More actions
Level 9 Propellant
- Build from items:
- L6 Discordite
- L7 Apollonite
- The following ammunition needs Brimstone Elixir for its manufacture:
- L9 Archos Chemical Round
- L9 Archos Plasma Round
- L9 Archos Projectile Round
- L9 Brimstone Chemical Rounds
- L9 Brimstone Impact Rounds
- L9 Brimstone Plasma Rounds
- L9 Chemical Dung Pellets
- L9 Chemical Rocket Type Zet
- L9 EMP Rocket Type Zet
- L9 Explosive Dung Pellets
- L9 Explosive Rocket Type Zet
- L9 Plasma Dung Pellets
- L9 Plasma Rocket Type Zet
- L9 Smiters - Chemical
- L9 Smiters - EMP
- L9 Smiters - Explosive
- L9 Smiters - Plasma
- L9 Zenrei Impact Bolt
- L9 Zenrei Plasma Bolt
- Note that ammo cannot be broken down by builders to obtain parts. The only sources for Brimstone Elixir are the mobs listed above, and also trader-class pilots with the "Build Components" skill maxxed at Level 9.