Deflect Chemical (Activated): +20 Chemical Deflect for 600 seconds when activated.
Deflect Plasma (Activated): +20 Plasma Deflect for 600 seconds when activated.
Deflect Chemical (Equip): +23 Chemical Deflect when equipped.
Deflect Energy (Equip): +23 Energy Deflect when equipped.
Deflect Plasma (Equip): +23 Plasma Deflect when equipped.
Not manufacturable
Other information:
There are two main Lines in the non-manufacturable Pride range of devices. Both lines are made in a number of levels:
Weapon-energy conservation Line All models reduce the energy cost for all weapon types, and additionally have various activatable debuffs which can be applied to enemies.
Damage deflection Line All models can confer a differing variety of passive and activatable damage-deflection buffs on the user's ship. (transfers energy).