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Heart may refer to:
Components & Minerals
- the L7 Heart range of components, all needed to make the Shooting Star VII reactor (viz. Heart of Fire, Heart of Frost, Heart of Stone).
- L5 Raw Heartstone, a mineral refinable to L5 Heartstone, needed to build the Heart range of components.
- the L6 Heart of Fenris, a biological component need to build the Progen-only L7 Strength of the Fenrir reactor.
- The Titan's Heart, a L6 weapon-enhancement device.
- the L7 Martyr's Heart, a device which enhances reactor recharge rate.
- the Progen rannge of Warrior's Heart reactors, available from L6 to L9 (e.g. L6 Warrior's Heart Alpha).
- the Red Dragon Heart range of reactors, available from level 1 to level 7 (e.g. L1 Stout Heart).
- certain non-manufacturable reactors, viz.:
- the non-manufacturable Heart range of shields (available from L1 to L9), obtainable only during the "Valentine's Day" seasonal event.
- the non-manufacturable L9 Devil's Heart shield.
Other Items
- Modi's Heart, a CL66 mob wich spawns in Nifleheim Cloud sector.
- Various biologial mobs also drop their hearts as loot items (e.g. Alpha Worms, Dzurai, Einherjar Woden, Kraken, Nazari, Nommos).