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A secretive Terran research and development company, DigiApogee is known for various intriguing products, each of which usually includes the word Prototype in its name. Product descriptions often contain the caveats "Use with caution. Manufacture at own risk. Not for re-sale. For testing purposes only." Other descriptions state "For internal use only. Violators will be tracked down and punished."
Buyable DigiApogee products
DigiApogee products, with two limited exceptions, are not available at vendors: they are random drops, only lootable from hulks by those classes of pilot with the Prospect skill.
The following two vendors stock four Level 3 DigiApogee (DA) components:
- Ina MacGregor at Somerled Station.
- Ross Davidson at Inverness Down.
These components are needed to construct ammunition for certain Prototype weapons.
There are also DA6 and DA9 components, but these are only available as random drops from ship hulks. It is rumoured that hulks in Grissom sector may have a likelihood of Prototype component drops.