More actions
Level 3 Device
- Improved Projectile Handling (Activated): Increases Projectile Accuracy by 10.00(13.30)% and Projectile Damage by 4( 5)% for 720.00(957.60) seconds when activated.
- Jenquai restricted
- Warriors only
- The Sting range of devices is made in a number of levels:
- L1 Sting Unus
- L2 Sting Duo
- L3 Sting Tria
- L4 Sting Quattuor
- L5 Sting Quinque
- L6 Sting Senio
- L7 Sting Septem
- L8 Sting Octo
- L9 Sting Novem (not usable by anyone, shouldn't exist)
- The principal buff of the above devices is "Improved Projectile Handling (Activated)".
- There are two other devices with the word "Sting" in their name (the L5 Manticore's Fell Sting, and the L9 Scarlet Sting), but they have unrelated buffs and thus not considered part of the above range.