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From Net 7 Portal Wiki

The emulator provides limited functionality for players to organize themselves into guilds, as in live.

Ranks and Permissions

The permissions assigned to each rank are fixed and cannot be changed. You can change the name displayed for each rank. In order to change the permissions for a guild member you must promote/demote them, one rank at a time, to a rank which has the desired permissions as shown below. The permissions that affect other members (Promotion, Demotion, Removal) can only be used on other members of a lower rank.

Rank Default Permissions
0 Recruit None
1 Apprentice None
2 Petty Officer None
3 Master Chief None
4 Ensign Recruit, Promote/Demote
5 Lieutenant Recruit, Promote/Demote
6 Commander Recruit, Promote/Demote
7 Captain Recruit, Promote/Demote, Kick, Set MOTD
8 Commodore Recruit, Promote/Demote, Kick, Set MOTD
9 Admiral Recruit, Promote/Demote, Kick, Set MOTD, Rename ranks
10 Founder Recruit, Promote/Demote, Kick, Set MOTD, Rename ranks, Transfer Leader, Disband


Guilds can be managed a few different ways:

  • In-game through the Guild Information panel (Group -> Guild Info)
  • From the website (Guild -> My guilds)
  • In-game through slash commands (/gc)

Some functionality is available from multiple of these while other things can only be done in one.

Function In-game Guild Info My guilds In-game Slash Commands
Rename Rank
Stats Visibility Public/Private
Transfer Leader/Founder
Set Guild Advertisement
Set Live Decal/Logo

Guild Information Panel

NOTE: The "Show Stats", Contributions, Demote, and Tag buttons here do not work / are not implemented. My guilds

Under Guild Info set the MOTD, stats visibility, and rank names.
Under Guild Members, right-click to Promote, Demote, or Remove/Kick
Under Guild Advert set an ad that will be visible on the website
Under Guild Decal upload an image that members can display on their ship in-game!

Slash Commands

The default in-game help shows a large set of /gc commands (when run by itself with no parameters), but unfortunately this list is not accurate and many of these have not been implemented:

Available Guild Commands:
/gc list all
/gc list offline
/gc list online
/gc list active
/gc list inactive
/gc create
/gc recruit
/gc promote
/gc demote
/gc remove
/gc leave
/gc disband
/gc stats
/gc message
/gc publicstats
/gc contributions
/gc tag
/gc rankname
/gc view
/gc permission[s] list
/gc permission[s] add
/gc permission[s] remove
/gc set maxpromote
/gc set mindemote
/gc set maxremove
/gc set active
/gc set inactive


Command Description
/gc create {guild name} Create a new guild with the name {guild name} (requires a full group and 10K credits (they won't be taken, you just have to have them).
/gc recruit {player name} Recruit {player name} into the guild.
/gc promote {player name} Promote {player name} up one rank.
/gc demote {player name} Demote {player name} down one rank.
/gc remove {player name} Remove {player name} from the guild.
/gc leave Leave the guild on the current character.
/gc disband Disband the guild (Founder rank only).
/gc message {new motd} Set the guild message of the day (113 character limit).
/gc publicstats {on|off} Make the guild statistics public (on) or private (off).
/gc transferleader {player name} Transfer the Founder rank to another player. This command is not documented anywhere in-game.

Not Implemented

Command Description
/gc list all Gives no error, but also gives no output despite making a sound like it did so this seems to be bugged.
/gc list offline Invalid command.
/gc list online Invalid command.
/gc list active Invalid command.
/gc list inactive Invalid command.
/gc stats Not implemented yet.
/gc contributions Not implemented yet.
/gc tag Not implemented yet.
/gc rankname Invalid command.
/gc view Invalid command.
/gc permission Invalid command.
/gc permission list Invalid command.
/gc permissions list Invalid command.
/gc permission add Invalid command.
/gc permissions add Invalid command.
/gc permission remove Invalid command.
/gc permissions remove Invalid command.
/gc set maxpromote Invalid command.
/gc set mindemote Invalid command.
/gc set maxremove Invalid command.
/gc set active Invalid command.
/gc set inactive Invalid command.


  The Guild Info in-game will stop working consistently once a guild roster approaches ~600 members. It is suspected that this is due to exceeding a max packet size, query length, or data structure when retrieving the guild info from the server. As a workaround you must keep the number of characters in the guild below this soft limit.
  The Demote button in the Guild Info panel is always greyed out and the /gc demote command must be used instead.
  The Tag button ("Tag a Guild Member with a label.") in the Guild Info panel shows a pop-up for a tag, but when you press OK it just says "Not implemented yet."
  The Show Stats button ("View statistics of a Guild.") in the Guild Info panel shows a pop-up for a guild name, but when you press OK it just says "Not implemented yet."
  The Contributions button ("View member contributions to the Guild.") in the Guild Info panel just says "Not implemented yet." when pressed.
  /gc list all gives no error, but also gives no output despite making a sound like it did.