More actions
Seasonal Missions are only available for a limited time each year, around particular holidays. Many have special ship items as rewards, which are obtainable in no other way.
Valentine's Day
- Looking for Love (mission reward: Snugs & Hugs device)
- Valentine's Day (mission reward: Heart shield)
- Emperor's Halloween Costume (first reported in 2020, live in 2023)
- Trick-o-Treatin' (first reported in 2020, live in 2023)
- Let's Go Tricking! (first reported in 2017, live in 2023)
- Imperator's Halloween Soiree (first reported in 2017, live in 2023)
- The Most Hallowed Gourd (first reported in 2017)
Year-Specific Pages
Over the years, various people have created pages labelled with a specific year, often covering all events for a particular season. You may find the occasional useful detail in these, which might not have been incorporated into the main articles shown above.
From 2022, please make any updates to the mission-pages shown above (or make new pages if new missions are created), rather than creating year-specific pages which often repeat quantities of the same information.