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Christmas 2018

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

*Please Note This Event Has Ended For This Year and All Missions Below Can No Longer Be Started or Finished!*

2018 - 12 - 18 Christmas 2018 is live

Mary Christmas 2018 Mission – Reward is 3 Skill Points

You will receive a snowball launcher on the Earth portion on this mission. They are unique items. If you already are carrying a snowball launcher from last year you will have to either space it or take it to Menorb/Cobus the Clown to get it modified. You will need the launcher in your cargo hold. A good time to do this is while you’re at Ishuan since it’s close.

'Cobus the clown requires Solar Sweet Oil and refined Gold for the most modified Snowball launcher MK1 this year.'

No killing is required in this mission

  • You must have space to hold fourteen (14) separate items in hold.
  • Using wormholes will NOT damage the mission.

Talk to Mary Christmas at Jupiter/Joves/on the dock to start mission

Step {go to the indicated location and talk to the person/object listed here. nothing to buy or kill}

01/16 EMP for ML-X3 – Mercury/StarClipper Station/vendor Pract Brog

02/16 Turtle Shells – Adriel Mining Station/vendor Leif Peyre

03/16 Henchmen – Slayton/Roland Holmes Hideout/talk to rock

04/16 Squawking Gulls – Jagerstadt/Jagerstadt City/Doctor Sacha Ileiko in the lounge

05/16 Gold Rings – Carpenter/Orsini Mining Platform/Shou Tzu in the lounge

06/16 Chicken – Ishuan/Mr. Beeker in the under construction area

07/16 Chicken Nuggets – Glenn/F7/Belulah Lee in the Casino [where the lounge is in other stations]

08/16 Bits of Chitin – Aragoth Prime/Chernevog/Harvey Krum (main hall)

09/16 Cows – 61 Cygni/Kinshasa-Mbali/vendor Nduka Diya

10/16 Ladies Dancing – Glenn/F7/vendor Anveryn O’connell

11/16 Beers – Ragnarok/Traders Fort/Tarnish McHollis (main hall)

12/16 Pipers Piping – Earth/Earth Station/MacKellan (main hall)

Also receive Snowball launcher MK1 if it say unique item already owned by player go see Cobus the clown

13/16 Drums – Mars/Drusus Cauponius (main hall) [Note: there is no actual Christmas Carol book to be transported]

14/16 Talk to Mary Christmas at Joves. Get Milk and Cookies at end

15/16 and 16/16 are completed while talking to Mary

- Take Milk and Cookies to Santa in Jupiter/Path the Third area {please expect delay before Santa spawns -- he's very busy this time of year}

- Talk to Santa twice and get present. Leave immediately. Last year he would kill you if you stuck around.

- Take present to Saturn/Net-7 and Santas Little Helper (on the dock) will open it and give you 3 Skill Points

That’s it. Good luck and Merry Christmas!

Xmas 2016 Cake - Reward is The Polar Express level 5 engine / Bogeril Faction +1500 plus 50k credits and 5k xp for each of Combat, Trade, and Exploration.

Belulah Lee in Glenn - F7 in Casino/Lounge asks you to help her make some cake...

  • Taking wormholes damages seven of the eight ingredients, but Bulelah doesn't seem to notice. I suspect she has spiked her eggnog with far too much homebrew.

1. Find some cake ingredients. (1/4)

9 items -- you need one of each -- all non-tradable -- wormhole damage does not matter

2. The order does not matter but the route below starts from Glenn.

Best route order without wormhole is

System Sector Nav Item Trade Vendor Lvl Mob (Coords)
Beta Hydri Glory's Orbit Mercury Station Beta Hydri Fruit (1) Ralla Sertris  
Tau Ceti New Edinburgh Somerled Station Tau Ceti Fruit (1) Jess Edarte  
Tau Ceti New Edinburgh Somerled Station Eggs (1) Jess Edarte  
Alpha Centauri Zweihander EarthCorps High Command Alpha Centauri Fruit (1) Luis Santiago  
Alpha Centauri Jagerstadt Jagerstadt City Zweihander Fruits (1) Holden Maxweller  
Sol Venus Nav Commerce Lane 3 Yum-O-Rum (1)   L26 Novice Dragon Drone (-4,57)
Sol Earth Earth Station Sol Citrus Fruit (1) Lenorn Listor  
Sol or

Alpha Centauri




Research Station Nav

Sugar & Flour (1 of each)   L10 Weed Popper

NOTE FOR THE SUGAR LOOTING, grouping with a lower cl toon than 10 increase your chance of looting Sugar

Exit the trade vendor and it should update to next step (2/4)

(Bug it can bug and not update - Click sort bag often helps to update)

3. Back to Belulah Lee @Glenn-F7 (3/4)

She gives you a Most Festive Fruitcake take it to step 4.

4. Leeroy Junkbins in Witberg near Bogeril Negotiation Vessel for

+1500 Bogeril faction, 50k credits, 5k CL/TL/EL exp and The Polar Express! (4k warp/25% extra cap for trade cargo/0.0k sig)

Note: there are several opportunities to buy trade goods and later resell them for XP and profit if you do not take wormholes.

Solsec Bob. - Reward: 10k xp for each of Combat, Trade, and Exploration

Solsec Bob. The mission and the man. {This mission, only of these three, appears to be repeatable.}

At Orsini Mining Platform in Carpenter Sector, Beta Hydri, talk to Solsec Bob in the lounge to accept quest. Kill Evil Snowmen to gather two full (250) stacks of each (1000 items total) of Stolen Candy Canes and Stolen Presents. (1/2)

{If you do the other two quests first, you'll see some of the Evil Snowmen who have been doing these dastardly deeds along the way.}