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Mob | Named Mob | NPC |
Mob stands for "Mobile Entity" (though some people prefer "Monster or Beast"), and is used to indicate game-controlled biological enemies and ships. Non-combatant entities which offer interactions (but not combat) are referred to as NPCs (Non-Player Characters).
A Named Mob can fly solo, although more often than not he flies with others: either dedicated wingmen, or sometimes just cruising among a squadron of similar, but slightly lower-ranked ships. Sometimes, a Named Mob will only spawn in response to members of his squadron being attacked first. When accompanied by other ships (dedicated wingmen or otherwise), a Named Mob is commonly referred to as a Boss. A Named Mob can sometimes be governed by a respawn timer, which prevents a respawn before a certain amount of time has passed (sometimes a plus-or-minus randomizer period is applied, to discourage camping). Note that some named mobs, like Khizz, have wingmen who recharge their boss's shield. If you notice the boss seems to be taking no damage, you will need to take down the wingmen first.
Also, see the article: Named Mobs (Not all named mobs have their own page. This article has summaries of spawn locations, respawn time, known drops, and combat notes).
Pages in category "Named Mob"
The following 46 pages are in this category, out of 46 total.