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Trade Routes

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

See also: Maps and Charts

Things to do here:

Make a list of routes better than FN->NV->FN, and note at what level the loss of trade XP makes them no longer 'better'.
— Description of trade routes
— Separate of "paper routes"
— Moto routes

— tidy descriptions

Things that matter when picking trade routes:

  1. The level of the item being traded (higher is better)
  2. The total profit earned (more profit = more trade XP)
    • Note: Within a single level range (IE: both items are lvl 3 trade goods)
    • There are limits/breakevens when a lvl 3 item generates so much profit a lower profit lvl 4 is 'worse' for XP, but someone will need to find where those limits are.
  3. You need to find a cycle. A cycle means you always have something in your hold. A cycle can be simple, such as Fenris to Norstrand Vor, or complex, where you go from 61 -> ES -> JC -> 61 (don't actually do this route, it's crap!)
  4. Where you sell the trade good matters, not where you buy it. For example, you can buy Romance Novels at both Earth Station and Somerled Station, but where you sell those novels determines both profit and trade XP!
  5. If possible, leave 6 cargo slots open and run 6 trade jobs from a station on/near the route you'll be trading. Arx Spartoi in Endriago to Chernvog Station in Aragoth Prime is perfect for people doing the FN->NV run.

Currently the best route in the game is FN -> NV ; NV -> FN. It takes approximately 9 minutes per direction at 4600 warp speed, with 50% warp activation time reduction.

A rare but highly useful engine called The Polar Express is invaluable for those doing trade runs, as one of its buffs allows you to store 2 trade items in each of the first 25% of your cargo hold slots.

"Best" Runs

These are the best runs for various aspects.

For Trade XP

Trade XP is determined by profit. The higher the profit, the more trade XP. The table below was verified using real-world clock time to run each route, as well as XP earned.

  • PPJ = Profit Per Jump
Best Runs Table
FR TO Jumps Trade Good Buy Sell Profit PPJ Level Notes
Best for all classes unless you have RD faction.
FN NV 9 Raw Data . Fenris Prime Observatory 2020 3030 1010 112.22 5 Requires dodging a G-well in Muspelheim. Bounce off Nav 6 before going to the Odin's Belt Gate to avoid it. Also, going through VT is around 30 seconds faster (@ 6100 warp) than going through VG.
NV FN 9 Aromatic Chocolate 1766 2612 846 94 5
A good runner up, if you prefer a bit shorter of a run (in terms of wall clock time) and not needing to dodge gravity wells.
IS 61 7 Shield Panels 1432 2117 685 137 4
61 IS 7 Mining Equipment 1531 2190 659 131.8 4
Best for all characters with Red Dragon faction
FN SO 6 Nanobots 1810 2704 894 149 5 Numbers shown assume RD faction!
SO FN 6 Communications Arrays 1021 1876 855 142.5 4 Numbers shown assume RD faction!

There is a third runner up, Pluto & Charon (Castor Creature Research Crates) to Earth Station. If you park a JE at Earth, he can WH you (there is no return good) to Witberg (Venus is 20 seconds slower @ 6100 warp) and the run nets around 5050 XP/min. Note You will need to warp to Jotunheim Gate in Freya before warping to Akeron's gate to avoid a Gravity Well.

For reference, FN->NV averages 5870 XP/min, and 61->IS averages 5380 XP/min. Those numbers all come from the same character, at the same level, with the same kit.

Test Character setup

  • TT, OL 68, TL24
  • Engine: The Polar Express
  • +750 Warp from "Roadrunner" device
  • Lvl 4 RR+ and Laz, both 200%
  • Navigation Computer, 200%
  • Navigate Skill lvl 5
  • Group Bonus to trade (1 member)
  • 42 cargo slots, 6100 warp, 450 impulse

Given that setup, here are the run times and XP earned. Note that XP/min will be the least comparable metric as even discovering a single nav in Endriago can add 10 seconds to your trip. Or being a higher Trade Level will also change the XP earned per profit. Also, station faction standings can swing numbers by 5-10% (exact range unconfirmed).

From To Time Taken XP earned per item XP/min Notes
FN NV 7m 28s 1367 7689 Dodge G-well in Muspi by bouncing off Nav 6 (right in front of gate to Odin's Belt)
NV FN 7m 53s 1279 6814 Endriago has different routing coming back rather than leaving, adds 10s. Gate times can vary from 12-17 seconds each.
PC ES 7m 34s 1124 6238 Park JE at Earth undock and WH to Witberg. Dodge G-well in Freya by warping to Jotunheim gate first. This is 30s faster than going through Venus.
61 IS 6m 32s 1034 6647
IS 61 6m 32s 1034 6647

lvl 4/5 runs

More testing is needed, User:Lanzo appears to be AFK, but his notes seem solid based on my testing. If his numbers are true then it would seem item level is irrelevant to trade XP gains. Perhaps reconsidering lower level items is needed? At any rate, the class names indicate that the specified class can complete the run faster than the number of gates in the 'Jumps' column, therefore allowing higher PPJ (Profit Per Jump).

From To iLVL Item Buy Sell Jumps Profit PPJ Trade XP @ TL 33 PW PS PP TE JE RD Notes
61 IS 4 Mining Equipment 1531 2190 7 659 131.8 514
AE TS 5 Gate War Video Archives 1331 2014 14 683 48.79 591 13 12 10 13 11
AS ES 4 GenoColor 798 986 9 188 20.89 105 8 7 7
AS ES 4 PermaHair 873 1069 9 196 21.78 109 8 7 7
AS SO 4 GenoColor 798 1088 10 290 29 162 9 8 8 6
AS SO 4 PermaHair 873 1154 10 281 28.1 157 9 8 8 6
AT OM 5 Orsini Mining Corp Ore Request Order XXVIC 1212 1881 11 669 60.82 584 6 9 9 9
CH AM 4 Internal Hull Composite Alloy 1000 1500 9 500 55.56 280 8 5 7 8
DCO JH 5 Secured Container 1160 1728 4 568 142 511 Item lists no destination(s)
EP ES 4 GenoColor 798 986 10 188 18.8 105 9 8 8
EP ES 4 PermaHair 873 1069 10 196 19.6 109 9 8 8
EP ES 4 Vaccines 468 648 10 180 18 100 9 8 8
EP SO 4 GenoColor 798 1088 11 290 26.36 162 10 9 9 7
EP SO 4 PermaHair 873 1154 11 281 25.55 157 10 9 9 7
ES AS 4 Romance Novels 798 1049 9 251 27.89 140 8 7 7
ES AS 4 War Novels 723 999 9 276 30.67 154 8 7 7
ES EP 4 Sol Grain 1023 1226 10 203 20.3 113 9 8 8
ES EP 4 Frozen Beef 1023 1226 10 203 20.3 113 9 8 8
ES EP 4 Romance Novels 798 1009 10 211 21.1 118 9 8 8
ES EP 4 War Novels 723 920 10 197 19.7 110 9 8 8
ES GO 4 Psionic Packs 573 727 5 154 30.8 86
ES GO 4 Candy 378 544 5 166 33.2 92
ES HC 4 Terran Rank Insignia 468 537 6 69 11.5 38 2
GL NV 5 Exotic Dancers 1525 2272 11 747 67.91 623 10 9 7 10
FN NV 5 Raw Data . Fenris Prime Observatory 2020 3030 9 1010 112.22 755 Item claims a Sha'Ha'Dem & InfinitiCorp stations, but does not name them. No stations owned by these factions accept the item
FN SO 5 Nanobots 1810 2704 12 894 74.5 697 6
IS 61 4 Shield Panels 1432 2117 7 685 137 534 6
JC 61 4 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 871 10 298 29.8 166 9
JC 61 4 Mine Guards 648 995 10 347 34.7 194 9
JC AS 5 Weapons Crates 468 770 8 302 37.75 241
JC XT 5 Weapons Crates 468 734 8 266 33.25 212
NV FN 5 Aromatic Chocolate 1766 2612 9 846 94 673
NV SC 5 Spiced Black Coffee 1828 2742 11 914 83.09 707 10 8
NV SO 5 Dismantled InfinitiCorp Contraband 1266 1929 13 663 51 581 12 11 9 9
NV XT 5 Purple Haze 1739 2608 13 869 66.85 684 12 11 9 8
OM NV 4 Weapons Grade Discordite 969 1444 12 475 39.58 266 11 10 8 10
PA XT 4 Freeze Dried Food 1290 1690 3 400 133.33 224
PC ES 4 Castor Creature Research Crates 993 1923 4 930 232.5 715
RG NV 4 Plundered Technology 1188 1663 8 475 59.38 266 Item lists no destination(s)
SC NV 5 Raw Data . StarClipper Station 2020 3030 11 1010 91.82 755 10 8 Item claims a Sha'Ha'Dem & InfinitiCorp stations, but does not name them. No stations owned by these factions accept the item.
SO AS 5 Weapons Crates 468 770 10 302 30.2 241 9 8 8 8
SO AS 4 Romance Novels 798 1049 10 251 25.1 140 9 8 8 8
SO AS 4 War Novels 723 999 10 276 27.6 154 9 8 8 8
SO EP 4 Romance Novels 798 1009 11 211 19.18 118 10 9 9 9
SO EP 4 War Novels 723 920 11 197 17.91 110 10 9 9 9
SO FN 4 Communications Arrays 1021 1876 12 855 71.25 666 6
SO FN 4 Research Equipment 1173 1970 12 797 66.42 621 6
SO XT 5 Weapons Crates 468 734 4 266 66.5 212 3
SO XT 4 Spices 798 1080 4 282 70.5 157 3
XT NV 5 Echos of a Sad Song 1712 2568 13 856 65.85 678 12 11 9 7
XT SO 4 Jenquai Weapons Technology 873 1133 4 260 65 145 3

All Runs

FR TO Jumps Trade Good Buy Sell Profit PPJ Level Base Buy Base Sell Notes PS PPJ PP PPJ PW PPJ JE PPJ JS PPJ JD PPJ TS PPJ TT PPJ TE PPJ Pirate PPJ
61 ES 7 Weapons-grade Material 102 175 73 10.43 0 0 No longer in game
61 IS 7 Mining Equipment 1,531 2,190 659 94.14 4 0 0 6 109.83
61 JC 10 Weapons-grade Material 102 386 284 28.40 0 0 No longer in game
61 SO 2 Weapons-grade Material 102 144 42 21.00 0 0 No longer in game
61 SO 2 Aganjumite 78 116 38 19.00 1 89 28
AB AB * Drive Waste 59 59 0 1 67 21 PP only 0.1 0.00
AB AM * Drive Waste 59 79 20 1 67 21 PP only 1 20.00
AB IV * Drive Waste 59 125 66 1 67 21 PP only 8 8.25
AB TS * Drive Waste 59 136 77 1 67 21 PP only 9 8.56
AE AM 10 61 Cygni Progen Battle Reports 77 115 38 3.80 1 89 28 4 9.50 2 19.00 6 6.33
AE DCO 9 Prisoners 154 229 75 8.33 2 189 58 5 15.00 3 25.00 7 10.71
AE PP 3 61 Cygni Progen Battle Reports 77 0 0 1 89 28 Doesnt buy
AE TS 14 Gate War Video Archives 1,331 2,014 683 48.79 5 1,432 441 12 56.92 10 68.30 13 52.54 13 52.54 10 68.30 13 52.54 11 62.09
AM 61 7 Construction Equipment 99 156 42 6.00 1 129 40
AM AB * Construction Equipment 99 120 6 1 129 40 PP only 1 6.00
AM AM 0.1 Construction Equipment 99 99 0 0.00 1 129 40
AS CH 4 Hydroponics Equipment 78 112 34 8.50 2 89 28
AS EP 1 Grain 59 76 17 17.00 1 67 21
AS EP 1 Frozen Meat 78 93 15 15.00 2 89 26
AS EP 1 Fruit 114 127 13 13.00 2 129 40
AS ES 9 PermaHair 873 1,069 196 21.78 4 988 304 7 28.00 6 32.67 8 24.50
AS FN 6 Frozen Meat 78 161 83 13.83 2 89 26
AS FN 6 Grain 59 142 83 13.83 1 67 21
AS GL 9 Grain 59 81 22 2.44 1 67 21 8 2.75 8 2.75 9 8 2.75
AS GL 9 Frozen Meat 78 99 21 2.33 2 89 26 8 2.63 8 2.63 9 8 2.63
AS HC 7 Grain 59 91 32 4.57 1 67 21
AS JH 4 Life Support Units 258 353 95 23.75 3 292 90
AS LO * Grain 59 76 17 1 67 21 TT only 10 1.70 7 2.43
AS OM 9 Frozen Meat 78 113 35 3.89 2 89 26 7 5.00
AS PC 7 Life Support Units 258 281 23 3.29 3 292 90
AS PP 2 Hydroponics Equipment 78 88 10 5.00 2 89 28
AS SE 9 Fruit 114 148 34 3.78 2 129 40 6 5.67
AS SO 10 PermaHair 873 1,154 281 28.10 4 988 304 8 35.13 8 35.13 9 31.22 7 40.14
AS XT 10 Grain 59 394 335 33.50 1 67 21 5 67.00
AS XT 10 Frozen Meat 78 396 318 31.80 2 89 26 5 63.60
AS XT 10 Fruit 114 209 95 9.50 2 129 40 5 19.00
AT AE 3 Progen Raw Recruits 161 240 240 80.00 2 90 28 PP ½ price
AT AS 2 Genetic Material 88 523 435 217.50 1 49 15
AT OM 10 Orsini Mining Corp Ore Request Order XXVIC 1,212 1,881 669 66.90 5 1,377 424 9 74.33 9 74.33 6 111.50 9 74.33
AT PP 2 Genetic Material 88 240 152 76.00 1 49 15
AT PP 2 Progen Rank Insignia 88 240 152 76.00 1 90 28
AT PP 2 Progen Small Arms 88 240 152 76.00 1 90 28
AT PP 2 Progen Raw Recruits 161 161 0 0.00 2 90 28 Doesn't buy
AT RG 7 Progen Small Arms 88 613 525 75.00 1 90 28
AZ IS 1 Red Dye #5 42 65 23 23.00 2 42 13 JT only 1
IS AZ 1 Water 29 48 19 19.00 2 29 19 JT only 1
AZ PA 4 Cloaking Coils 89 114 25 6.25 1 68 21 JT only 3
CH AM 9 Internal Hull Composite Alloy 1,000 1,500 500 55.56 4 1,247 384 5 100.00 7 71.43 8 62.50 8 62.50
CH ES 9 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 4.89 1 76 24 8 5.50
CH JH 4 Repair Robots 186 331 145 36.25 2 211 65
CH JH 4 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 11.00 1 76 24
CH N7 7 Cleaning Bots 78 200 122 17.43 1 76 24 6 20.33
CH VH 9 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 4.89 1 76 24 8 5.50
CH VT 1 Repair Robots 186 249 63 63.00 2 211 65
CH VT 1 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 44.00 1 76 24
DCO AT 10 Encrypted Intelligence Reports 420 625 205 20.50 3 536 165 6 34.17 6 34.17 3 68.33
DCO JH 4 Secured Container 1,160 1,728 568 142.00 5 1,495 460
EP AS 1 Air Scrubbers 49 65 16 16.00 1 56 18
EP ES 10 PermaHair 873 1,069 196 19.60 4 988 304 7 28.00 8 24.50 9 21.78
EP ES 10 GenoColor 798 986 188 18.80 4 903 278 7 26.86 8 23.50 9 20.89
EP ES 10 Vaccines 468 648 180 18.00 4 530 163 7 25.71 8 22.50 9 20.00
EP ES 11 GenoColor 798 986 188 17.09 4 903 278 8 23.50
EP PC 8 Air Scrubbers 49 402 353 44.13 1 56 18 8
EP SO 11 GenoColor 798 1,088 290 26.36 4 903 278 9 32.22 9 32.22 10 29.00 7 41.43
EP SO 11 PermaHair 873 1,154 281 25.55 4 988 304 9 31.22 9 31.22 10 28.10 7 40.14
EP SO 12 GenoColor 798 1,088 290 24.17 4 903 278 10 29.00 10 29.00 9 32.22 7 41.43
ES 61 7 Frozen Animal Zygote 150 233 83 11.86 2 171 53 4 20.75
ES 61 7 Insects & Arthropods 162 242 80 11.43 2 184 57 4 20.00
ES 61 7 Soil 138 218 80 11.43 2 156 48 4 20.00
ES 61 7 Seeds 174 251 77 11.00 2 197 61 4 19.25
ES 61 7 Live Animals – Llamas 162 223 61 8.71 2 184 57 4 15.25
ES 61 7 Live Animals - Cows 150 206 56 8.00 2 171 53 4 14.00
ES 61 7 Live Animals 138 189 51 7.29 3 156 48 4 12.75
ES 61 7 Live Animals – Chickens 126 173 47 6.71 2 143 44 4 11.75
ES 61 7 Live Animals - Goats 102 140 38 5.43 2 116 36 4 9.50
ES AS 9 War Novels 723 999 276 30.67 4 818 252 7 39.43 6 46.00 8 34.50
ES AS 9 Romance Novels 798 1,049 251 27.89 4 903 278 7 35.86 6 41.83 8 31.38
ES CH 9 Spacebite Cures 68 240 172 19.11 1 77 24 9 9 9
ES EP 10 Romance Novels 798 1,009 211 21.10 4 903 278 8 26.38 8 26.38 9 23.44
ES EP 10 Frozen Beef 1,023 1,226 203 20.30 4 1,157 356 8 25.38 8 25.38 9 22.56
ES EP 10 Sol Grain 1,023 1,226 203 20.30 4 1,157 356 8 25.38 8 25.38 9 22.56
ES EP 10 War Novels 723 920 197 19.70 4 818 252 8 24.63 8 24.63 9 21.89
ES GO 5 Cotton 438 616 178 35.60 3 77 24 5 5
ES GO 5 Bread 378 550 172 34.40 3 438 132 5 5
ES GO 5 Candy 378 544 166 33.20 4 428 132 5 5
ES GO 5 Silk 348 514 166 33.20 3 394 122 5 5
ES GO 5 Souvenirs 408 574 166 33.20 3 462 142 5 5
ES GO 5 Psionic Packs 573 727 154 30.80 4 649 200 5 5
ES HC 6 Terran Rank Insignia 468 537 69 11.50 4 562 173 6 2 34.50
ES HC 6 Sol Citrus Fruit 186 245 59 9.83 2 211 65 6 2 29.50
ES LO * Anti-Rads 44 113 69 1 50 16 1 69.00
ES LO * O2 Canisters 64 89 25 1 73 23 1 25.00
ES LO * Spacebite Cures 68 86 18 1 77 24 1 18.00
ES MG 6 Romance Novels 798 0 0 4 903 278
ES MG 6 War Novels 723 0 0 4 818 252
ES N7 2 O2 Canisters 64 190 126 63.00 1 73 23
ES N7 2 Sol News Updates 40 143 103 51.50 1 46 14
ES N7 2 Sol Grain 1,023 1,049 26 13.00 4 1,157 356
ES SO 5 Pets 73 127 54 10.80 1 84 26 2 27.00
ES SO 5 Pet Food 49 101 52 10.40 1 39 12 2 26.00
ES SO 5 Sol Citrus Fruit 186 238 52 10.40 2 211 65 2 26.00
ES SO 5 Art 64 112 48 9.60 1 73 23 2 24.00
ES SO 5 Antiques 102 146 44 8.80 1 116 36 2 22.00
ES TS 8 Biotoxins 288 543 255 31.88 3 327 101 7 36.43
ES TS 8 Sol Drive Waste 318 520 202 25.25 3 361 111 7 28.86
ES VT 10 Biotoxins 288 365 77 7.70 3 327 101 10 10 10
FN NV 9 Raw Data – Fenris Prime Observatory 2,020 3,030 1,010 112.22 5 0 0
FN SO 12 Nanobots 1,810 2,704 894 74.50 5 1,918 590 6 149.00
FN TS 15 Biotoxins 288 543 255 17.00 3 327 101 14 18.21 11 23.18 11 23.18
FN VT 1 Biotoxins 288 365 77 77.00 3 327 101
GL EP 9 Fruit 114 127 13 1.44 2 129 40 7 1.86 7 1.86 8 1.63 9
GL GO 2 Tri-D Games 73 147 74 37.00 1 84 26
GL GO 2 Mercury Tourist 174 199 25 12.50 2 197 61
GL GO 2 Stardust 198 222 24 12.00 3 224 69
GL GO 2 Glenn Planet Artwork 162 185 23 11.50 2 184 57
GL N7 1 Beta Hydri News Updates 90 174 84 84.00 4 102 32
GL NV 11 Exotic Dancers 1,525 2,272 747 67.91 5 1,960 603 7 106.71 7 106.71 8 93.38 10 74.70
GL OM 1 Holomagazines 126 172 46 46.00 2 143 44
GL OM 1 Feelies 162 206 44 44.00 2 184 57
GL OM 1 Holomusic 102 146 44 44.00 2 116 36
GL OM 1 Tri-D Games 73 113 40 40.00 1 84 26
GL PA 3 Shakespeare's Plays 438 543 105 35.00 3 496 153
GL PA 3 Philosophy Novels 174 268 94 31.33 2 197 61
GL PA 3 Xenobiological Studies 174 265 91 30.33 2 184 57
GL PA 3 History Novels 150 229 79 26.33 2 171 53
GL SE 2 Null-G Art 138 182 44 22.00 3 224 69 Moved to Glory's Orbit
GL SE 2 Fruit 114 148 34 17.00 2 129 40
GL SE 2 Water 25 53 28 14.00 2 156 48
GL SO 2 Shakespeare's Plays 438 543 105 52.50 3 496 153
GL XT 2 Shakespeare's Plays 438 716 278 139.00 3 496 153
GL XT 2 Fruit 114 209 95 47.50 2 129 40
GL XT 2 Water 138 214 76 38.00 2 156 48
GO EP 11 Grain 59 76 17 1.55 1 67 21 9 1.89 9 1.89 10 1.70 10 1.70
GO EP 11 Frozen Meat 78 93 15 1.36 2 89 26 9 1.67 9 1.67 10 1.50 10 1.50
GO ES 5 Null-G Art 198 377 179 35.80 3 224 69 5
GO ES 5 Beta Hydri Fruit 150 322 172 34.40 2 171 53 5
GO FN 12 Frozen Meat 78 161 83 6.92 2 89 26 9 9.22
GO FN 12 Grain 59 142 83 6.92 1 67 21 9 9.22
GO GL 2 Friendship Tourists 138 163 25 12.50 2 156 48
GO GL 2 Grain 59 81 22 11.00 1 67 21
GO GL 2 Frozen Meat 78 99 21 10.50 2 89 26
GO HC 7 Grain 59 91 32 4.57 1 67 21 7
GO LO * Grain 59 76 17 1 67 21 TT only 5 3.40
GO OM 2 Frozen Meat 78 113 35 17.50 2 89 26
GO PC 5 Beta Hydri Fruit 150 201 51 10.20 2 171 53
GO SO 3 Beta Hydri Fruit 150 218 68 22.67 2 171 53
GO SO 3 Cosmetics 126 189 63 21.00 2 143 44
GO SO 3 Null-G Art 198 261 63 21.00 3 224 69
GO XT 4 Grain 59 394 335 83.75 1 67 21
GO XT 4 Frozen Meat 78 396 318 79.50 2 89 26
HC ES 6 Alpha Centauri Fruit 288 352 64 10.67 3 327 101 2 32.00
HC JC 1 Smallpox Vaccine 64 101 37 37.00 1 73 23
HC JC 1 Off-duty Troops 138 174 36 36.00 1 156 48
HC RG 3 Envirosuits 186 311 125 41.67 2 211 16
HC SC 5 Envirosuits 186 311 125 25.00 2 211 16
IS 61 7 Shield Panels 1,432 2,117 685 97.86 4 0 0 6 114.17
IS AZ * Water 29 48 19 1 156 48 JS only 1 19.00
IS PA 2 Nutrient Additives 760 1,073 313 156.50 3 0 0
IS SE 2 Water 29 53 24 12.00 2 156 48
IS XT 3 Water 29 214 185 61.67 2 156 48
IV MG 8 Gas Canisters 78 0 0 2 88 27 MG doesn't buy
IV SO 2 Gas Canisters 78 134 56 28.00 2 88 27
JC 61 10 Weapons Crates 468 826 358 35.80 5 530 163 9 39.78
JC 61 10 Mine Guards 648 995 347 34.70 4 724 236 9 38.56
JC 61 10 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 871 298 29.80 4 649 200 9 33.11
JC AS 8 Weapons Crates 468 770 302 37.75 5 530 163
JC EP 9 Grain 59 76 17 1.89 1 67 21
JC FN 10 Grain 59 142 83 8.30 1 67 21
JC GL 6 Grain 59 81 22 3.67 1 67 21 6
JC HC 1 Zweihander Fruits 78 115 37 37.00 2 89 28
JC HC 1 Grain 59 91 32 32.00 1 67 21
JC LO * Grain 59 76 17 1 67 21 TT only 8 2.13
JC MG 5 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 0 0 4 649 200 MG doesn't buy
JC RG 4 Zweihander Fruits 78 238 160 40.00 2 89 28 MG doesn't buy
JC XT 8 Grain 59 394 335 41.88 1 67 21 8 8
JC XT 8 Weapons Crates 468 734 266 33.25 5 530 163 8 8
JC Spare Parts 1,040 0 0 0 0 JE HU Mission
JH AS 4 Jenquai Technology 288 391 103 25.75 3 127 121
JH CH 4 Jenquai Technology 288 815 527 131.75 3 127 121
JH CH 4 Spacebite Cures 68 240 172 43.00 1 77 24
JH CH 4 Stem Cells 258 406 148 37.00 3 292 90
JH CH 4 First Aid Kits 174 321 147 36.75 2 197 61
JH CH 4 Medical Equipment 318 462 144 36.00 2 82 26
JH GL 4 Jenquai Technology 288 389 101 25.25 3 127 121
JH LO * Spacebite Cures 68 86 18 1 77 24 TT only 6 3.00 6 3.00
JH PC 3 Medical Equipment 318 462 144 48.00 2 82 26
JH RG 1 Progen Weapons Technology 174 197 23 23.00 2 197 61
LO ES * Manufacturing Robots 90 108 18 2 211 65 TT only 1 18.00
LO ES * Tri-D Projectors 90 108 18 2 82 26 TT only 1 18.00
LO SO * Manufacturing Robots 90 124 34 2 82 26 TT only 1 34.00
LO SO * Vac Sealant 228 261 33 3 207 64 TT only 1 33.00
MG 61 9 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 871 298 33.11 4 649 200 MG doesn't sell
MG MG 0.1 Gas Canisters 78 0 0 2 88 27 MG doesn't sell
MG MG 9 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 0 0 4 649 200 MG doesn't sell
MG SO 7 Gas Canisters 78 0 0 2 88 27 MG doesn't sell
N7 ES 2 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 131 87 43.50 1 55 16
N7 GL 1 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 122 78 78.00 1 55 16
N7 LO 3 O2 Canisters 64 89 25 8.33 1 73 23 N7 doesn't sell
N7 MG 4 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 0 0 1 55 16 N7 doesn't sell
N7 N7 0.1 O2 Canisters 64 0 0 1 73 23 N7 doesn't sell
N7 PC 2 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 128 84 42.00 1 55 16
N7 RG 3 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 167 123 41.00 1 55 16
N7 SO 3 Net-7 Daily News Updates 44 161 117 39.00 1 55 16
NV AE 2 Evacuation Pod 321 479 240 120.00 3 403 124
NV FN 9 Aromatic Chocolate 1,766 2,612 846 94.00 5 0 0
NV SC 11 Spiced Black Coffee 1,828 2,742 914 83.09 5 0 0 10 91.40 8 114.25 11
NV SO 13 Dismantled InfinitiCorp Contraband 1,266 1,929 663 51.00 5 1,479 455 11 60.27 9 73.67 12 55.25 9 73.67
NV XT 13 Purple Haze 1,739 2,608 869 66.85 5 1,062 634 7 124.14
OM ES 4 Resource Crates 30 230 200 50.00 1 34 11
OM GL 1 Resource Crates 30 74 44 44.00 1 34 11
OM NV 12 Weapons Grade Discordite 862 1,444 582 48.50 4 1,248 384 10 58.20 8 72.75 11 52.91 10 58.20
OM PA 4 Resource Crates 30 110 80 20.00 1 34 11
OM SO 1 Resource Crates 30 64 34 34.00 1 34 11
PA AB * Drive Waste 59 59 0 1 67 21 PP only 7 0.00
PA AM 6 Drive Waste 59 79 20 3.33 1 67 21
PA AS 11 Jenquai Technology 288 391 103 9.36 3 127 121 9 11.44 9 11.44 10 10.30 8 12.88
PA CH 11 Jenquai Technology 288 815 527 47.91 3 127 121 6 87.83
PA GL 3 Jenquai Technology 288 389 101 33.67 3 127 121
PA IV 7 Drive Waste 59 125 66 9.43 1 67 21 6 11.00
PA IV 7 Reactor Waste 138 154 16 2.29 2 156 48 6 2.67
PA SE 3 Reactor Waste 138 255 117 39.00 2 156 48
PA SE 3 Soy Ration Bars 138 243 105 35.00 2 156 48
PA SE 3 Mordanite Crates 186 282 96 32.00 2 211 65
PA TS 2 Reactor Waste 138 236 98 49.00 2 156 48
PA TS 2 Drive Waste 59 136 77 38.50 1 67 21
PA XT 3 Freeze Dried Food 1,290 1,690 400 133.33 4 0 0
PC ES 4 Castor Creature Research Crates 993 1,923 930 232.50 4 1,027 316
PP AE 3 Progen Raw Recruits 88 240 240 80.00 2 90 28
PP AM 11 61 Cygni Progen Battle Reports 77 115 38 3.45 1 89 28 5 7.60 5 7.60 4 9.50
PP PP 0.1 61 Cygni Progen Battle Reports 77 0 0 1 89 28 Doesn't buy any, just sell
RG HC 3 MacGregor's Lager 186 340 154 51.33 2 211 65
RG HC 3 Vodka 186 316 130 43.33 2 211 65
RG JC 4 Bacteria 186 351 165 41.25 2 211 65
RG JC 4 MacGregor's Lager 186 340 154 38.50 2 211 65
RG N7 3 Aragoth News Updates 150 327 177 59.00 4 130 40
RG NV 7 Plundered Technology 1,188 1,663 475 67.86 4 1,375 0
RG PC 3 Vodka 186 402 216 72.00 2 211 65
SC GO 6 Souvenirs 408 574 166 27.67 3 462 142
SC JH 3 Repair Robots 186 331 145 48.33 2 211 65
SC NV 11 Raw Data – StarClipper Station 2,020 3,030 1,010 91.82 3 0 0 10 101.00 8 126.25 11
SC VT 8 Repair Robots 186 249 63 7.88 2 211 65
SE PA 3 Unknown Element Samples 64 201 137 45.67 1 73 23
SO 61 2 Weapons Crates 468 826 358 179.00 5 530 163
SO 61 2 Psi-Units 138 185 47 23.50 2 156 48
SO 61 2 Fungus Spores 49 93 44 22.00 89 28
SO 61 2 Animal Feed 44 86 42 21.00 1 50 16
SO 61 2 Construction Equipment 114 156 42 21.00 1 129 40
SO 61 2 Fertilizer 54 96 42 21.00 1 62 19
SO 61 2 Bacteria 59 98 39 19.50 1 67 21
SO 61 2 Pesticides 54 93 39 19.50 1 62 19
SO 61 2 Atmospheric Stabilizer 68 106 38 19.00 1 77 24
SO AB * Construction Equipment 114 120 6 1 129 40 PP only 6 1.00
SO AB * Drive Waste 59 59 0 1 67 21 PP only 6 0.00
SO AM 5 Drive Waste 59 79 20 4.00 1 67 21
SO AS 10 Weapons Crates 468 770 302 30.20 5 530 163 8 37.75 8 37.75 9 33.56 6 50.33
SO AS 10 John Webster Plays 348 649 301 30.10 3 394 192 8 37.63 8 37.63 9 33.44 6 50.17
SO AS 10 War Novels 723 999 276 27.60 4 818 252 8 34.50 8 34.50 9 30.67 6 46.00
SO AS 10 Romance Novels 798 1,049 251 25.10 4 903 278 8 31.38 8 31.38 9 27.89 6 41.83
SO EP 11 Romance Novels 798 1,009 211 19.18 4 903 278 9 23.44 9 23.44 10 21.10 7 30.14
SO EP 11 War Novels 723 920 197 17.91 4 818 252 9 21.89 9 21.89 10 19.70 7 28.14
SO EP 11 Grain 59 76 17 1.55 1 67 21 9 1.89 9 1.89 10 1.70 7 2.43
SO EP 11 Frozen Meat 78 93 15 1.36 2 89 26 9 1.67 9 1.67 10 1.50 7 2.14
SO ES 5 Tau Ceti Fruits 114 164 50 10.00 2 129 40 2 25.00
SO ES 5 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 8.80 1 76 24 2 22.00
SO FN 12 Communication Arrays 1,021 2,113 1,092 91.00 4 1,328 409 6 182.00
SO FN 12 Research Equipment 1,173 2,100 927 77.25 4 1,328 409 6 154.50
SO FN 12 Frozen Meat 78 161 83 6.92 2 89 26 6 13.83
SO FN 12 Grain 59 142 83 6.92 1 67 21 6 13.83
SO GL 2 Grain 59 81 22 11.00 1 67 21
SO GL 2 Frozen Meat 78 99 21 10.50 2 89 26
SO GO 3 Tri-D Games 73 147 74 24.67 1 84 26
SO GO 3 Scinnies 162 233 71 23.67 1 73 23
SO GO 3 Comic Books 138 201 63 21.00 2 156 48
SO GO 3 Toys 138 201 63 21.00 2 156 48
SO GO 3 Eggs 126 187 61 20.33 2 143 44
SO GO 3 Reactor Waste 138 199 61 20.33 2 156 48
SO GO 3 Chocolate 150 201 51 17.00 2 171 53
SO HC 7 Grain 59 91 32 4.57 1 67 21
SO IV 2 Drive Waste 59 125 66 33.00 1 67 21
SO IV 2 Clothing 68 127 59 29.50 1 74 24
SO JH 6 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 7.33 1 76 24 5 8.80
SO LO * O2 Canisters 64 89 25 1 73 23 TT only 1 25.00
SO LO * Air Scrubbers 49 69 20 1 56 18 Tt only 1 20.00
SO LO * Grain 59 76 17 1 67 21 TT only 1 17.00
SO MG 7 Research Equipment 1,173 0 0 4 1,328 409 MG doesn't buy
SO MG 7 Romance Novels 798 0 0 4 903 278 MG doesn't buy
SO MG 7 War Novels 723 0 0 4 818 252 MG doesn't buy
SO N7 3 O2 Canisters 64 190 126 42.00 1 73 23
SO N7 3 Cleaning Bots 78 200 122 40.67 1 76 24
SO N7 3 Tau Ceti News Updates 138 255 117 39.00 2 156 48
SO N7 3 Data Cubes 78 186 108 36.00 2 76 24
SO OM 1 Tri-D Games 73 113 40 40.00 1 84 26
SO OM 1 Frozen Meat 78 113 35 35.00 2 89 26
SO OM 1 Refining Equipment 114 148 34 34.00 2 129 40
SO PC 5 Communication Arrays 1,021 1,793 772 154.40 5 1,328 409
SO PC 5 Air Scrubbers 49 402 353 70.60 1 56 18
SO PC 5 John Webster Plays 348 649 301 60.20 3 394 192
SO SE 4 Reactor Waste 138 255 117 29.25 2 156 48 4
SO TS 7 Drive Waste 59 136 77 11.00 1 67 21
SO TS 7 Reactor Waste 138 206 68 9.71 2 156 48
SO VH 5 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 8.80 1 76 24
SO VT 11 Cleaning Bots 78 122 44 4.00 1 76 24 5 8.80
SO XT 4 Grain 59 394 335 83.75 1 67 21 3 111.67
SO XT 4 Frozen Meat 78 396 318 79.50 2 89 26 3 106.00
SO XT 4 Spices 798 1,080 282 70.50 4 903 278 3 94.00
SO XT 4 Weapons Crates 468 734 266 66.50 5 530 163 3 88.67
TS ES 8 Resource Crates 30 230 200 25.00 1 34 11 7 28.57
TS GL 5 Resource Crates 30 74 44 8.80 1 34 11
TS PA 2 Resource Crates 30 110 80 40.00 1 34 11
TS SO 7 Resource Crates 30 64 34 4.86 1 34 11
VH JH 5 Repair Robots 186 331 145 29.00 2 211 65
VH VT 10 Repair Robots 186 249 63 6.30 2 211 65 9 7.00
VT CH 1 Hydroponics Equipment 78 112 34 34.00 2 89 28
VT EP 6 Grain 59 76 17 2.83 1 67 21
VT EP 6 Frozen Meat 78 93 15 2.50 2 89 26
VT FN 1 Frozen Meat 78 161 83 83.00 2 89 26
VT FN 1 Grain 59 142 83 83.00 1 67 21
VT GL 9 Grain 59 81 22 2.44 1 67 21 6 3.67
VT GL 9 Frozen Meat 78 99 21 2.33 2 89 26 6 3.50
VT HC 8 Grain 59 91 32 4.00 1 67 21
VT LO * Grain 59 76 17 1 67 21 TT only 12 1.42 6 2.83
VT OM 10 Frozen Meat 78 113 35 3.50 2 89 26 7 5.00
VT PP 6 Hydroponics Equipment 78 88 10 1.67 2 89 28
VT XT 11 Grain 59 394 335 30.45 1 67 21 4 83.75
VT XT 11 Frozen Meat 78 396 318 28.91 2 89 26 4 79.50
XT NV 13 Echos of a Sad Song 1,712 2,568 856 65.85 5 1,375 423 8 107.00
XT SO 4 Jenquai Weapons Technology 873 1,133 260 65.00 4 988 304 3 86.67

Station Abbreviations

Abbr. System Sector Station
61 Cygni 61 Aganju Kinshasa-Mbali
AS Gallina Endriago Arx Spatoi
CH Aragoth Aragoth Prime Chernevog Station
PMA or EP Gallina Porvenir Mons Area Porvenir Mons
ES Sol Earth Earth Station
FN Aragoth Fenris Fenris Prime Observatory
GL Beta Hydri Glenn Friendship 7
GO Beta Hydri Glory's Orbit Mercury Station
HC Alpha Centauri Zweihander EarthCorps High Command
IV Tau Ceti Planet Inverness Inverness Down
JC Alpha Centauri Jagerstadt Jagerstadt City
JH Aragoth Jotunheim Arx Ymir
LO Sol High Earth Loki Station
N7 Sol Saturn Net-7 Sol
OM Beta Hydri Carpenter Orsini Mining Platform
PA Capella Kailaasa Paren Station
PP Vega Pr12t4r35m M4ns 1r21 (Pl1n2t Pr3m5s) Praetorium Mons
RG Aragoth Ragnarok Trader's Fort
YA or SE Sirius Yasuragi Area Yasuragi
SO Tau Ceti New Edinburg Somerled Station
TS Capella Dahin Mining Interest Tokai Saikutsu
VT Aragoth Valkyrie Twins Aragoth Station
XT Sirius Xipe Totec Prasad Station
Proxima Centauri Adriel Prime Adriel Mining Station
Castor Menorb Androzari
A1 Antares Anteres Frontier Antares 1
AE Altair Altair III Arx Emporos
AM Sol Mars Arx Magister
AT Vega Tarsis Arx Tiberius
PC Sol Pluto & Charon Charon Cloister
DCO Sol Asteroid Belt Gamma Detention Center Onorom
61 Cygni Moto ECS Bremen
Sol Asteroid Belt Alpha ECS Dauntless
Alpha Centauri der Todesngel Grand Ole Homestead
IS Castor Ishuan Ishuan Station
Sol Jupiter Jove's Fury
MG Proxima Centauri Margesi Margesi Station
NV Altair Nostrand Vor Planet Nostrand Vor Station
Smuggler's Run Paramis Paramis Station
61 Cygni Moto Pax Remar
Smuggler's Run Blackbeard's Wake Queen Anne's Revenge
VH Sol Venus Venera Highport
Sol Io Nishino Research Facility
Sol Europa Ashanti Maru
Sol Ganymede Asmundi Maru
Sol Equatorial Earth Guiana Space Port
Sol Luna Luna Station
Sol Mars Alpha Arx Forgus
Sol Mars Beta Arx Prima
AB Sol Mars Gamma Arx Bursa
SC Sol Mercury StarClipper Station
AZ Sol Ganymede Azmundi Maru

A note on Wormhole

When you take a wormhole with trade goods in your hold, each trade good takes 50% damge to its structure. This, in turn, lowers its sale price by 25%. So if a station would have paid 3030 for the item, they will only pay 2272. In many cases, this makes wormhole with trade goods lose you money, but in some cases, like FN->NV, it will actually still be profitable, although minimally so.

Arx Tiberius -> Orsini Mining Platform is a great example, it's just 1 jump with wormhole, and even after damage, it works out to 198 PPJ. The problem is there are no trade routes leading to AT. There is exactly one, from DCO, and it is minimally profitable (20 PPJ without WH, 24.3 with). "But maybe there's a route leading to DCO!" One, from Altair III, for 37.5 PPJ with WH, or 8.33 without.

From To iLVL Item Buy Sell Jumps Profit Base PPJ Trade XP @ TL 33 WH Sell WH Profit WH Jumps WH PPJ
ES EP 4 Sol Grain 1023 1226 10 203 20.3 113 919.5 -103.5 2 -51.75
ES EP 4 Frozen Beef 1023 1226 10 203 20.3 113 919.5 -103.5 2 -51.75
ES HC 4 Terran Rank Insignia 468 537 6 69 11.5 38 402.75 -65.25 2 -32.63
EP ES 4 PermaHair 873 1069 10 196 19.6 109 801.75 -71.25 3 -23.75
AS ES 4 PermaHair 873 1069 9 196 21.78 109 801.75 -71.25 3 -23.75
SO EP 4 Romance Novels 798 1009 11 211 19.18 118 756.75 -41.25 2 -20.63
ES EP 4 Romance Novels 798 1009 10 211 21.1 118 756.75 -41.25 2 -20.63
EP ES 4 GenoColor 798 986 10 188 18.8 105 739.5 -58.5 3 -19.5
AS ES 4 GenoColor 798 986 9 188 20.89 105 739.5 -58.5 3 -19.5
SO EP 4 War Novels 723 920 11 197 17.91 110 690 -33 2 -16.5
ES EP 4 War Novels 723 920 10 197 19.7 110 690 -33 2 -16.5
XT SO 4 Jenquai Weapons Technology 873 1133 4 260 65 145 849.75 -23.25 2 -11.63
SO AS 4 Romance Novels 798 1049 10 251 25.1 140 786.75 -11.25 1 -11.25
ES AS 4 Romance Novels 798 1049 9 251 27.89 140 786.75 -11.25 1 -11.25
PA XT 4 Freeze Dried Food 1290 1690 3 400 133.33 224 1267.5 -22.5 2 -11.25
ES GO 4 Psionic Packs 573 727 5 154 30.8 86 545.25 -27.75 3 -9.25
EP SO 4 PermaHair 873 1154 11 281 25.55 157 865.5 -7.5 2 -3.75
AS SO 4 PermaHair 873 1154 10 281 28.1 157 865.5 -7.5 2 -3.75
EP ES 4 Vaccines 468 648 10 180 18 100 486 18 3 6
SO XT 4 Spices 798 1080 4 282 70.5 157 810 12 2 6
EP SO 4 GenoColor 798 1088 11 290 26.36 162 816 18 2 9
AS SO 4 GenoColor 798 1088 10 290 29 162 816 18 2 9
ES GO 4 Candy 378 544 5 166 33.2 92 408 30 3 10
RG NV 4 Plundered Technology 1188 1663 8 475 59.38 266 1247.25 59.25 4 14.81
JC 61 4 Psi-Regulator Serum 573 871 10 298 29.8 166 653.25 80.25 4 20.06
JC 61 4 Mine Guards 648 995 10 347 34.7 194 746.25 98.25 4 24.56
SO AS 4 War Novels 723 999 10 276 27.6 154 749.25 26.25 1 26.25
ES AS 4 War Novels 723 999 9 276 30.67 154 749.25 26.25 1 26.25
OM NV 4 Weapons Grade Discordite 969 1444 12 475 39.58 266 1083 114 4 28.5
61 IS 4 Mining Equipment 1531 2190 7 659 131.8 514 1642.5 111.5 3 37.17
IS 61 4 Shield Panels 1432 2117 7 685 137 534 1587.75 155.75 4 38.94
JC XT 5 Weapons Crates 468 734 8 266 33.25 212 550.5 82.5 2 41.25
SO XT 5 Weapons Crates 468 734 4 266 66.5 212 550.5 82.5 2 41.25
CH AM 4 Internal Hull Composite Alloy 1000 1500 9 500 55.56 280 1125 125 3 41.67
GL NV 5 Exotic Dancers 1525 2272 11 747 67.91 623 1704 179 4 44.75
DCO JH 5 Secured Container 1160 1728 4 568 142 511 1296 136 3 45.33
XT NV 5 Echos of a Sad Song 1712 2568 13 856 65.85 678 1926 214 4 53.5
AE TS 5 Gate War Video Archives 1331 2014 14 683 48.79 591 1510.5 179.5 3 59.83
FN NV 5 Raw Data – Fenris Prime Observatory 2020 3030 9 1010 112.22 755 2272.5 252.5 4 63.13
SC NV 5 Raw Data – Star Clipper Station 2020 3030 11 1010 91.82 755 2272.5 252.5 4 63.13
NV FN 5 Aromatic Chocolate 1766 2612 9 846 94 673 1959 193 3 64.33
NV SO 5 Dismantled InfinitiCorp Contraband 1266 1929 13 663 51 581 1446.75 180.75 2 90.38
SO FN 4 Research Equipment 1173 1970 12 797 66.42 621 1477.5 304.5 3 101.5
NV XT 5 Purple Haze 1739 2608 13 869 66.85 684 1956 217 2 108.5
FN SO 5 Nanobots 1810 2704 12 894 74.5 697 2028 218 2 109
JC AS 5 Weapons Crates 468 770 8 302 37.75 241 577.5 109.5 1 109.5
SO AS 5 Weapons Crates 468 770 10 302 30.2 241 577.5 109.5 1 109.5
NV SC 5 Spiced Black Coffee 1828 2742 11 914 83.09 707 2056.5 228.5 2 114.25
SO FN 4 Communications Arrays 1021 1876 12 855 71.25 666 1407 386 3 128.67
PC ES 4 Castor Creature Research Crates 993 1923 4 930 232.5 715 1442.25 449.25 3 149.75
AT OM 5 Orsini Mining Corp Ore Request Order XXVIC 1212 1881 11 669 60.82 584 1410.75 198.75 1 198.75
DCO AT 3 Encrypted Intelligence Reports 420 625 10 205 20.5 468.75 48.75 2 24.38