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Green Initiative : You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached ..

From Net 7 Portal Wiki

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Mission giver Mr. Beeker
Mission requirements Completed step 5 of mission Green Initiative : Why did the chicken cross the road ?
Mission reward

Obtain various raw genetic materials and then have them refined by local researchers. Return the refined samples to Mr. Beeker for processing into the Universal Recombinant DNA.

NOTE: Before beginning this mission gather 5x Decayed Terran Head, 5x Decayed Progen Head, 5x Decayed Jenquai Head, and 3x Eggs (wormhole damage all the way down to 1% is verified as still being accepted). You can find the locations at each of those links.


  1. Obtain 5 Decayed Terran Heads (L2) and then take them to Dr. Sacha Ileiko in Jagerstadt City on Zweihander planet
    • If you have any problems when handing in the heads, move them around in your cargo or click the sort button and the mission should update.
  2. Have Dr. Sacha Ileiko refine the Terran DNA sample
    • Kill the exceptionally large blue plant outside Jagrstadt City. Then return to see if Dr. Ileiko has your samples processed and ready to go.
      • The CL15 Audrey the Weed Popper is found near nav EarthCorps Research Station.
    • Get the refined sample. Get off the planet.
      • Completing this step rewards 100 Hyperia Explorers faction.
    • Obtain 5 Decayed Progen Heads (L2) and then take them to Ioanna-J Deinon in Porvenir Mons on Endriago planet
      • Have Ioanna-J Deinon refine the Progen DNA sample
        • Use the wormhole to travel to the Risco moon and scan the GetCo Sleeper ship that crashed there. Return to Ioanna-J with the results.
          • Return the scan results. Get your refined sample. Get away from the planet before you get trapped into doing something else.
            • Completing this step rewards 100 Sabine Explorers faction.
          • Obtain 5 Decayed Jenquai Heads (L2) and take them to Hsing Fu'un on Paren Station
            • Have Hsing Fu'un refine the Jenquai DNA sample
              • Acquire some eggs for Hsing Fu'un.
                • Return to Hsing with the eggs. Get a sandwich to go.
                  • Completing this step rewards 100 Sha'ha'dem Explorers faction.
                  • Allegedly 0% quality eggs, from wormhole damage, will NOT count. But I was able to confirm that he will accept both 1% and 2% quality eggs, so you would have to wormhole around quite a lot to damage these eggs enough that he wouldn't accept them. This is probably not a concern except of the most extremely delayed completion of this mission.
                  • 0% eggs worked for me Doctor (talk) 22:51, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
                • Return to Mr. Beeker on Ishuan Station to process the refined DNA.


                • Access any terminal if any of the NPCs don't want to talk to you about this mission and it should advance the mission so that you are able to talk to the NPC. Alternatively, if you find you can't progress, try moving the heads around in your cargo or hitting the sort button.
                • The in-game mission has strange punctuation (i.e. double period) and spacing which exactly matches the title of this page "Green Initiative : You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached .." which is why this page is named the way it is.