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Note: This is a retired mission which has not been available for several years.
There's Snow Christmas ! - Mary Christmas:
- Note! If you pick the wrong answer at any time you will have to start over!
At Jove's Fury in Jupiter Sector, Sol, and talk to Mary Christmas on the dock.
1)There's snow Christmas!
1)A Merry Christmas to you too!
2)Disturbing News ! Please do tell...
1)I have yes!
1)That is awfull! Sure I'll help.
Go to Earthcorps High Command in Zweihander Sector, Alpha Centauri, and Talk to Erin Genung(level 2 Component Vender) in the market.
1)Mary Christmas has sent me to find out information on Santa's workshop break in!
2)Are you sure you dont know anything about it?
3)How about I slip you 1000 credits?
1)2000 Credits?
Give Erin 2,000 Credits.
1)You are welcome. Now how about some Information?
3)Oh! Snowmen! Ive seen them floating around!
1)So the snowmen were the ones who did it!
1)No Presents!! I must return to Mary Christmas and let her know!
Return to Jove's Fury and talk to Mary.
1)I have the information you requested.
2)It was the Evil snowmen, and they stole all the candy canes and presents!
1)It does yes.
1)Sure thing! Anything to save Christmas!
Mary asks you to collect 137 Stolen Presents and 137 Stolen Candy Canes.
Kill snowmen at any of the many locations all over Sol to collect the two items(Note the drops aren't effected by the snowman's level).
Return to Jove's Fury and turn in the two groups of items.
1)Yes I have. Is Christmas now saved?
1)That is not good at all, who will deliver all the presents!
1)Sure thing Mary Christmas, I wont sleep until I have found them.
Reward: 6499 of Trade experience,6499 of Explore experience, and 6499 of Combat experience
Go to Fenris Prime Observatory in Fenris Sector, Aragoth, and talk to Lonny Elfman in the lounge.
1)I found you at last! Mary Christmas has been looking for you.
2)Not at all. She will be happy you are found.
1)No, it was the Evil snowmen that stole all the candy canes and presents, but I've recovered them now and Christmas is back on track!
2)I sure will
1)Do tell?
1)Jak Grosson, not sure where I can find him.. Any ideas?
1)Sure think Lonny! Merry Christmas!
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Go to Mercury Station in Glory's Orbit Sector, Beta Hydri, and talk to Jak Grosson(level 5 component vender) and deliver his present.
1)Lonny Elfman sent me with this present for you. Merry Christmas!
2)You are welcome.
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Return to Jove's Fury and talk to Mary to tell her where Lonny is. She will ask you to find Donny Elfman next.
1)I did yes, he was in Fenris.
1)He told me that he was heading back to work, so Christmas is back on track!
Go to ECS Dauntless in Asteroid Belt Alpha sector, Sol, and talk to Donny Elfman in the market.
1)I found you at last! Mary Christmas has been looking for you.
2)Not at all. She will be happy that I found you.
1)No, it was the Evil snowmen that stole all the candy canes and presents, but I've recovered them now and Christmas is back on track!
2)I sure will.
1)Do tell?
1)Hishida Yujiro, not sure where.. Any ideas?
1)Sure thing Donny! Merry Christmas!
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Go to Paren Station in Kailaasa Sector, Capella, and talk to Hishida Yujiro(level 2 component vender) and deliver her present.
1)Donny Elfman sent me with this present for you. Merry Christmas!
2) I hope you enjoy it.
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Return to Jove's Fury and talk to Mary to tell her where Donny is. She will ask you to find Gunter Elfman next.
1)I did yes, he was in ECS Dauntless.
1)He told me that he was heading back to work, so Christmas is back on track!
Go to Trader's Fort in Ragnarok Sector, Aragoth, and talk to Gunter Elfman in the lounge(Note the name of the person in the NPC dialog to deliver the present to has a typo).
1)I found you at last! Mary Christmas has been looking for you.
2)Not at all. She will be happy that I found you.
1)No, it was the Evil snowmen that stole all the candy canes and presents, but I've recovered them now and Christmas is back on track!
2)Anything to save Christmas!
1)Bruce Witherin, not sure where. Any ideas?
1)Sure thing Gunter! Merry Christmas!
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Go to Net 7 in Saturn Sector, Sol, and talk to Bryce Witherin(equipment vender) and deliver his present.
1)Gunter Elfman sent me with this present for you. Merry Christmas!
2) I hope you enjoy it.
Reward: 1299 Explore experience
Return to Jove's Fury and talk to Mary to tell her where Gunter is. This will complete the mission and you'll be rewarded with the Snowball Launcher and 1,000,000 credits.
1)I did yes, he was in Traders Fort.
1)He told me that he was heading back to work, so Christmas is back on track!
1)Yey me!
(After this mission is completed find Old Saint Nick to start Santa Want Cookie !).
Reward: Most Freezing Snowball Launcher Mk. 1, 14,293 Explore experience, 6,499 Combat experience, 6,499 Trade experience, 1 million credits.
- First available Christmas 2013
- Retired sometime before Christmas 2015