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Talk:Junk Ores

Discussion page of Junk Ores

I did read the page and you are providing untrue information.

Some of those ores are used for components to build weapons, shields, engines, reactors, AMMO!, etc.

It doesn't matter if you can buy an item from a vendor. Why would I spend 300k credits on item to dismantle for 1 component? And 300k is being generous considering the prices of level 7,8 & 9 components. Why would I also waste time and credits to dismantle items bought from the vendor when I could just use the ores that I've farmed to make 200% quality components.

I am going to make edits the page to let players know what items can be made with each ore. Especially ores that are used for building ammo.

If you disagree then we can elevate this to a moderate/gm and I'll provide him with plenty of examples of how those items are NOT useless.

I had to waste my time and credits because you said those ores were useless and I wound up having to refarm the ores or waste credits that I don't have because I'm a new player.

Gullet (Gullet|talk) 05:54, 2 March 2019 (EST)

This page was coined, created and reviewed by players in {{[}}New Player{{]}} channel. It is unfortunate you were not around when that happened and all this could have been avoided. It is intended as a guideline to managing ores; not as a rulebook on what you, personally, should do with your ores.

Being a new a new player, you are also aware that you only build a Draco UGC 4 once for a Jenquai. And that the time in the time it takes to mine the ores for a set of L3 comps, you can make those credits 10 fold in other venues.

So, in short, I am aware these ores are used in a number of items. The page says so, but shall make it clearer that some items are used in items, ``for your benefit```.

Now on to the core of the matter:

--I had to waste my time and credits because you said those ores were useless and I wound up having to refarm the ores or waste credits that I don't have because I'm a new player.--

Quite frankly, i don't believe you and think you have decided to take particular issue with something that irked you. Because the page has 'a disclaimer at the top that it is not 100% correct as well as a Work in Progress.

If you wish to discuss pages in the future, please us the talk button associated with the page instead of bombarding the user-page of an editor with an angry rant and threats to moderation.

We have been able to update and manage the wiki in a pretty cordial manner so far and your tone and attitude seems counter productive to the whole process.

Leanne (talk) 06:07, 2 March 2019 (EST)

Awfully convenient that you've left out ammo. Yes, you will often make much more than just one reactor. You already know this so stop misrepresenting facts. With most players, multi-boxing and having multiples of each specific race/class combo, they'll often many of each level. Depending on the item, I've made well over 10 of specific level. Then there's the ammo which can run into hundreds and hundreds od stacks. Again... awfully convient that you've left ammo out.

It's sad that you don't see this from the side of a new player's perspective. A new player who comes across the inaccurate information in this page. I simply made an edit to try and save any other new players the hassle that I went through. Instead the edit was removed with a condescending note telling me to read the page. I would've sent him a private email, however, he has it disabled. I don't have mine blocked and it would've been nice to have been afforded this courtesy. So it's comical that you sit here, being talked down to again, about my attitude.

Quite frankly, I could care less if you believe me. All the two of you have shown is your open hostility to any new players who try to help out and save other players from making the mistakes that they've made to due to inaccurate information. All you seem concerned with is that someone has had the audacity to edit one of your pages that contains inaccurate information.

And yes, if my edits keep getting removed from a column that HE has there specifically for remarks about that ore, then yes, this is something that show be brought to the attention of a moderator.

Gullet (talk) 08:09, 6 March 2019 (EST)

Lets break things down;

Awfully convenient that you've left out ammo.
I have not conveniently left out ammo. They are not listed as junk ores, because this page is about mining/refining/selling. Ammo ores are kept raw/unrefined. You can view these on the page Useful Raw Ore
stop misrepresenting facts
Most players are not able to build their own components and equipment at 200%. They most often request builds from other players or simply use vendor-gear. If you pay attention to the assistance players receive in the in-game [New Player] channel, you know this. I do not see why you using multi-boxers as an argument helps your case, if anything they have more credits and don't have to mine.
I would've sent him a private email
A simple chat request in-game would have worked too, as would a PM on the forum, a net-7 mail using the net-7 site or starting a discussion on this topic. It seems you have let your anger get in the way of being constructive or civil.
All the two of you have shown is your open hostility to any new players
Words cannot describe how wrong you are on this point.
save other players from making the mistakes that they've made
The wiki is here to serve the entire playerbase, both new and seasoned. As such, this page is written with both new and older players in mind. It has been discussed with people with several OL150 characters, with people who are in the OL100 to 135 range, people who are currently on L4 gear. Even younger players have been talked with and their typical reaction is: I dont have a problem with ores yet, i will get to that when it starts being one.
this is something that show be brought to the attention of a moderator.
Even the action to remove your edits has been discussed in-game, to see if the proper approach was taken in doing that.

Please take time to get to know the needs of the playerbase, how information is used before presenting your personal viewpoint as the will of the playerbase. Because I do not think you have done so yet, or a number of unfortunate mistakes would not have been made in your latest argument.

Have a nice day.

Leanne (talk) 07:39, 6 March 2019 (EST)

Lets break things down;

Awfully convenient that you've left out ammo.
I have not conveniently left out ammo. They are not listed as junk ores, because this page is about mining/refining/selling. Ammo ores are kept raw/unrefined. You can view these on the page Useful Raw Ore

Then if this page is about refining and selling then you should rename it to something else then JUNK ORES and the first few lines that originally said "Some ores have no use other than giving you XP and credits. This page lists the ores which have no (or almost no) use other than to be mined, refined and sold to vendors.". Because when a new player comes across this page, they think it's exactly what it says... ores that have no use and can be vendored for xp.

Here's a great example on the list... Anumbium Ore. Here's just the AMMO that it's used for. There's probably another 50 items that can be crafted with it.

DragonBreath Missile, Black Dragonfly Chemical Missile, Chemical Rocket Type B, Chemical Rocket Type Z2, Explosive Rocket Type X2, Chemical Rocket Type X2, Explosive Rocket Type B, EMP Rocket Type Z2, Plasma Rocket Type X2, Modified Chemical Rocket Type B, PL-X4 Impact Round, Trebuchet Chemical Missile, Trebuchet Explosive Missile, PL-X3 Chemical Round, PL-X3 Impact Round, PL-X3 Plasma Round, PL-X6 Impact Round, PL-X6 Plasma Round, PL-X9 Chemical Round, PL-X9 Plasma Round, Modified Trebuchet Explosive Missile, Gray Dragonfly Plasma Missile, Purple Dragonfly Plasma Missile, Purple Dragonfly EMP Missile, ML-X6 Chemical Missile, ML-X6 Explosive Missile, ML-X9 Chemical Missile, ML-X9 EMP Missile

I can see why you ignored ammo. Clearly this is a useless ore.

stop misrepresenting facts
Most players are not able to build their own components and equipment at 200%. They most often request builds from other players or simply use vendor-gear. If you pay attention to the assistance players receive in the in-game [New Player] channel, you know this. I do not see why you using multi-boxers as an argument helps your case, if anything they have more credits and don't have to mine.

Again with your narrow viewpoint. It's inconceivable that a new player might be trying to level up and and become self-sustaining. As I level, I can build a 200% quality item, or close enough to it, so that I don't have to have others build for me. So that I can build as many items as I want so that I can level all as many progens as I want at the same time. Or all of my jes or terrans and any extras that I want to help level exploration xp. This ties in with your comment that I'm overreacting because you would only need "1" reactor. Again with your narrow view point.

I would've sent him a private email
A simple chat request in-game would have worked too, as would a PM on the forum, a net-7 mail using the net-7 site or starting a discussion on this topic. It seems you have let your anger get in the way of being constructive or civil.

I've tried taking this route with discussing general things and have found some players forum names aren't the same as their in-game names. It's not that unbelievable to think that if there's a discussion on a wiki subject that you would discuss it with the person on wiki through wiki messaging. Again with your narrow view point.

I also love how the two of you don't take your own advice. After I made the first edit, I sure as heck didn't get a msg in-game, or anywhere for that matter, to discuss why you felt my edit wasn't valid.

All the two of you have shown is your open hostility to any new players
Words cannot describe how wrong you are on this point.

This discussion makes it abundantly clear. The hostility that I've been treated with while trying to make a simple edit to help other players makes it crystal clear.

save other players from making the mistakes that they've made
The wiki is here to serve the entire playerbase, both new and seasoned. As such, this page is written with both new and older players in mind. It has been discussed with people with several OL150 characters, with people who are in the OL100 to 135 range, people who are currently on L4 gear. Even younger players have been talked with and their typical reaction is: I dont have a problem with ores yet, i will get to that when it starts being one.

Now who's lying. All of my guys are ol60-70 and all have lv5 items and close to moving on to level 6. Or is it just your narrow view point? Just because it doesn't fit the play-style for you or the 1 or 2 friends you might have talked too, doesn't mean that it's the same for all.

And because you like to accuse people of lying, here's a few chars you can have devs or gms check out... gullet, gulletts, gulletstt, gulletsje, gulletpt.

In fact, I have level ol25ish that are already rocking level 3 items.

Again with your narrow viewpoint. So much for the Words cannot describe how wrong you are on this point..

this is something that show be brought to the attention of a moderator.
Even the action to remove your edits has been discussed in-game, to see if the proper approach was taken in doing that.

Please provide the moderators names so that I can talk with them as well.

Please take time to get to know the needs of the playerbase, how information is used before presenting your personal viewpoint as the will of the playerbase. Because I do not think you have done so yet, or a number of unfortunate mistakes would not have been made in your latest argument.

This is hilarious coming from you. Again with your narrow viewpoint. the difference in my edits compared to yours is that I am taking into account other playstyles. I am using a field that was designed for that very purpose. You're more concerned that someone had the audacity to edit your page.

It's absolutely ASTOUNDING that you're fighting me on using a field that was intended for the very purpose it's there for. All I was trying to do was say "hey this isn't a super useful ore, however, if you want to build these few items, you might want to hang onto some of this stack.".


You do you, sis. Leanne (talk) 20:11, 6 March 2019 (EST)

So then you don't want to provide the moderator names that you talked to?

A debate or a discussion requires people from either sides to see each others point. I have clarified the page to address your concerns. You are not willing to acknowledge that changes have been made specifically to address your concerns or how those changes fail to meet your personal needs.

So, i will repeat: You do you, sis. Leanne (talk) 20:43, 6 March 2019 (EST)

That's what I figured... you didn't talk to any like you inferred, while accusing me of lying. I'll reach out to moderators to fix the remaining issues and refer them to this discussion.

If that is what you need to put this matter to bed; go ahead. Leanne (talk) 20:49, 6 March 2019 (EST)

I will. Trying to work it out with you only results in hostility and accusations of lying, while being lied too.

Here's another example of your lies and passive-aggressiveness... "You are not willing to acknowledge that changes have been made specifically to address your concerns or how those changes fail to meet your personal needs."

I update ores like Anubium and Cadmium with possible uses in their Remarks section. What happens, is the edit gets removed because it doesn't meet YOUR personal needs and a hostile message is sent or left in the edit summary. Instead of understanding that it's not a completely useless or and just leaving the remark to help potential new or returning players.