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To most pilots, a weft is a named spatial anomaly that takes the form of a faint glimmering in space, nothing more. The Jenquai Explorer (JE) class, however, knows wefts for what they actually are: stable spatial exit points for wormholes.
During the course of their training, young JEs are taught the closely-guarded secret of creating a wormhole anywhere in space and connecting its exit point to the known coordinates of a weft. Sha'ha'dem Initiates are taught weft coordinate inter-linkage in a gradual manner: highly conscious of the relative fragility of their students' ships, instructors teach only how to link to the safer weft locations at first, those being closest to Jenquai space. At higher skill-levels, JE pilots learn the weft coordinates for far-flung locations throughout the galaxy, making them tremendously popular with all other races and classes due to their ability to transport group members as well as themselves.
The coordinates to seven wefts are routinely taught to all JE pilots. To those with an interest in hyperspace physics, further training is possible via the Extended Wormhole skill, which eventually enables postgraduates to utilize a further three wefts which differ from the others and require greater training.
Standard Weft Locations
The seven standard weft locations (in order of acquisition by JE pilots) are:
Weft Name | Co-ords | Sector | System | min ExpLvl | Notes | |
1. | Maeldun's Weft | x38.00, y194.51, z0.00 | Kailaasa | Capella | n/a | adjacent to Paren Station, no travel needed |
2. | Virgil's Weft | x247.84, y48.56, z0.00 | Jupiter | Sol | EL 5 | 296.88km from Jove's Fury Station |
3. | Arion's Weft | x35.20, y-3.74, z0.00 | Swooping Eagle | Sirius | EL 15? | 4 gates, 1 planet, Mazzaroth maelstrom |
4. | Hagoth's Weft | x79.49, y45.29, z0.00 | Valkyrie Twins | Aragoth | EL ? | Close to Aragoth Station, 34.52km. |
5. | Helio's Weft | x-28.43, y43.60, z0.00 | Asteroid Belt Beta | Sol | EL 25 | 4 gates |
6. | Yamuna's Weft | x-69.40, y33.86, z0.00 | Carpenter | Beta Hydri | EL 35 | 4 gates, and Orsini Mining Platform |
7. | Brendan's Weft | x86.67, y-125.07, z6.00 | Endriago | Gallina | EL 45 | Station Arx Spartoi is not too far away. |
Advanced Weft Locations
The three advanced weft locations (in order of acquisition by postgraduate JE pilots) are:
Weft Name | Co-ords | Sector | System | min TotLvl | Notes | |
1. | Zephram's Warp | x75.00, y70.00, z0.00 | Witberg | Alpha Centauri | OL 75 | Two nav-points from the gate to Freya (Aragoth). |
2. | Kashmir's Flow | x15.44, y6.67, z0.00 | Vishao's Cove | Capella | OL 90 | 15.86k EastSouthEast of the Gate to Kitara's Veil. |
3. | Vineri Stamen | x0.00, y0.00, z0.00 (centre) | Venus | Sol | OL 105 | 22.25k West of Nav Commerce Lane 1. |