More actions
Level 9 Device
- Decrease Speed (Activated): Decrease ship top speed by 34.40(45.75) for 2160(2873) seconds to enemy when activated.
- Projectile Weapon Skill (Equip): Increases Projectile Accuracy by 2.79(3.71) Skill Level(s) when equipped.
- Projectile Energy Conservation (Equip): Reduces Projectile Energy Cost by 40.0% when equipped.
- Slow Projectiles (Equip): Decrease Projectile Firing Rate by 10.00% when equipped
- Progen only
Other information:
The Lethargic range of devices is made in a number of levels:
- L1 Lethargic Unus
- L2 Lethargic Duo
- L3 Lethargic Tria
- L4 Lethargic Quattuor
- L5 Lethargic Quinque
- L6 Lethargic Senio
- L7 Lethargic Septem
- L8 Lethargic Octo
- L9 Lethargic Novem