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User talk:Antikubuki

Discussion page of User:Antikubuki


This is perfect!

Re: New Combined FactionLossRow

So this is step 1 on the way to a mob template; you had mentioned a desire to have a single template that you could pass the primary faction to and it would automatically use the correct template, your wish is my command: {{FactionLossRow}}

Check out all the examples in the bottom half of Codemonkeyx:FactionTableTest under <!-- new hotness -->.

There are a few basic rules for |primary= which should hopefully make it easier to use:

  1. It must contain only letters (no spaces and no punctuation like apostrophes, so no V'rix, and no Sha'ha'dem)
  2. You must specify at least 4 characters for primary= as that is how many were required to make them all uniquely identifiable (Shah vs. Shar)
  3. 'The' is optional, both TheM and Mord work for The Mordana
  4. Case doesn't matter
  5. None is an alias for "NoFaction"

So the shortest and simplest versions for primary would be:

● none
● anse
● boge
● cent
● chav
● coll
● eart
● glen
● hype
● infi
● psio
● sabi
● shah
● shar
● shin
● alli
● mord
● redd
● vrix
● prog
● terr

What do you think? Any easier? Is this what you had in mind?

Codemonkeyx (talk) 20:43, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

Re: FactionTable for mobs with no faction

I couldn't figure out whether you were using "None" or the FactionTable+NoFactionLossRow so I did a bit of a flip-flop tonight reverting some to None, then saw one of your most recently added pages used the table (Zenshai Chemical Sleeper) so I went back to that and fixed the ones I undid. Let's standardize on using the FactionTable+NoFactionLossRow for mobs which don't have a faction, and make sure and just leave out the primary faction change (positional) and mob name params, no 0 or anything like that so it will properly auto-fill the mob name from the page name.

Codemonkeyx (talk) 09:12, 30 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: Item needed_for_rows

FYI the {{Item}} template has a |needed_for_rows= which you can use to put in the items you can make with something, e.g.

so you don't need the Notes section for that. Check out the documentation on that page as it's pretty comprehensive: {{Item}}!

Codemonkeyx (talk) 05:30, 29 April 2024 (UTC)


Didnt mean to on purpose. Fixed it. Sorry

Re: Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map

Why did you remove all the other drops from Centuriata Legionaire Gene-Map? I added most of those so I'm pretty sure they were accurate.

Codemonkeyx (talk) 15:57, 28 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: Bugs

I added a template {{bug}} awhile back that automatically puts a bug icon (his name is "Boger") and adds the page to Category:Bugged with clicking on Boger being a link to that category. You can see an example of this I added to your note on Iron Vulture. I kinda like having a separate Bugs heading, but a number of the bugs I've found affect an entire family of items so it made more sense to put them on the Category:Subpages For Items in a Family template which is intended to go under Notes. I don't want to include the headers in those templates since I frequently have other notes in addition to those on individual items. We can go ahead and use Bugs headers where we can though.

Codemonkeyx (talk) 15:41, 28 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: Found a Faction chart issue


Faction Table

I see you finished it. Sigh, lost connectivity last night.

See here -!Aqp0AGLDktyzgvNHVu4r94Zy1FCzag?e=mV0ZIq

Re: Improved Faction Table

So I was gathering some more data to try and create the remaining *FactionLossRow templates and I discovered that the commonly used faction chart (:File:ENB-Faction-Chart.png or has some odd design choices that result in most of us probably reading it incorrectly!

After very carefully killing some EarthCorps, InfinitiCorp, and Bogeril and recording ALL of the faction changes on every kill I discovered that the faction chart is meant to be read VERTICALLY. i.e. the thing you're killing is at the top, and you read down the column to see the faction changes. Why the highlighting is done across rows I don't know, as I personally find that very confusing. Of course there are no axis labels to help explain this either.

I have solid data so far for Bogeril, EarthCorps, InfinitiCorp, and V'rix and I've created/updated those four *FactionLossRow templates.

I think you need to go re-kill the things you've killed and you will find the faction changes are a bit different from what you originally recorded, i.e. in addition to what you had:

● killing EarthCorps also yields +half The Mordana (I verified this on 3 different EarthCorps mobs)
● killing Sharim also yields -half Shinwa (needs to be verified)
● killing Centuriata also yields +half Anseria, +half Psionics, does not change Sha'ha'dem as expected, and +half The Mordana (needs to be verified, but for confirmation check out how matched the set of factions from my new template exactly)

all of which the chart shows if you read it correctly from top-to-bottom and which I've also incorporated into the *FactionLossRow templates I've created so far even though they are pending verification (I have a strong hunch!)

Beyond that I need complete data on all the others and I recommend gathering ALL the faction data for each kill (it's easier if you only kill 1 mob of each type and do them back-to-back because then you have the starting numbers for the next test right there). What especially needs to be verified are which gains/losses are half gains or half losses. Most needed are Chavez, The Alliance, The Mordana, and The Red Dragon as I have the least faith in my guesses for those.

I took a WAG at what I think this will look like based on the existing chart and created this draft improved faction chart you can use to try and verify:

I also created List of Faction Changes by Mob so you can start adding a row to the appropriate table on that page for each mob you add faction changes for.

I believe the list of pages you need to add the faction change table on is:

● Carni
● Centuriata Patrol Guard
● Defense Drone
● EarthCorps Moskva Class Heavy Escort
● Iron Eater
● Iron Vulture
● Major Carni
● Minor Carni
● Mist Lord
● Mist Runner

Codemonkeyx (talk) 11:55, 24 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: Mission Step Notes Limit

Hey Anti, you mentioned the problem you had with The Bogeril Manifesto... I created an alternate {{MissionDesc#Usage}} syntax (which is fully backward-compatible with the old syntax) which enables an arbitrary number of steps and an arbitrary number of notes. I went ahead and applied it to that mission so you can see how it works, check it out!

Codemonkeyx (talk) 07:44, 10 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: All *FactionLossRow templates implemented per your spreadsheet

Sorry for the delay... this is quite a lot of very detailed work to make sure these are all correct!

See Codemonkeyx:FactionTableTest for an example test table which shows all of them that you can use as examples.

The complete list in order:

● {{NoFactionLossRow}}
● {{AnseriaFactionLossRow}}
● {{BogerilFactionLossRow}}
● {{CenturiataFactionLossRow}}
● {{ChavezFactionLossRow}}
● {{CollegiaFactionLossRow}}
● {{EarthCorpsFactionLossRow}}
● {{GlennFactionLossRow}}
● {{HyperiaFactionLossRow}}
● {{InfinitiCorpFactionLossRow}}
● {{PsionicsFactionLossRow}}
● {{SabineFactionLossRow}}
● {{ShahademFactionLossRow}}
● {{SharimFactionLossRow}}
● {{ShinwaFactionLossRow}}
● {{AllianceFactionLossRow}}
● {{MordanaFactionLossRow}}
● {{RedDragonFactionLossRow}}
● {{VrixFactionLossRow}}
● {{ProgenCombineFactionLossRow}}
● {{TerranAllianceFactionLossRow}}

Codemonkeyx (talk) 04:28, 28 April 2024 (UTC)

Re: Tip: Signatures and time stamps

Quick tips:

  1. When leaving notes on people's user pages it's a good practice to add a signature so they know who it's from and when; you can do this automagically with mediawiki by adding the special magic word ~~~~ (four tildes) which will be expanded when you preview or save the comment. You can modify what it puts here under Preferences => Signature.
  2. When you want to add a timestamp to an entry on a wikipage for some time relevant information but don't necessarily want to include your username you can use ~~~~~ (five tildes) and it will out only a timestamp, e.g. 04:33, 28 April 2024 (UTC)

Codemonkeyx (talk) 04:33, 28 April 2024 (UTC)