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Item Page Naming
- Please follow the established standard for naming item pages, which is to use the exact in game name of the item. Do not include level indicators (except when they are a part of the in game name). For example, you recently created the page "Cyclo Power Binder VII", but the correct name is "Cyclo Power Binder". Or the page "Badger's Claw VI", which should be named "Badger's Claw L6". I'm sure we all appreciate the new content you are adding, but you are causing extra work for the rest of us when we have to correct these. Thanks! JoeTheDestroyer (talk) 22:09, 12 November 2013 (UTC)
- Also, make sure to include all punctuation. "DV-WP-X4 Roadrunner Plus MK VII" should be "DV-WP-X4 "Roadrunner Plus" Mk. VII". The easiest way to get things right is to look up the item on the Net7 DB, then copy-and-paste the name. JoeTheDestroyer (talk) 22:22, 12 November 2013 (UTC)