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Who I Am: | Many of you know of me, without knowing it's me you know of. My main toon is Shea, and I am the webmaster of the 61 Cygni website ( and it's mirror ( I am contributing to this wiki for the same reasons I began 61 Cygni, information needs to be free.
My Gaming History (in a nutshell): | I started being a gamer back in '82 when a friend of mine introduced me to AD&D. Since then I have never stopped gaming. Through the years I have played many different systems, and settings, but AD&D is still my favorite pen and paper game.
I also had a period of time when I played the trading card games as well, Magic, etc. My favorites of that genre were Rage, and Netrunner. I also played (and still play) Pirates CCG. I began the transition to digital gaming like many of my age group, with Doom. Moving from there to the Quake series, and further on to many other FPS titles, I eventually got tired of always having to do death matches when I played with other people. The big change to that came with Ultima Online. In that game I was finally exposed to a setting similar to the AD&D I always loved, and also had the ability to either cooperate, or battle against other people on a larger scale. Of course the graphics of UO were very limited, so I was always searching for something similar but better. While I always loved the fantasy aspect to gaming, the Sci-Fi settings also always intrigued me, thus my interest in a little game named Earth and Beyond. I was lucky enough to get signed up with Westwood Studios back during the closed beta test of E&B, and enjoyed every moment of my time there. I continued playing even when it began it's life as a pay to play game run by EA (booooooo). I played from the start of the retail game until EA (booooooo) shut it down less than 2 years later. After the death of E&B I searched for a game to play that would get me going, but never found it. Then one day while looking at stuff on youtube, I found a mention of an emulator project for E&B, looked it up, and still play it (for free) to this day. |
My Status: | I am quite lucky in that I am married to a lovely woman. While she is not a full gamer, she at least allows me to still game. Although she does enjoy the Diablo series, and many games on our Wii. I am hoping they will act as gateway games to get her into more stuff. |
My Pets: | I have two cats, Loki (30 pound Maine Coon Tom), and Sindra (7 pound Siamese Queen). |
Guild and Position: | Builders Inc., Member. |
Specialty Guild: | 61 Cygni, Sole member. |
My Characters: | ![]()
Other Games Which I Am Active In: | Guild Wars. |