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This is a list of websites that you may find to be of interest. They are divided into several categories, as follows:
- Internal websites: run by the emulator team: these include and this Wiki.
- External websites, which have subcategories:
- Reference/Information sites (useful for gameplay)
- Guild websites
- Nostalgia pages (old pages surviving from the "Live" era (the game's original commerical existence, from 2002-2004)). Some of these links may point to archived versions hosted by the Internet Archive's 'Wayback Machine" website.
- Videos: game reviews (YouTube, Rumble, BitChute, etc)
- Videos: other (YouTube, Rumble, BitChute, etc)
If you discover a website out on the interwebs that should be listed here, please add it to the relevant section!
Internal Websites
- NET-7 Home
- NET-7 Database (for all ship equipment, loot, & other items)
- NET-7 ENB Forum
- NET-7 Server Outage Page
(ATTENTION: Please don't post anything except notification of a server outage to this discussion thread, as adding a message will ping the server administrator. If somebody has already posted a message about a current outage, please be considerate and wait a few hours before posting another, to spare the admin from a blizzard of automated Forum email alerts. The admin has a real life too! - NET-7 Donation Page
ENB continues to run on a lot of love & enthusiasm for the game, but unfortunately servers need maintenance, rental, and continually drink electricity. This means that a little bit of dosh is needed, to keep the lights on. If you can, please remember to spare some dollars or doubloons from time to time! Even if you're only able to afford a dollar or two, every little bit helps toward keeping the game's modest ongoing costs covered! - NET-7 Wiki (this is a self-referential link to the Wiki's Home page).
External websites
Reference/Information Websites
- ENB Gearlist (A database of ship equipment and mob locations)
- ENB Maps (THE place to find comprehensive cartographic information about the ENB galaxy!)
- Another Earth & Beyond Wiki
- AutoHotkey Did I say this one out loud? Be careful as you are on the edge of acceptability with this one... Per a Forum post, unattended gameplay is a violation of The Rules. If your alt or toon is suspected of being scripted, you'd better be around to respond to an admin's query in chat, or you run the risk of being booted!
Guild Websites (please list alphabetically)
- Epic Gamers
Nostalgia Pages
- Possibly one of the most famous original ENB fansites, and still online in 2022, although some features which linked to the official Electronic Arts (EA) website no longer work. Here you can find a list of the names of all 1,904 Guilds from the Live (2002-2004) era.
- Another premier ENB site from the Live era, with many interesting pages, such as maps, wallpapers, and a functioning javascript encoder & decoder for the V'rix "language".
- ENB CD images (courtesy of the Internet Archive)
- Wikipedia article: Earth & Beyond
- The Game Archaeologist: Earth and Beyond A review written 25Feb2017 about the original ENB, but without reference to the existence of the NET-7 Emulator.
- Gamespot: Earth & Beyond This site contains "Live"-era (2002-2004) news articles that were released about developments to the original game.
- GameSpy: Earth & Beyond Some news articles. GameSpy was a popular gaming website that was active from 1999-2013.
- Moby Games: Earth & Beyond This review website contains a list of Credits, naming the members of the original ENB Production Team.
- SourceForge search results for 'earth and beyond emulator' Shows a number of projects existed.
- IMDB: Earth and Beyond The Internet Movie Database page for ENB has photographs of the original ENB cast members!
ENB Game Review Videos
- BlackMaze Review: Earth & Beyond Gameplay (Net 7 Emulator Multiplayer) (YouTube 28Jul2014, 9m:38s) A professional-grade review.
- Earth & Beyond Combat / Gameplay (YouTube 24Dec2012, 7m:30s) A window-in-window review made while in-game.
- Earth & Beyond (Space MMO) - Extended Play Review (YT 12Mar2007, 2m:52s) A pre-release ENB review from 2002 by TechTV's (susequently merged into G4TV) "Extended Play" programme.
Other Videos
- Earth and Beyond Trailer (YouTube 23Jan2010, 1m:22s) The standard game-intro trailer which screens at start-up. (Mirror(s): YT14Dec2008 (1m:16s))
- Earth and Beyond Trailer - Remastered in 1080p! (YouTube 8Jun2021, 1m:13s + 21 secs of a bopping white cat. By SnazzyAI).
- Earth & Beyond PC Games Trailer (YouTube 20May2011, 1m:25s) A pre-Beta, pre-2002 trailer for ENB with a different version of the game's Intro music.
- Go Beyond! A fan-created music video from the Live (2002-2004) era, virtually a second (unofficial) game-trailer!
- Earth and Beyond OST (YouTube 29Mar2010, 14-track Playlist). All the Terran and Jenquai "Wander" music.
- 12 Days of Earth and Beyond (YouTube 3Dec2010, 3m:37s). A "Live"-era ENB Christmas Carol by the original ENB Dev team.
- Earth and Beyond TadaO full line of ads (YouTube 8Mar2011, 1m:03s) BIG! STRONG! WOW!
- Earth and Beyond Boom Boom (YouTube, 15Jul2008, 49s) An ENB-flavoured parody of Mazda's old "Zoom Zoom" car advertisements.
- Earth & Beyond: 12 Years Later - Terran Enforcer 1-8 (YouTube 22Aug2016, 1h:56m:20s) YouTuber Neiloch takes you through the start of his TE's journey.
- Earth & Beyond: Tour of Progen Systems (YouTube 24Sep2016, 8m:47s) A journey through Progen space. No narration, but a thumping Progen-friendly soundtrack. (Aug2024: the music has been identified: it's called "In a State", a track from 2004 by a band called Redanka).
- Earth and Beyond Life in Space (YouTube 13Mar2011, 2m:28s) A Static picture with the Emulator's URL and "E&B inspired" music. More or less an ENB advert.
- "EVE Online: Down the Rabbit Hole" (ENB Segment) This 6-hour documentary, first posted to YouTube on the 1st of November 2023, reportedly took 2 years to create. The link here opens the YouTube video at the point where Earth and Beyond starts to be discussed (at the 1 hr, 01 min, 34 sec mark).