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Talk:The Treaty

Discussion page of The Treaty

Mission Clear Out Neptune was the prereq :D

Currently not offered to my 45/46/50 (OL141) PS. Missions completed as of Jul 16th 2018
For history of levels attempted (and missions completed) see talk history.

Completed Missions

1) Progen Token Bonus: Energizer [AT_Version 3.0.S]

2) Progen Token Bonus: Imprisoned [AT_Version FINAL.S]

3) Missile Weapon Training [Version 1.0.-]

4) Tzu's Test of Allegiance

5) Tzu's Test of Acquisition

6) A chance for peace

7) Blast a Devil Spawn 1.0

8) The First of Many [Version 6.0.S] - Hull Upgrade (Sentinel)

9) The Freespacer Romantic

10) Learn to Prospect Asteroids

11) Retrieve Josher's Money

12) Patrol Mercury

13) Honor the Memories

14) Gathering Magnetic Wave Data

15) Tovar's Trap [Version 2.0.S]

16) Critical Targeting for the Progen Sentinel

17) Progen Sentinel Scan [Version 5.7.S]

18) Troublesome Times - Menace Skill [Version 2.1.S]

19) Progen Sentinel: Grav Link [Version 1.1.S]

20) Progen Sentinel [Build Devices Version 2.0.S]

21) Progen Sentinel [Build Shields Verion 1.0.S]

22) Progen Token Bonus: The End in Sight [AT_Version FINAL.SP]

23) Progen Hull Upgrade Level 30 [Sentinel Version FINAL]

24) Prospect for Clues

25) Rescue a Warrior's Gene-Map 1.01

26) Prospecting II

27) Diridium Detour

28) Search for Clues

29) Ioanna-J Deinon's Research [Version FINAL.- ] - Hull Upgrade Bonus

30) Observe their Actions

31) Progen Mission Token Conversion (Repeatable) [Version 3.0.P]

32) Harvey Krum Chitin turn in

33) Deliver Chitin Bits

34) Trade Embargo [Version 3.0.-]

35) A Mystique Engineering for a Device

36) Theodoric Cassel Station Vocal Dialog

37) Wierd Science [Version 2.0.S]

38) A Choice To Be Made [All Races v2.0]

39) The Progen Combine Wants You!!

40) Meet Shou Tzu, Pirate

41) Radiation Testing

42) The Rescue

43) How Repulsive!! [Version 1.2.S]

44) Progen Token Bonus: Come on if your hard enough! [AT_Version FINAL.SP]

45) Silver Token: First Line of Defense [Combat, Unlimited Version 8.0.SWP]

46) Silver Token: Custom Devices [Research Version 8.0.S]

47) Silver Token: Behind Strong Walls [Research Version 8.0.SP]

48) Silver Token: Eliminate the Heretics [Combat Version 8.0.SWP]

49) Transfer Intergalactic Prisoners

50) Ferry Of Intergalactic Tourists

51) Transfer Of Intergalactic Diplomats

52) Progen Hull Upgrade Level 50 [Sentinel Version 1.2]

53) Progen Hull Upgrade Level 75 [Sentinel Version 1.0]

54) Progen Hull Upgrade Level 100 [Sentinel Version 2.0]

55) Progen Hull Upgrade Level 135 [Sentinel Version 1.2]

56) Progen Token Bonus: Bunker Down [AT_Version 2.0.SP]

57) Progen Token Bonus: Like a leaf on the wind, watch me soar! [AT_Version 2.0.S]

58) Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Devices [AT_Version 3.0.-]

59) Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Examination (Shields) [AT_Version 2.7.SP]

60) Agrippa Technology Stage II Examination - Shields [AT_Version 3.0.-]

61) Stage III Agrippa Technology - Obtain Stage III Encryption [AT_Version 2.0.S]

62) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Device VI [AT_Version 2.0.device]

63) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Component Shield VI [AT_Version 2.0..shield]

64) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VII [AT_Version 2.0.device]

65) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VII [AT_Version 2.2.shield]

66) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Tactical Advantage Alpha Test [AT_Version 2.0]

67) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Skirmish Alpha Test [AT_Version 2.0]

68) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Device VIII [AT_Version 2.0.device]

69) Stage II Agrippa Technology - Shield VIII [AT_Version 2.0.shield]

70) Progen Token Bonus : Completing Stage I - II Devices [AT_Version 1.0.S]

71) Progen Token Bonus : Completing Stage I - II Shields [AT_Version 1.0.SP]

72) Progen Token Bonus : CORPSEMAN [AT_Version 2.0.S]

73) Progen Token Bonus : BASTION [AT_Version 2.0.SP]

74) The Curious Coin

75) Joining a Pack

76) Go Fetch

77) Chewing Shoes

78) The Pound

79) Sic 'em

80) Scanning the Gates

81) A Shopping List

82) Digging Deeper

83) Investigating the Pirate Gates

84) Chili con Carni [Repeatable]

85) Indigestion [Repeatable]

86) Beating back the Pirates [Repeatable]

87) Pick Your Poison [Repeatable]

88) Delivery Boy

89) The Missing Shipment

90) A Deal With the Devil

91) Bait and Switch

92) Tzu's Test of Perception

93) Close to home

94) Repossession

95) Arms for Arms

96) The Source?

97) Interception?

98) Interrogation

99) Intelligence

100) Merus Milia Cleanup [Repeatable]

101) First Rule of Acquisition [Repeatable]

102) Ammo Cart [Repeatable]

103) Zieg's Best Friend

104) Green Initiative : Why did the chicken cross the road ?

105) Green Initiative : You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached ..

106) Spies R Us - The Progen Brush Pass

107) Spies R Us - Progens Bug Me.

108) Spies R Us - The Progen Hot Drop

109) Progen Token Bonus: Left to your own devices [AT_Version 1.0.S]

110) War Inc. - Hell Hath No Fury ...

111) An Empty Throne

112) Lyle Needs Silicon Carbide

113) Coatin' A Crucible

114) Sunshine in a Bottle

115) Glop 'n Saws

116) Sticks and Stones

117) Gunk Up the Stone

118) Where'd Dem Bones

119) You Ain't Done Yet

120) Fashionin' a Ring

121) Condolences

122) Only the Essentials

123) The Lucky Charm

124) Bite The Bullet (Progen)

125) Save the Nommos!

Tsaavik (talk)


Looked this over. I'm missing Clear Out Neptune in this list. Seems my progen had that one done too.

Leanne (talk) 11:07, 16 July 2018 (EDT)


Ah interesting, I'll try to do Clear Out Neptune tonight and see if this one appears Tsaavik (talk) 11:17, 16 July 2018 (EDT)


Joinilec wouldn't give me or my JE the quest

"Suprise seeing you in this area! This is not a safe place for the likes of you." "Why?" "No time for questions just get ready."

Tsaavik (talk) 22:59, 16 July 2018 (EDT)


Okay, thanks to Selthae's work, I think I need to start the mission chain of Scout Neptune Tsaavik (talk) 12:13, 17 July 2018 (EDT)