More actions
# /slashcommands
This is a list of Slash Commands that work in-game. This list does not contain the various emote commands, both character and ship, that are available.
Slash Command | Function |
/afk | Auto responds to tells with the message you typed. If no message is typed it responds with "<Your Name> is currently away. Try again later." Type /afk again to turn it off. |
/assist {player} | Acquires specified player's target if that player has enabled target assistance using /noassist |
/away | Same as afk. Type /away or /afk to turn off |
/capitalize | Capitalize the last two letters at the end of your name if they are: JE/JS/JD/JW/JT or TT/TE/TS or PW/PS/PP (others?) |
/chat friends {player} | Adds a player to your friends list. Case sensitive. |
/chat ignore {player} | Adds a player to your ignore list. Case sensitive. |
/craft # | When at a Terminal use /craft # before selecting Manufacture to build the specified amount. Only works for ammo and components. |
/credit kill {player} | Allows you to pick another player or group leader looting rights. |
/delag 100 | Turns delag switches ON. (Advisable to use this command before participating in a Raid to stop your game client getting overwhelmed. See also "/packetopt"). |
/displaydps | Shows approx damage per second (DPS) for the next single weapon fired after the command. DPS Comparisons are available in the Wiki via the Category:Game Mechanics page. |
/endtalk | Ends NPC chat if you are stuck in a talk tree. |
/fmu | Force's Mission Update. |
/fps | Displays the user's frames per second. |
/gc demote {player} | Demotes Guild Member. |
/gc promote {player} | Promotes Guild Member. |
/gc recruit {player} | Recruits New Member. |
/gc transferleader {player} | Transfers Guild leadership to player specified. (must be in same sector) |
/getgmitems | Recover items assigned to you by a GM into your inventory cargo space. |
/greactor | Shows % of reactor level of group members. |
/greactormax | Shows Capacity for group member's reactor. |
/group accept | Accept a group invitation. |
/group disband | Allows the leader of the group to disband the group. |
/group help | Shows a brief help screen on the use of /group commands. |
/group invite | Invites the targeted player to join your group. Use /invite if you can't target a player. |
/group kick | Allows the leader of the group to kick the targeted member of the group out. |
/group refuse | Decline a group invitation. |
/group remove | Allows you to remove yourself from a group. Please note that if a group leader uses /group remove this will disband the group. |
/gu | Sends text to guild channel. |
/hidelogins | Toggles ON/OFF notification of player logins. |
/hidedebris | Turns on/off sector effects like "fog" etc. Use before entering sector or dock/undock after useing to activate. |
/invite {player} | Invites a player to your group. |
/lastminer | Shows the last miner (player name) of the targeted resource. |
/leavegroup | Removes you from your player group. |
/loot | Shows what % of damage you contributed to the target. |
/loot add {player} | Gives the specified player looting rights for the targeted corpse. |
/loot gadd {player} | Adds the specified player's group to the looting list for the targeted corpse. |
/loot gremove {player} | Removes the specified player's group from the looting list for the targeted corpse. |
/loot release | Releases all looting rights for the targeted corpse. |
/loot remove {player} | Removes the specified player's looting rights for the targeted corpse. |
/makeleader {player} | Transfers group leadership to the targeted group member. (NB: Only appears to work while in space) |
/noassist | Enable target assistance, allowing others to acquire your target using /assist {playername} |
/packetopt {on/off} | Changes your UDP packet size. On = 1400 or Off(Default) = 512. You can also use an explicit value, e.g. /packetopt 1400. Advisable to use this before engaging in a Raid to help your game client handle the heavier data load. See also the "/delag 100" command. |
/petition | Displays whether a GM is available in-game. |
/postloot {channel} | Displays various item stats of the opened loot window to the specified chat channel. Or use '/postloot lite' for a shortened summary of /postloot information in Local channel. |
/quit | Exits the game immediately. This will work for some lower-intensity game crashes and is quicker than using Task Manager to kill the game client. |
/random {Min} {Max} [channel] | Randomly generates a number between the values specified. Channel values: 1=Local/2=Guild/3=Active Private channel. Typically used to divide up Raid loot, where the person in the raid group who rolls the highest/lowest number wins the item. |
/range | Displays range to target, center and edge. |
/register | Displays the station that you are currently registered with. |
/reply | Send a message to the last player that sent you a tell, can also use /r. |
/resetcolor | Sets all chat channel text colors to default. |
/resethud | Sets HUD values to default. |
/restoreinv | Destroys everything in your cargohold. |
/rp | Sends a message to the RP channel. |
/rpoff | Turns off the RP channel. |
/rpon | Turns on the RP channel. |
/seecolor {channel} | Shows the text color of the specified channel eg: broadcast, general, group, guild, local, market, ooc_channel, tell |
/self tag | Toggles ON/OFF your avatars name tag. |
/setcolor {channel} {R#} {G#} {B#} | Sets channel text color to RGB numbers specified .0 to 1, eg: /setcolor guild 0 1 0 sets text to green. 1 0 0 = red, 0 0 1 = blue, 1 0 1 = purple. Each RGB value can have one decimal place and can range from 0.0 to 1.0. |
/setdecal | Sets the guild decal (if any) onto all guild members ships, and will also remove it from any ex-members who still fly it. |
/sethud closedist {value} | Sets the distance, in k, at which icons will appear at 100% size to you, Default = 1000. |
/sethud fardist {value} | Sets the distance, in k, at which icons will appear at their smallest size to you, Default = 6000. |
/sethud minscale {value} | Sets the smallest size, as a percentage, at which icons will appear, Default = .50. |
/shieldwarnings X {1 2 3 4} | Changes shield warning notice (i.e. /shieldwarnings 1 will turn them off.) 1 = off, 2 = 25%, 3 = 50%, 4 = 75%. |
/showdamage | Toggles ON/OFF showing damage type taken. |
/starbase reset | Resets your avatars position in the current starbase to the middle of the main deck. |
/tell {player} | Sends a private message to the player specified, can also use /t. |
/time [UTC offset] | Shows current GMT time. Supply UTC offset for local time. |
/tip {player} {amount} | Sends the specified player the indicated amount of credits. (maximum : 10M) There is a 10% fee for tips sent outside your current sector. |
/trade {player} | Opens trade window with player, must be grouped and in the same sector (not in stations). |
/unstuck | For use when stuck due to packet drops at a Terminal. Note - you must click on a job before using this command at a job terminal. |
/uptime | Shows the time the server has been running from the last restart. |
/who | Shows how many characters are logged into the server. |
/whoall | Shows everyone who has not opted out that is logged into the server and their location. |
/whosector | Shows how many characters are in your current sector. |
/whoguild | Lists guild members in your current sector. |