6 jobs in Zweihander without waiting 5 minutes for a job refresh). Because my PS was grouped with my JE, he actually got 6139 warp.

I started a stopwatch when I opened the job terminal, and here are the running total times:

  • 45 seconds: Finished picking my jobs and left terminal. 4 to Zweihander, 2 to Antares (no possible way to get all 6 at the same dest)
  • 3m 55: docked at EarthCorp High Command
    • I got unlucky, of the 4 Zwei jobs, they went to all 3 possible destinations (Jotun, Adriel, and Rag). There is no way to pick/control the drop off, it's random. Yes, I did WH to Witberg directly from outside EHC
  • 5m 50: Docked at Arx Ymir
  • 7m 30: Docked at Trader's Fort
  • WH to Witberg (forgot to grab time, stopwatch was still running though)
  • 9m 30: Dock at Adriel Prime
  • 11m 3: Dock at Antares
    • I got unlucky and got both destinations Kailaasa and Menorb
  • 11m 44: Dock at Paren
  • 15m 35: Dock at Menorb station
    • WH back to Swooping Eagle
  • 17m 10: Dock at Xipe
  • 17m 37: made it back to job terminal

So, 11,250 XP per job, * 6 jobs = 67,500. 17m 30s to run those 6 jobs (to be honest, this was about the worst possible case, but also HIGHLY realistic) means you can get 3.4 runs in per hour. 69000 * 3.4 = 229,500.

A second test, with 2 Antares and 4 Tarsis jobs was run. Both destinations from Antares and it took 12m 45. 317,250 XP/hr.

But remember, trade jobs cannot scale. If more than 2 characters attempt to run trade jobs out of Xipe, there will not be enough trade jobs for everyone to get 6 in a timely fashion, making trade routes the better option. Additionally, since we are using 2 characters (a JE and the leveling char) then keep in mind that a PW killing CL 35-45 Ostarae in Varen's Girdle will net you around 400,000 XP/hr. So...again, trade jobs are, objectively, the dumbest way to level trade outside of very specific cases.

OL 75 trade jobs

These take around 6 minutes to complete one cycle (pick up jobs, fly to FN, fly back to AP, pick up 6 more jobs). Each job is 5625 XP. 6 * 5625 = 33,750 XP. You can do 10 cycles an hour, yielding 337,500 XP/hr. This puts them on-par with Negotiate 5 trade runs with/without the Polar Express. However, not needing to dodge gravity wells in Muspi is a huge advantage. And it's far less clicking. For characters without Negotiate, these are vastly superior to trade runs.

The main reasons they are so good: the pickup and dropoff are always the same. There is no randomness.

TJ - Level 50

This list is incomplete. Chernevog diplomat or tourist missions require Red Faction (Smuggler's Run gates) to run in 5 jumps or less. Not really worth it. Focus on the 3 and 1 jump missions from Aragoth Station instead, until L75.

Station Name System Sector Item Pickup(s) Item Dropoff(s) Trade XP Jumps
Aragoth Station Aragoth Valkyrie Twins Fenris or Aragoth Prime Aragoth Prime or Fenris 3500 3
Chernevog Station Aragoth Aragoth Prime Valkyrie Twins Xipe Totec 3500 5
Jove's Fury Sol Jupiter Friendship 7 Asteroid Belt Gamma 3500 3
Kinshasa-Mbali 61 Cygni Aganju New Edinburgh Asteroid Belt Gamma 3500 6
Margesi Station Proxima Centauri Margesi Adriel Prime Jotenheim or Ragnarok 3750 3
Trader's Fort Aragoth Ragnarok Jotenheim Adriel Prime 3750 3
Orsini Mining Platform Beta Hydri Carpenter Glenn Jupiter 3750 4
New Edinburgh Glenn 3750 3
Somerled Station Beta Hydri New Edinburgh Carpenter Glory's Orbit 3750 4

OMP only has 2 lvl 50 trade missions up at any time. Even if it displays 4, there are only 2. Somerled Station has 2 'good' trade jobs, the rest are prisoner transfers to ABG.

With 4200 warp, lvl 4 RR and Laz, and Navigate 5, it took around 5 minutes to do the OMP -> Somerled -> F7 job for 3750 XP.

TJ - Level 75

This list is Incomplete


Terminal Station Sector System Item Pickup(station) Sector System Item Dropoff(station) Sector System Trade XP Jumps
Aragoth Station Valkyrie Twins Aragoth Prasad Xipe Totec Sirius Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri 5625 11+2 (7 with RD)
Arx Tiberius Tarsis Vega Arx Spartoi Endriago Gallina Arx Tiberius Tarsis Vega 5625 4
Chernevog Station Aragoth Prime Aragoth Fenris Prime Observatory Fenris Aragoth Chernevog Station Aragoth Prime Aragoth 5625 4
Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri ? ? ? 5625 2+?
Somerled Station New Edinburgh Tau Ceti Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol 5625 2+2
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Adriel Mining Station Adriel Prime Proxima Centauri Arx Ymir Jotunheim Aragoth 5625 7
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Adriel Mining Station Adriel Prime Proxima Centauri Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth 5625 7
Margesi Station Margesi Proxima Centauri Arx Ymir Jotunheim Aragoth Adriel Mining Station Adriel Prime Proxima Centauri 5625 6
Margesi Station Margesi Proxima Centauri Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Adriel Mining Station Adriel Prime Proxima Centauri 5625 6


Terminal Station Sector System Item Pickup(station) Sector System Item Dropoff(station) Sector System Trade XP Jumps
Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri Detention Center Onorom Asteroid Belt Gamma Sol 5250 3
Somerled Station New Edinburgh Tau Ceti Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri Detention Center Onorom Asteroid Belt Gamma Sol 5625 2+2


Terminal Station Sector System Item Pickup(station) Sector System Item Dropoff(station) Sector System Trade XP Jumps
Somerled Station New Edinburgh Tau Ceti Friendship 7 Glenn Beta Hydri Prasad Station Xipe Totec Sirius 5625 2+3

TJ - Level 105

Level 105 jobs follow a simple pattern. You'll pickup the good (one cargo space req) at a station listed in the mission 4 jumps from where you are now. The part of the mission you can't see before accepting is the drop-off point, which is 2 jumps from the pick-up point, unless you take a mission to Mercury, then it's 3. By having hard-coded rules, this makes some hubs objectively better than others. Below is a table showing which mission pickup hubs go where, and the drop-off points associated with those pickups.

7500 XP in OMP.

Station Name System Sector Item Pickup(s) Item Dropoff(s)
Arx Magister Sol Mars Carpenter Glory's Orbit
Pluto & Charon Venus
Mercury These are three jumps not two!
Earth Saturn
Neptune? Pluto & Charon
Arx Spartoi Gallina Endriago Jotunheim Adriel Prime
Aragoth Prime Fenris
Earth Station Sol Earth Carpenter Glory's Orbit
Neptune? Pluto
Pluto & Charon Venus
Mercury These are three jumps not two!
Jove´s Fury Sol Jupiter Jotunheim Adriel Prime
Pluto & Charon Venus
Mercury These are three jumps not two!
Earth Saturn
Somerled Station Tau Ceti New Edinburgh ABA ABG
Jupiter ABA
Xipe Totec Yasuragi Area
Yasuragi Area Xipe Totec
Trader´s Fort Aragoth Ragnarok Mercury These are three jumps not two!
Glenn New Edinburgh
Glory's Orbit
Xipe Totec
Yasuragi Area
Jupiter ABA

TJ - Level 135

9375 for normal trade missions, 8750 for prisoner missions.

Station Name System Sector Item Pickup(s) Item Dropoff(s)
Orsini Mining Platform Beta Hydri Carpenter Valkyrie Twins Xipe Totec
Zweihander Ragnarok
Adriel Prime
Menorb Kailaasa
Margesi Jotunheim
Friendship 7 Beta Hydri Glenn Ishuan Kailaasa
Valkyrie Twins Xipe Totec

TJ - Level 150

These jobs will have either 11,250 or 10,500 XP as a reward. Using a wormhole does not affect trade XP or faction gains. 40 faction per mission

The 10,500 XP missions all Transfer Intergalactic Prisoners, which go to Onorom Prison in Asteroid Belt Gamma.

Station Name System Sector Item Pickup(s) Item Dropoff(s)
Prasad Station Sirius Xipe Totec Antares 1 Menorb
Margesi Ragnarok
Zweihander Jotunheim
Adriel Prime
Tarsis Endriago

Run times

Setup: 7200 (buffed) warp speed, JE with level 7 navigate and Navigation Computer Mk. II. Lvl 7 Laz and RoadRunner Plus. All tests include time to dock and undock. They do not include time to return to Xipe after undocking from delivery. If you are using a JE as a taxi, this would be a constant anyway. If there is a (WH) next to a zone, it indicates a wormhole was taken to the weft in that sector.

  • Swooping Eagle weft -> Prasad Station: 55 seconds, we'll call it 1 minute.
Tarsis missions
  • Xipe -> Endriago (WH) -> Primus -> Tarsis -> Endriago (WH): 3m 30
Zweihander missions
  • Xipe -> Witberg (WH) -> Zweihander -> Witberg (WH) -> Jotunheim: 4m 20
  • Xipe -> Witberg (WH) -> Zweihander -> Witberg (WH) -> Jotunheim -> Ragnarok: 4m 56
    • There is a Grav Well between Nav Freya 5 and 6.
    • Even without the grav well, it is 8 seconds faster to go through Jotunheim, and that includes gating times.
  • Xipe -> Witberg (WH) -> Zweihander -> Witberg (WH) -> Adriel Prime: 4m 16
Antares missions
  • Xipe -> Vishao's Cove (WH) -> Antares -> Kailaasa (WH): 1m 56
  • Xipe -> Vishao's Cove (WH) -> Antares -> Kailaasa (WH) -> Yokan -> Ishuan -> Menorb: 4m 50
Margesi missions
  • Xipe -> Witberg (WH) -> Adriel Prime -> Margesi -> Witberg (WH) -> Freya -> Jotunheim: 3m 53s
  • Xipe -> Witberg (WH) -> Adriel Prime -> Margesi -> Witberg (WH) -> Freya -> Jotunheim -> Ragnarok: 4m 16s
    • Fly out vs WH was tested, WH was 30 seconds faster than flying out with a 7200 warp speed and, basically, instant warp charge time.

Explore Jobs

Explore Jobs at the Jobs Terminal in OMP
  • This initial discussion is about Launch a Satellite and Dispose of Garbage jobs. For Clear a Resource Field jobs, see below.
  • Fighting while the satellite or garbage is in your hold results in forfeiture of the job.
  • Mercury is a good destination system because Clarke Docks is the only place all such missions terminate.
  • Helpful boosts from equipment include Turbo Warp (Equip), Turbo Warp (Actived), and Improved Navigation.

EJ - Level 50

  • In order to make it from Venus -> Clarke Docks -> Venus in 9 minutes you need a warp speed of around 5000.
Station Name System or Planet Sector Destination Systems Jumps
Net-7 Sol Saturn Sol Jupiter 1
Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol Uranus 2
Charon Cloister Pluto & Charon Sol Uranus 1
Venera Highport Venus Sol Mercury 1
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Jotenheim 1
Kinshasa-Mbali Aganju 61 Cygni Inverness 1
Inverness Down Planet Inverness Tau Ceti Inverness 1
Margesi Station Margesi Proxima Centauri Adriel Prime 1

EJ - Level 75

These missions award 1,875 Exploration XP and 1,125 Trade XP.

Station Name System Sector Destination Systems Jumps
Arx Emporos Altair III Altair Primus 2
Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol Uranus 2
Maregesi Station Margesi Proxima Centauri Freya 2
Mercury Station Glory's Orbit Beta Hydri Shepard 3
New Edinburg
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Adriel Prime 2
Odin Rex
Charon Cloister Pluto & Charon Sol Freya 2

EJ - Level 105

These missions award 2,500 Exploration XP and 1,500 Trade XP.

Station Name System Sector Destination Systems Jumps
Jove's Fury Jupiter Sol Jotunheim 4
Adriel Prime
New Edinburgh
Glory's Orbit
Somerled Station New Edinburgh Tau Ceti Aragoth Prime (via BBW) 4
Odin's Belt (via BBW)
Trader's Fort Ragnarok Aragoth Jupiter 4

EJ - Level 135

Mining jobs

These missions award 3,125 Exploration XP and 2,187 Trade XP.

  • F7 jobs will have you mining mostly lvl 7-9 ores. Mostly 8.
  • OMP jobs will have you mining 6-7 ores in Shephard
    • Jobs in the Glenn Gas Fields (GP-X84 to GP-X88) are nearly impossible to complete as there is no visual marker for which clouds need mining, and the respawn rate is so fast you'll struggle to keep up with it.
Station Name System Sector Destination Systems Jumps
Friendship 7 Beta Hydri Glenn Carpenter 1
Swooping Eagle
Orsini Mining Platform Beta Hydri Carpenter Glenn 1

EJ - Level 150

Launch Satellite Missions grant 2250 trade XP, and 3750 Explore XP. A JE can run Antares missions in around a 2-3 minute cycle (1 minute to get there, 1 minute to get back to Xipe).

Clear Field missions reward 6375 XP and 6000 credits. (Not including XP from rocks/bonuses).

Fields are in Carpenter, Shepard, and Cooper.

Clear time for a field will vary on many factors, but it took about 6 minutes to clear 2 fields stacked on top of each other.

Fields generally are 7-9, with very few level 6 or lower ores present among job roids. Fields may be pure or mixed.

Clear a Resource Field jobs

  • The exact parameters that create these jobs are not yet known.
  • In general, level 50 and 75 jobs require you to travel one jump, level 105 and 135 two jumps, and level 150 three or more jumps.
  • All known resources jobs will create a ring of sites to be prospected.
  • Your exact targets are marked with a blue swirl animation, EXCEPT gas sites where the animation is invisible against the gas.
  • The level of a particular job is higher for higher level resources.
  • The level of a particular job is also higher if there is opposition from npcs at or near the site.
  • It is possible with level 135 and 150 jobs to gain 25,000 to 35,000 explore XP from a single job.
  • There is a 4500 xp "alacrity bonus" for quick completion [3,000 xp at level 50]. This period is actually several hours long.
  • Yes, "pop rocks" do occur in Resource Fields.
  • The mechanism that assigns a particular type of resource(s) to your job is not well known. It may be random, or it may always be the same at a specific location. Best advice is to begin with your hold near empty.
  • It is your responsibility to KNOW the hazards associated with working at or travel to the assigned location. Don't take jobs at sites that are too dangerous for your explorer.

Combat Jobs

Combat Jobs at the Jobs Terminal in OMP

Salient points about combat jobs [all as of 20 Oct 2016]:

Each job has only one opponent [see list below]. Any mobs normally in the target area will still be there and may attack you.

The target area may be in Blackbeard's Wake or Paramis. You need to have appropriate standing in advance to enter the target sector.

So far, it seems that the target sector for any job will always be at least one sector away.

The opponent will NOT spawn unless you WARP directly to the specified location.

The person who takes the job MUST hit the target first -- after which, your lvl 150 buddy can finish killing it.

Yes, if you would get combat XP for killing this target, you get that in addition to the XP for the job.

Yes, these mobs seem to drop the usual loot associated with them.

Odd bit noticed May, 2018 -- if you spawn two combat jobs at same nav point, it is possible for them to act as if they are grouped -- skill may transfer from one to the other if successfully launched.

Actual XP gained by job level for combat jobs:

Job Level Combat XP Explore XP Trade XP
50 1250* 750 0
75 1875* 1125 0
105 2500* 1500 0
135 3125 1875 0
150 3750 2250 0
  • NOTE: If your OL exceeds the next higher stated level, your Combat XP gained may be reduced to 250 from the figure cited. Example: If you are OL = 85, taking a Combat Level 50 job will gain you only 250 Combat XP {and none for killing the mob, either}. --added 13 May 2018


Job Level Combat Level Name Hull Shields Damage Dealt Notes
50 17 Corpse Scavenger 836 368 Energy
50 17 Great Red Spindle 0 1562 Energy
50 17 Greater Drone Traveller 870 956 EMP, Explo
50 16 Kyogan Dragon 0 1385 Impact, Chem
75 25 Defense Drone 4589 6853 Energy
75 25 Fringe Horror 0 8443 Impact
75 25 Virus Infected Drone 4450 8640 Plasma
105 35 Amethyst Titan 0 35220 EMP, Energy
105 35 Ouroboros Worm 0 36864 Chem, Energy
105 34 Scuttle Mere 0 9350 Energy
105 34 Zenshai Knight 10900 20500 Energy, Explo
135 43 Einherjer Skald 59372 53175 Impact
135 42 Glorious Manes 0 74985 EMP. Energy, Explo
135 42 Vindis Drone Generation 1 67500 95200 Chem, Energy, Explo Recharge Shields
135 42 Zenshai Angel 24500 65290 Chem, Energy Hacking
150 50 Bio-Extractor 75408 91452 Energy, Plasma high speed
150 50 Maintenance Drone 40000 151225 Impact, Explo
150 54 Minotaur Fighter 101500 173500 Energy, Plasma
150 51 Tenebrous Emergent 0 200000 Explo, Impact
150 50 Vitreous Nosturi 0 175500 Impact, Explo

All Job Terminal stations

Note: Last updated 21 Oct 2016. Please help finish the task, we're getting close to correct and complete.

Station Name System Sector Highest Level Job Notes
Adriel Mining Station Proxima Centauri Adriel Prime N/A No job terminal
Androzari [Under Construction] Castor Menorb N/A no jobs
Antares 1 [Under Construction] Antares Antares Frontier N/A no jobs
Aragoth Station Aragoth Valkyrie Twins 75
Arx Bursa under construction Sol Mars Gamma N/A no jobs
Arx Emporos Altair Altair III 75
Arx Forgus Sol Mars Alpha N/A no jobs
Arx Magister Sol Mars 105
Arx Prima Sol Mars Beta N/A No job terminal
Arx Spartoi Gallina Endriago 105
Arx Tiberius Vega Tarsis 75 Most combat jobs are in Primus, which means you risk running into high level V'rix
Arx Ymir Aragoth Jotunheim ? Bugged job terminal, -- no jobs appear
Ashanti Maru Sol Europa N/A no jobs
Azmundi Maru Sol Ganymede ? ?? someone pls check
Charon Cloister Sol Pluto & Charon 75
Chavez Capital Ship Aragoth Ragnarok N/A No job terminal
Chernevog Station Aragoth Aragoth Prime 75
Detention Center Onorom Sol Asteroid Belt Gamma ? Bugged job terminal -- no jobs.
Earth Station Sol Earth 105
Earthcorps High Command Alpha Centauri Zweihander N/A no jobs
ECS Bremen 61 Cygni Moto N/A no jobs
ECS Dauntless Sol Asteroid Belt Alpha N/A No job terminal
Fenris Prime Observatory Aragoth Fenris ? Bugged terminal -- no jobs:
Friendship 7 Recreation Port Beta Hydri Glenn 135
Grand Ole Homestead Alpha Centauri der Todesengel (old) ? ?? someone pls check
Guiana Space Port Sol Equatorial Earth N/A No job terminal
Inverness Down Tau Ceti Planet Inverness 50
Ishuan Station Castor Ishuan N/A Bugged Job terminal, no jobs.
Jagerstadt Proxima Centauri Jagerstadt 75
Jove´s Fury Sol Jupiter 105
Kinshasa-Mbali 61 Cygni Aganju 50
Loki Station Sol High Earth N/A no jobs
Luna Station Sol Luna N/A no jobs
Margesi Station Proxima Centauri Margesi 75
Master Cha´han´s Dojo Sirius Yasuragi Area N/A no jobs
Mercury Station Beta Hydri Glory`s Orbit 75
Net-7 SOL Sol Saturn 50
Nishino Research Facility Sol Io N/A no jobs
Nostrand Vor Station Altair Nostrand Vor Planet N/A No job terminal
Orsini Mining Platform Beta Hydri Carpenter 135
Paramis Station Smuggler's Run Paramis N/A no jobs
Paren Station Capella Kailaasa N/A no jobs
Pax Remar 61 Cygni Moto N/A no jobs
Porvenir Mons Gallina Porvenir Mons Area 50
Praetorium Mons Vega Pr12t4r35m M4ns 1r21 (Pl1n2t Pr3m5s) N/A Taken over by V'rix
Prasad Station Sirius Xipe Totec 150 *150 ONLY
Queen Anne´s Revenge Smuggler's Run Blackbeard´s Wake N/A no jobs
Somerled Station Tau Ceti New Edinburgh 105
StarClipper Station Sol Mercury N/A No Job Terminal
TAS Support Cruiser Theresa Sol Neptune N/A no jobs
Tokai Saikutsu Capella Dahin Mining Interest 75
Trader´s Fort Aragoth Ragnarok 105
Venera Highport Sol Venus 50
Yasuragi Sirius Yasuragi Area 75